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Clover Heart

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Posts posted by Clover Heart

  1. My personal suggestion is to learn how to draw real life, first and foremost. It might not seem as fun as drawing anime, but it'll be worth it in the long run. If you can draw real life, you can use those principals to turn it into anything. Starting from cartoons, however, is like trying to put a roof on a house before you've put up the walls.


    Take it from someone who started out drawing anime and only after 10 years of hitting a wall even attempted to learn -real- human anatomy. I really feel like I screwed myself over with that. I can't say I blame myself, really. There was nobody to tell me how to do things properly. I just liked to draw characters. But now, I feel like I'm constantly behind the curve. I've been drawing for, like, 15 years and I'm nowhere near pro, or even good for that matter. If I'd learned to draw realistically from the start, though, things might have been different.


    However, if you really wanna start drawing anime right away, I suggest checking out Mark Crilley. He has a ton of videos on how to draw manga and has been drawing manga for many years. He also has his own series of how to draw manga books, so if you're looking to buy, maybe take a look and see if his stuff is something you'd be interested in purchasing.


    Happy drawing! :) 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I'm trying to write a story. I intend for it to be a comic, eventually. Graphic novel style. The problem is that the story kinda sucks. It's basically just a fetch quest. And it's not really interesting. I was hoping for a lot of interesting lore and subplots, which I have in my head, but the actual story itself is linear and boring.




    So, here's what I have. There are 8 kingdoms in a land yet to be named. (Yeah, I know I gotta name more things, but this is still heavily in development.) Each kingdom controls a certain property of all the land and different kingdoms' properties affect others. The 8 properties are Time, Life/Death, Weather, Seasons, Growth, Night/Day, Water and Atmosphere. For example, time affects night and day and seasons. Seasons are affected by weather affect growth. Weather is affected by water and so on. Having effects on each other, I didn't plan to go into too much detail, except when conflict arises.


    Each of these kingdoms possess relics with allow them to control these properties. All relics are adorned with a magical gemstone which reacts with the blood of the royal family. However, if the relics cannot be controlled or someone else attempts to wield them, the property the relic affects will be thrown into chaos.


    Many years in the past, the land was unified under the ruler of a queen. Her royal court were knights and dames able to control one of the relics. One knight, Xyrvane (possible Zyrvane?) wanted to wield all of the relics in order to gain power and admiration. But he was stopped by the queen and was suspended in a magical case. From there, the land became divided into kingdoms, as the balance was upset and much fighting began to occur.


    As the queen had been gone for many years, her magic spell on Xyrvane gradually weakened until he was able to break free from the magic keeping him bound. However, he was in a weakened state, and unable to escape from the cave where he had been left. Two outcast sorceresses, Verzys and Berdyn, came across him. Xyrvane had yet one magical item left with him: a moonstone. He broke the moonstone in two, which then turned to the Onix Drop and the Hematite Drop. (Yeah, I know that's not how gemstones work. Just roll with it.) His command was for them to gather the relics so he could rise to power once again and seek vengeance upon the land. For this, the promised great power to Verzys and Berdyn for doing his bidding.


    The focus is on the princess of the kingdom of Dzerynzen named Lanmyre. Dzerynzen being the kingdom representing time, the relic of their kingdom is the Amethyst Hourglass. The hourglass passes sand at a rate of 50 years. At the Semicentennial Hourglass Festival, where the hourglass is turned in front of the entire kingdom by a member of the royal family, Verzys and Berdyn attempt to sabotage the festival and steal the Amethyst Hourglass. As they approach the hourglass, the necklace Lanmyre's mother gave to her as a memento begins to react with the hourglass and they're unable to touch it. The sorceresses leave.


    Everyone in the land possesses the ability to use at least some magic. The base level of that magic and whether or not it's honed affect how useful and powerful one's magic is. Magic is based around the emotions of the user. At that time, Lanmyre wanted to stop the sorceresses, so her magical will was to do something to prevent them from taking the hourglass. Her mother's moonstone linked her magical will to the amethyst of the hourglass and put a powerful protective magic around it.


    Lanmyre is the only one linked to the moonstone and the moonstone is the only object linked to all of the relics. In order to prevent the world from being thrown into chaos, Lanmyre must visit each of the other kingdoms in order to place a protective spell on the relics to prevent them from being stolen. 


    And along the way, she meets an outcast fairy named Zrid, a fire mage (whose name has done nothing but frustrate me from day one) who isn't confident in her abilities since she isn't happy about the nature of them, and a troll named Yarmid who's misunderstood because... he's a troll...


