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Clover Heart

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Posts posted by Clover Heart

  1. This may not be canon, but so much work was put into this that it must be true, right?


    I am impressed with whomever came up with this. However, this hinges on the assumption that pony race is hinged on a single gene. The thing that bothers me more, and bothers me about what a lot of what people are speculating, is the fact that we simply don't know enough about pony genetics in order to ascertain whether Mrs. Cake cheated. (Although, there is a subtle hint of it in the form of a joke in the show.) If we compare pony race to human race (and being that race is a social concept, I use the term loosely,) the things associated with it, such as eye color, hair color, hair texture etc. are affected by multiple genes. I think it's possible that pony race could also be affected by multiple genes, hypothetically. Then again, something like hair color is something that exists in a spectrum of colors, not simply a few easily named ones. Pony race, on the other hand, is very black and white, unlike the color of eyes or skin. (No pun intended.) You don't see any ponies with half-wings or half-horns or anything like that. They're either a unicorn, a pegasus, an earth pony or an alicorn, period. Like I said, though, we simply don't know enough about it, but if we're speculating, I don't think we should leave out that possibility.



    Okay, I guess if there's one I hate more than others, it's cicadas. They're so big and gross and creepy and I hate them all. But yeah, I hate anything with more than 4 legs. Except, like, crabs and lobsters and stuff. They're cool. Bugs, spiders, centipedes, NO.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Yes, I did. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, I went three days a week? I'm not entirely sure, though. It might have been every day. It was through the school district, but voluntary. So was kindergarten, actually, which I also went to.


    Anyway, I have a bunch of random, vague, fleeting memories of preschool, actually. Which is weird, to me. I think my memories of preschool are more numerous and clearer than the ones I had in kindergarten. I wonder why that is. Anyway, I remember learning how doing different things with your hands shapes clay in different ways. I remember, I had a lunch box with Mickey and Minnie on it and I always brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk. Other things, too, but I specifically remember bringing milk in a Thermos. I remember one time I brought string cheese and these boys were picking on me, saying that I was eating tree bark. (I have no idea.) I remember I'd brought Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol for the class to watch. I don't remember how that all worked, but I remember watching it. I remember when coming back home, my brother and mom were talking in the car, and my brother mentioned how cartoons were just a bunch of drawings, though I don't remember the context. When I told this to my classmates, they all laughed at me and made me feel stupid, despite the fact that I was right. I remember that mid-day, we'd have nap time and we'd get to sleep on cots. But I never slept during nap time. I just laid there. I remember that I had a heart-shaped pillow and a yellow and white knit blanket. I think my mom still has both these things. Actually, I think we use the blanket for the dogs, cuz it's small. One time I got in trouble at nap time. But I don't remember why. I was probably being disruptive. They annexed me to a different area that the other kids so I wouldn't bother them. I remember that one of the teaching assistants or something like that was making something. I think it was pudding. I was very interested in what she was doing, but anytime I'd try and look and see, she'd put me back into position on the cot. I remember this one girl brought in one of those dolls that eats. Specifically, this one. I didn't wanna play with it, I wasn't ever into dolls but I wanted to know how it worked. But she wouldn't show it to me because she didn't like me.


    I guess that's what I remember of preschool.

  4. I'm doing this "don't break the chain" thing that I heard about a little while ago. I've gone almost for a full month, now, drawing every day. Last night, it was kinda late, so I just wanted to do a small doodle, just to bump it off my list without it taking too much time. I drew this: 




    Even though it's just a doodle, I think this is one of the better pony pics I've drawn by hand. I liked this design, so I decided to draw it again today in more detail. I drew this just now.




    I like how it turned out. I thought it looked a little plain, though, so I gave her a locket. Originally, I was gonna name her Love Wish, but I thought it sounded way too G3. Since I gave her a locket, maybe something pertaining to that? But I dunno.


    I'm not so sure about her being a unicorn, though. I think I maybe wanna make her into an earth pony. My OC, Clover Heart, I was thinking of giving her a few more friends. There's Midknight Courage, who can be seen in my profile. I drew a potential pegasus stallion at one point, but I don't know where I wanted to go with that. That one's still up in the air. But if he's one of her friends, I think I'd want to make the above OC into an earth pony for balance. My thing I was thinking if she was an earth pony was that she could specialize in making love potions or something like that. Or, alternately, potions related to emotion in general.


    I was thinking of making her lavender with a light yellow mane. Any thoughts? Opinions on other color options?


    Anyway, that's what I have for now. Let me know what you think :)

    • Brohoof 5
  5. No. I'm not a fan of tattoos. In particular, I'm not a fan of tattoos of very specific things, like characters of shows and stuff. To get someone else's art style down properly is very difficult. If it's a more general thing or at least something that doesn't have a very specific preconceived image associated with it (like a dragon, there are tons of variations to be had) then there's more room for error and correction. With a character, however, if there are any imperfections, it's very, very obvious. It's very difficult to do this kind of tattoo right. The only way I could see it working if it were tribal style or if it were, like, a fan done image that deviates from the art style of the show. If I had to get a tattoo, I'd get a white tattoo of some sort of design. Or maybe a white wedding band tattoo. Those are the only ones I'd really consider, but even then, I really, really don't think I'll ever get a tattoo. It's just not for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I love dogs. Let's talk about dogs. What's your favorite breed/s of dog and why?


    My favorite for a long time, until recently, was the Italian greyhound.



    The only thing that really bugged me about iggys was that they have short hair, and I prefer dogs with long hair. Then I discovered the long-haired whippet.






    Look at how beautiful and majestic they are. They're like more regal miniature borzois. In general, I like sighthounds, especially iggys, whippets and greyhounds.




    I like their personalities, I like their rooing. I love the fact that they're so sight-stimulated. Most dogs don't see a lot of the things we do but sighthounds do. Sight is one of our main forms of interaction with the world, but for dogs, it's usually sound and smell. But with sighthounds, you get a dog that can understand that aspect about human life, and I feel like that makes for a deep, rich connection with them. But the long-haired whippets are by far the most attractive, so it gets them an extra point :3 I'd also heard that they have more gentle personalities than smooth whippets, so even more points! :D


    I also like cocker spaniels.



    Spoilers, not my dog.


    I have one and she's so awesome. I love her. I like spaniels in general as well. They're always happy and they wanna please you. Spaniels are great. I also love Cavaliers and Springer Spaniels. 



    Especially in Prince Charles, aka tricolor.


    Especially liver (chocolate brown.)



    I guess we can do the inverse question, too, if people wanna answer it. What's your least favorite breed of dog and why?


    I like dogs so much, I don't really think I have a least favorite. Just ones I'd be less likely to own. Which I think is totally fair. You need to get a dog that you understand, that fits with your lifestyle and that's gonna gel with you. But that doesn't mean I don't like them. If there's one I can say I don't really care much for, it's the vizsla.




    I used to work at a dog daycare center. Of course, there were nice, well-behaved dogs and annoying little shits of all types. There was just this one vizsla, however, in particular that I did not like. He always wanted to jump on everyone and he was extremely mouthy. He bruised my arm with his bite on multiple occasions. I'm lucky he never drew blood. I know it's not fair to judge all dogs of a breed based on the behavior of just one, but the experience just kinda soured me on vizslas. Though I think if I met a nice vizsla in the future, my opinion would probably change.


    Anyway, favorite breeds, least favorite breeds, go.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. T-shirts and pajama pants or sweatpants. I have a few sleeveless shirts and a few long sleeved shirts. I also have a button-up shirt that I throw over my t-shirt when it's cold. I don't usually wear anything on my feet. I don't like wearing socks to bed. Or in general. And I'm not really much for slippers, usually.

  8. Someone I can be myself around, feel comfortable around and basically don't have to hide anything from. If I feel like I have to be "on" around someone or if I feel like I'm altering something about my personality, filtering my typical dialogue or in general just uncomfortable, I don't consider them a friend. That might be why I have so few friends...