    And this is where I run into problems. From there, it just becomes a fetch quest. A race to get to the end. To get to each place to cast her spell on each relic. I suppose the end I was thinking of had to do with Xyrvane trying to destroy Lanmyre's moonstone or kill Lanmyre in order to destroy the bond to the relics and take control of them. I haven't figured out that much. But the main problem, I think, is that it just becomes too linear, too predictable and not really that interesting.


    I had a few thoughts about this. One was that perhaps it's more about revealing the story of how things came to be as the characters move forward, as the back story seems to be more interesting than the present story. I'd always planned the story to start at the Semicentennial Hourglass Festival, so that could actually work out, potentially. I'd just have to figure out how to make it more interesting and less like exposition. My other thought was that maybe it could function more as a "journey, not destination" sort of story. Like, the going through things is what the reader reads for, not so much the ending or the individual goals. Because I did intend to incorporate individual problems for each sort of chunk of the story, including areas with environmental obstacles as well as societal problems. But I don't know if it's all interesting enough to work out like either of those scenarios.


    I also have to figure out a lot more world building, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about everything. I definitely have ideas, but I don't know if I have enough ideas. 


    So, I guess, is this story okay or do I need to fix it? If I do, how can I make it more interesting and less fetch-questy? And what can I do to build more of the world?


    Also, I was wondering about a place to post once I get to the actual drawing stage? In the past, I've used Comic Genesis, Drunk Duck and Smack Jeeves. I didn't like Smack Jeeves at all. Drunk Duck was okay, but I didn't like the lack of customization. And Comic Genesis, while I liked the freedom of being able to design pages as I saw fit, I didn't like just about anything else about it. Does anyone have any suggestions for a place where the comic could be hosted?


    Your thoughts and comments are appreciated. Thanks!


    PS, sorry for posting this weirdly in limbo, for whatever reason. Huge thanks to whomever moved it to the correct location! :)

  3. The stupid freaking cell phone I have now. They're both prepaid, so they should be comparable, but, no. I've actually considered saving money specifically to fix my old phone so I can junk this stupid piece of shit. The only reason I got this one was cuz I thought since it's cheaper, it'd be the better deal. No. I should just have bought the more expensive one or gotten mine fixed in the first place, even if that meant being phoneless for a while. First, I had to do a massive fucking run-around to get this stupid phone. I had to return home 3 times just to get everything they needed. Fuck's sake. And, like, when I got it home, I immediately hated it. It's not cuz I had to run around to get it. Although that probably didn't help. It's cuz it's a piece of shit and they can't hide that it's a piece of shit. It's more expensive than the one I got 5 years ago. It has practically no features. My old phone had a translator. This barely has a calculator. And when texting, in order to change case, you have to press the button that many times. Meaning if I want an upper-case z, I have to hit the friggin button 8 times. That's insane. My 2003 Samsung dinosaur phone had a button for changing case, for fuck's sake! Changing to kanji sucks and takes too much time. I've turned into one of those people I said I'd never turn into: those who text as lazily as possible, sacrificing all grammar, punctuation and spelling in order to make a quick text. And believe me, if I didn't have a phone that came directly out of Satan's asshole, I would bother to take the time to make sure everything was correct. But no. It seriously takes too much time. I can never send a quick fucking text. It always has to be a freaking ordeal to sent a text. First it's gotta uncompress. Uncompress what, I have no fucking idea, but it's gotta uncompress its asshole, or some stupid bullshit like that. And then, like I said, it takes forever to write anything because you gotta press every freaking button 395474840`8319895751843 times. And then, it never wants to sent it right away. It's such a fucking brat. Why can't it just send it? No. It never sends it the first time, so I gotta go back into my unsent folder, dig out the e-mail, sent it again, and then -maybe- it'll send it. I never even use my phone anymore because it pisses me off just thinking of the stupid thing. I hate it more than anything I've ever owned. This has got to be the worst thing I've ever bought. And the sucky part is that I don't have any money and you kinda need a cell phone nowadays, especially since I don't have a land line, so I'm stuck with this piece of shit until I can either get a different one or fix my old one. It's seriously depressing. I should just have saved my money. Or splurged. Now I'm stuck with this gorilla's ass of a phone. Why is this piece of shit more expensive than my last phone when it doesn't do jack shit? When it doesn't have half the features of my old phone? When just looking at it makes me wanna smash it into the wall? Such a freaking rip off. I probably would have been better off without a phone. At least that would have been something I could have used: money. I know I complained about my phone in another topic, too, but goddamn! I just hate it so much! You don't know the rage simply possessing this phone fills me with. I don't even care, as soon as I can, I will destroy it and I will love every minute of it. I don't know if I've ever hated anything so much in my entire life.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I don't have a thinking voice. When I think of something, unless I'm thinking of something I'm going to say or something someone else said, I don't think in words. I think in feelings and concepts. Like, when I think "dog," I don't think the word "dog" or a picture of a dog. Rather, I think of the abstract concept of a dog. I think it's kinda different from how most people think. And sometimes causes me to be awkward and not relay myself in the best way... Even when I read, though, it's never in a voice. As I'm typing this now, there is no voice. It's just concepts putting themselves into words via my fingertips.