  9. I actually really, really hate Jeff the Killer as a creepypasta. Apparently, I'm not the only one who feels this way. In fact, I started a review channel for creepypastas and my first review is gonna be about Jeff the Killer and how bad a story it is. ...Just saying...


    Anyway, this is about creepypastas we like, not ones we hate, so I'll leave it at that.


    I liked Penpal so much, I bought the book. I haven't had much time to read it, but what I have read is really great. It's a really different experience reading it as a novel than it is hearing someone dictate it. I feel like it builds really well and reveals just enough to engage the reader. It's really great.


    I liked NoEnd House. I really liked the premise of it and, I dunno, the details were really good.


    XoRaX was great, but I can't talk about it too much without spoiling it. I'll just say that the details were really well done.


    1999 is another really good one. I think it might be an ongoing pasta, so I'm waiting for updates.


    Some others I liked were Dear Abby, My Best Friend Never Happened, the origin story for Laughing Jack.


    Of all of those, I think Penpal and XoRaX are probably my favorites.

  10. I don't think Youtube will take this as a serious case :(


    If enough people complain, they might. I just wanna know if this falls under harassment/bullying as is written in the box to report someone. Cuz if not, I don't wanna bother others with complaints about nothing. But if so, I would, actually, like to report them. I wouldn't even care so much if I didn't care about the standing of my YT channel.


    At the same time, though, I think they can be gotten on a DMCA. These videos are uploaded by them, and though they claim fair use, these videos seem to be, straight up, the originals. No alteration, no commentary, no parody, nothing. Just straight up things that other bronies have posted. And given the name of the channel, I'm pretty sure that none of the original uploaders have approved of the usage of these videos. There's also no accreditation nor mention of the original uploaders. So, there's that.

  11. @, I use Anvil Studio. It basically only does MIDI, so if you're okay with that, then go for it. It's free, so that might be a good starting place. It might also be good for basic composing. You can listen to the music while you're writing it, so it's easy to spot mistakes and things like that. While I was taking music theory in school, though, we used a program called Sibelius. Compared to Anvil, Sibelius is, no doubt, the superior program, but you do have to pay for it. They offer free trial modes, though. However, if your goal is to use either to produce music, well, it's all gonna sound like MIDI, so... yeah. If that's not what you're going for, you might wanna start your own topic and ask people what other music software they use. If you have a Mac, I hear a lot of people are happy with Garage Band. However, I'm unfamiliar with any other programs for making music. Hope this helps! :)

  12. spider-burn-house-down.jpg

    Seriously, I have a very serious phobia of bugs and spiders. And not a phobia as in a colloquial way of referring to one's fear. An actual phobia. I found a cockroach by the sink as I was washing my hands one day. It had me in tears for 20 minutes, completely out of my control. That is how severe my phobia is. I had to wait for my partner to come home so he could spray it to death, then dispose of it. If I'm capable and not in a compromised position (like in a corner,) I'll attempt to kill it. To those who think that's cruel, crying for 20 minutes. And not just some sniffling. An absolute meltdown. That's what will happen until I feel it's no longer a threat. This is for the sake of my sanity. I try to kill it in the most distant ways possible. If possible, I use something chemical so I don't have to touch it. Something potent, like mold killer. Otherwise, I try to use something long, like a mop, so I don't have to touch it. If it's on the floor, I might vacuum it, but I can't pick it up, even in a tissue. Even when I vacuum them, though, I feel gross, feeling them go into the tube. Cuz they're hard, so the kinda clank in the tube until they're in the bag. So gross.


    Yeah, I know it might sound ridiculous, but it's a phobia. That's just how it is. I'm working on this in therapy, but I'm definitely not there yet.

  13. The quality of the audio is better in the second video, but I think you really need to turn down the game audio. It's competing with your voice, and it can be difficult to hear you. I'm a Let's Player, as well, and this is something I tend to struggle with as well. I don't know what recording software you use, but I highly recommend getting Audacity, and then fixing the audio in post. What I do is I look for all the peaked waveforms, bring the volume down on them and then amplify the entire track. I also recommend recording the game audio and your voice separately, if you're not already, to make it easier to adjust the levels independently. If that's not possible, though, just turn down the game volume.