  5. I don't know why it rubs you the wrong way, but it rubs me the wrong way because he's being completely closed-minded. The quality of the show has consistently gotten better since time has gone on and the lore has not only deepened, but been largely reinforced. In my opinion, season 5 is one of the best, yet. It's a bit premature to say that, but I haven't seen a single episode, yet, that I didn't like, unlike some episodes. Also, he's being way too hard on the show. MLP is actually very good with its continuity. Is it perfect? Of course not. But it does tend to keep within the boundaries it's set, unlike practically most other shows. 


    As for the ep itself, I don't think it ruins the continuity of the show. I feel it's a really interesting aspect to explore, both within and outside the show. In the show, yes, it does tend to be an epiphany when someone gets their cutie mark. But have you never had an epiphany, only to realize you were wrong? Maybe not often, but it happens. That, and maybe it's not attempting to stay the most truthful to the story. Maybe it's, rather, attempting to make a story relatable to the viewer. It still doesn't inexplicably break continuity. It depends on your interpretation of cutie marks, obtaining them and what that all means. The fact that there is so much speculation on cutie marks is attests to the fact that cutie marks are not this one, definite thing. They're magical and mysterious and have never been explained entirely in full. So who's to say that this isn't keeping true to form? Really, it's about the way you -want- to see it.


    And I think that's what gets me about the start of this rant. He claims that people aren't willing to think about something critically and take it seriously, but then he's not willing to see the other side of the coin. I'll admit, I'm not 100% sure on what kind of commentators he's talking about, but if it's merely in defense of the show, I don't think the opinion should be ignored, nor do I think that person's claiming that the show is perfect, necessarily.


    That's the other thing: it's difficult to really talk about this, because I'm not sure precisely who he's talking about, in what sort of volume, what kind of things they're etc. However, being that I don't know these things, he just kinda comes off like a raging, butt-hurt doucher.


    I feel like I'm not conveying myself very well, either, the more I write. I think it all boils down to him taking everything way too seriously. And I know, he's an analyst. It's what they do. But at the same time, this isn't life-or-death shit, here. I think often, people like this get so wrapped up in criticizing the show that they forget to see it as a show. And I think that's probably what's happened here. Additionally, while he does specifically mention the YouTube analysis community, YouTube is a festering cesspool of bile and bullshit. If you're on it long enough and if you're big enough, you're gonna see some aggravating things. That doesn't mean the fanbase as a whole has stopped caring or can't think about the show in a deep, meaningful way.


    I'm very tired, so I think what I'm saying is deteriorating more and more the more I type. The bottom line is he's just being too hard on everyone, doesn't even wanna look at any good aspects of the situation and comes off as a complete asshat. He's pissy because he wants to be pissy. That is what I get out of this tantrum. And if this is the way he's gonna act about the MLP community, I say we're better off without him.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Why a pony at all? You could go with something that stands out more. Though I like the eyes on the first green one.


    MLP Has so many creatures like Griffins, timber wolves, and dragons. Could think outside the box and go with a Kirin even. 


    Because unicorn is master race.
    I dunno. I guess I never really thought of it. But I'm not that big into the other types of animals that exist in Equestria. I mostly just like the ponies. The only other one I particularly like is the Chimera, but that's out of MLP context. I don't like that the 3 parts are of individual consciousness. Or the orthros, but it isn't sapient. Also, most non-ponies are villains or antagonists. Also, I don't know how to draw most of those things... ._.
  7. Pink: It's abrasive, obnoxious and I can't stand it. I hate it for several reasons. First, it just hurts my eyes. It's just ugly to me. Second, being female agender, having this color I can't stand being associated with me and things people might give to me is super-obnoxious. Third, pink tax. It's just the worst.

    Red: This color's alright. I prefer deeper reds, but bright reds are okay, too. I particularly associate this color with sports cars. Not bad. I think it's probably my favorite of the warmer colors.

    Orange: Orange used to simply be a color I didn't really think too much about. I have a new-found appreciation for it in recent years. In terms of aesthetic, it doesn't do anything more for me than it did previously, but I'm now more willing to consider it when choosing a palette and overall, I just appreciate it more than I used to.


    Yellow: I'm okay with most yellows. I'd say the electric variety is something I'm not a fan of and there are definitely inappropriate times and places for it, but it's okay. It's adjacent to my favorite color, which means that it goes well with it a lot of the time, so I'll often choose this color to go with green. I like golden yellow and butter cream colors the best of any yellow.

    Green: This is the best color. I love green. I love almost every shade of green. It's just awesome. It's so versatile and has so many different looks to it. I really think my affinity for green is biological. One of my first memories is of me saying, "My first favorite color is green, my second favorite color is green, my third favorite color is green..." and so on. So from a young age, this has always been my favorite color. I suspect it might have to do with a certain conical makeup in my eyes. Because, as I said, pink hurts my eyes, and pink is complimentary to green. So, that's what I think. My favorite shade is this one. I love it.

    Blue: Blue is my third favorite color. It's very easy to match. It goes well with just about anything. It's also very calming. I use blue a lot.

    Purple: This is my second favorite color. Can you tell I like the cool colors? I like green and purple together. Also green, blue and purple altogether. But sometimes, purple can be difficult to match to other colors, so there's the downside, I guess. I prefer purples which are more bluish, like this one.

    Brown: I like wearing brown. I've always felt it goes well with my skin, but I don't really know if that's true or just a notion I have. As for using it, I have difficulty. When it comes to skin tones, hair or eye colors, it's fine, but using it in a background or in the overall composition, I struggle a bit more with, unless it's something that specifically has to be brown, like tree trunks or something.

    Gray: I really like cool greys for whatever reason. Like this. Another color I sometimes struggle with, but it has its uses. I seem to have a lot of grey clothes, for whatever reason...

    White: Well, not a lot to say about this one, I guess. It has its purposes. Not one I pay all too much attention to, but a decent color. Also, white allows you to be sneaky ; )

    Black: I really like black for whatever reason. Maybe because it goes with everything without feeling like negative space. I'd say it's probably my fourth favorite color. I also have a lot of black clothes. 


    So, I guess that's what I think about colors. Yup.

  8. I hate when people reply to what I've said but, one, don't quote or tag me in order to give me a notification that they've replied or two, don't mention my or anyone's name so I don't know if it's me they're replying to. But this doesn't really happen too often. If they haven't tagged me, I don't even know if they've replied so I'm unaware to be bothered by it.


    When people take a joke and turn it into serious, no-fun-times. That's just a pet peeve for life in general, though.

    • Brohoof 2
  9. No, I don't.  I don't see it either.  And as much as I like Weird Al, Cheese kind of irritated me.  He claims to have been inspired by Pinkie to become a party planner, yet he shows nor caring that he shoved her aside and stole her thunder?  The hell is that?  Is this some destroy-your-creator story?


    "You made me, and now I must destroy you."  Pffft.


    Cheese, himself, said he never intended to take her place. Everybody just kind of got swept up in the moment at the opportunity to meet somebody new.

  10. No, I don't. Because I ship Pinkie Favor. (Not technically, but I support the shipping of those two.) Also, like the OP said, Pinkie and Cheese are too similar. In fact, that was Cheese Sandwich's primary function: to be analogous to Pinkie. Party Favor, on the other hand, is more his own pony. He has similarities to Pinkie, in that they both (presumably) like parties, but they have different fortes and different priorities. Also, they have different looks. (Cheese is basically just a taller, male Pinkie Pie.) Also, from an aesthetic perspective, Party Favor's colors go better with Pinkie's coloring than Cheese's do. No matter which way you slice it, I think Pinkie and Party Favor go together much better than Pinkie and Cheese. Except the name. I don't think any shipping name could ever beat "Cheese Pie."

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I have a really weird pony waifu. It's Apple Cider. Do you even know who that is? No, of course you don't. Nobody does. Yeah, I'm really weird :\ I think she was only in, like, one episode. Her personality is something I've just imagined, and I think she'd be really nice and kind and polite, but also slightly adventurous.


    My husbando, on the other hand, is Shining Armor. I don't care that he's married. He's just so nice and noble and responsible, I <3 Shining Armor. And Braeburn. Because Braeburn.

  12. Even though Fluttershy's my favorite, I'd say Pinkie Pie. Flutters seems like she'd be really slender and also squeamish, which would make it not fun. Pinkie Pie, however, seems like she'd be totally into it. Also, she seems like she'd have a squishy belly XD


    what is a belly rub? im afraid google translate isnt cooperating


    To pet or stroke someone's abdomen. Like you'd pet a dog on their underside while they're lying down.

    • Brohoof 3
  13. Call me shallow, but I find physical attractiveness to be more important. That's not to say that personality isn't important. I believe a personality you like and a compatibility of personalities is incredibly important. The way I see it, though is like this: if two people had the exact same personality which was very compatible to mine, but one was hot and one wasn't and I only met one of them in this specific scenario, if I met the unattractive person, I wouldn't end up going out with them. If I met the attractive one, I would. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean they have to be super hot or anything. But if you're not attracted to them, how are you gonna have sex? Like I said, that might sound shallow, but it's just how I feel. I couldn't do it with someone I wasn't physically attracted to, no matter how great a personality they had. Overall, though, I say I'd need to be compatible with both. Looks without personality makes an emotional connection suffer and personality without looks makes the physical connection suffer. However, I feel like there's this almost conditioned response to this kind of question. Like people are expected to say that personality matters more. And to some people, it does. However, I don't think that putting a high value on physical attractiveness makes a person shallow. But I don't think it's a bad thing to consider both. It just comes down to what an individual needs. And my individual needs are that I need someone I won't be grossed out by when things start to get physical. And, again, keep in mind, these are just my opinions and my personal requirements. I'm not saying anyone else has to hold themselves to this standard. Rather, I think everyone ought to hold themselves and their partners to a standard that they feel comfortable with.

    • Brohoof 3
  14. Okay, I'm just gonna rearrange this whole post in order to throw out now irrelevant information and to prevent the post from getting super long. So parts of this I wrote before, parts I wrote just now.


    I kinda thought I'd like to make some videos about MLP and I thought I'd wanna make my own character. In previous times when I was gonna do this, I thought I'd have it be my Clover Heart OC, but there were... issues... with that. So instead, I wanted to make a new one to be a skin for myself. I drew and vectored this one:





    This is just a monochromatic version, so if you have any other ideas of your own, you can think about them easier.












    I kind of formed all the palettes around the one green color. Green is my favorite color and I like that color of green, so I wanted to incorporate it into my design. Also, I like cool colors. My favorites are green, purple and blue in that order. 


    While I liked the green as an accent color for the hooves, I wanted it to be more of a focal color. I think I might be leaning toward the purple one with the green mane, but making more contrast in the two mane colors like the blue-bodied one. What do you think?


    Also, which eye color is better, the more reddish color or the more yellowish color?


    I was also curious on what you thought about mane/tail style. I feel like the mane is similar to my hair without being too plain. The tail's pretty average, but I'm fine with that.


    Also, I don't really know how to go about choosing a cutie mark. I was actually considering leaving them a blank flank because in all honesty, I feel like that's what I'd be if humans had cutie marks. I've never gravitated too terribly strongly toward one thing or another. I do have hobbies but I really, really bounce back and forth between all of them. I was considering just making it a clover like Clover Heart's because I just really like clovers. However, clovers represent happiness and luck, neither of which I have, so I feel like that wouldn't be the best idea, either.


    Aside from all that, is there anything about this picture that does not work? I felt I did a fairly good job at it, personally.


    I realize that a lot of this is kinda personal, so I understand if anyone can't help me on some things (especially a cutie mark.) But I just thought I'd ask. Anyway, any help and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks! :)

  15. Because the 5 were all plus-ones for Twilight. The reason Twilight got two tickets originally was because Twilight was invited and she was given a plus-one. When she returned the tickets, she got 4 more plus-ones... Which makes it a plus-five, but I digress.


    Season 1 was the beginning of Twilight's time in Ponyville, the beginning of her friendships and the beginning of Princess Celestia getting to know them. So it makes sense why Twilight was the only one of them invited. It's probably standard policy to give everyone a plus-one to the Gala. However, by the time Make New Friends but Keep Discord came around, the mane 6 had had multiple interactions with the princess, multiple dealings in Canterlot and had basically saved the world on a regular basis. So this time, the mane 6 all got their own individual invites with their own plus-ones.


    In Best Night Ever, Twilight was the only one invited and everyone was Twilight's guest. In Keep Discord, everyone was invited separately with the option to invite their own guests.

    • Brohoof 4
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