    I think you need to bring the viewer into the experience more. It's a Let's play. I'd talk more like you're talking to an audience. I like how you addressed the audience at the end, but you didn't really so much in the beginning. I think it's more important to address them in the beginning, because you need to hook your viewer. One good way to do this throughout the video is to say "we" instead of "I." It makes the viewer feel like they're a part of what you're doing. Another good thing you can do if you want to spark direct interactivity is to straight up pose questions. I did some special videos for Halloween, and I just asked my audience what they were doing for Halloween and what they were going as and got some responses. It's a good way to get people to comment, if that's what you want.


    I'd heard someone say that it's good to get consistency down in your videos. Thinking of them like episodes. Cuz they basically are. So maybe, giving the same spiel in the beginning and the end. For me, my spiel isn't so concrete, and I should really work on that. But basically, to open, I say something along the lines of:


    "Hey, guys! This is Zexonyte We're playing [Game title]." Sometimes I say "welcome back" and sometimes I follow that up with where I am in the game or where we left off. 


    To end, I typically say what I plan to do next time (which you did) and I end with:


    "Hopefully, I'll see you in the next video."


    It's almost like my catchphrase, now. Anyway, look at some other LPers, and see what they do. Game Grumps always has their theme song and they always say "Welcome back," and they end with a static screen. Markiplier and Natewantstobattle always end their videos with the exact same spiel every time. So maybe just look at what other people are doing and kind of get an idea about what you want to do.



    I could talk about talking, but that's something I think you just get used to with time. Maybe, again, watch other LPers and see how they talk and the kinds of things they talk about to sort of get an idea. But as far as just talking to nobody in front of a mic, it's something that takes some getting used to, and as you do more Let's Plays, you'll get a better handle on it, I think. One thing I can say, if it's just straight up talking about what you're doing all the time, I think people will get bored. Because they can see what you're doing. Rather, maybe explain why you're doing something in the way you're doing it. If it's a game you know, explain something about it that not a lot of people know, or give some history about it. Or you can talk about something completely off-topic, which keeps things interesting. In my LP of Ocarina of time, I've talked about peanut butter chocolate toast and Pokémon and a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with OoT. Makes things interesting.


    I kinda lost my train of thought with what I wanted to say. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Otherwise, yeah, study other LPers and adopt principles of what they do into your own videos. I think that's the best advice I can give. Personally, starting off much in the same way as you, I found that the more I've done that, the better my own videos have gotten. Just make sure you don't emulate anyone too much. You definitely still wanna retain your own style and the things that make you unique as an LPer.


    Hope this helps :)

  14. I'm a Let's Player. A really unknown Let's Player, but a Let's Player nonetheless.


    So, I would make videos when I had time. Now due to work, my time is very limited, so I need to do all my uploading when I have time off. In order to do that, I had to enable monitization, in order to schedule videos. However, I keep getting flagged for content ID because I use music from the games I play as intros and outros. Which I really liked doing, but not if it's gonna get me in trouble.


    So, I decided to make my own songs for intros and outros.


    For the intro, I potentially have one of these songs. It's actually just the same song at two different tempos:




    And for the outro:



    I was kinda going for something that sounded video game-y without being from any game. I wanted the intro to be short. The outro, I'm a little more okay with it being long. Were it not for that, I'd make the longer on the intro, but I think it's asking a bit much for someone to sit for 15 seconds before an episode starts. Especially since I'm trying to gain more viewers. Also, there's a small window of time to get someone's attention before they turn the video off. I think 5 seconds is alright. 15 is pushing it. Especially since Let's Plays are typically watched in tandem. I think it would be annoying to watch an LP where I had to listen to the same 15-second intro over and over when all I want is to get to the next part of the play through.


    My brother said that the slower intro sounded sorta like EarthBound, which is cool, cuz my username is taken from EarthBound. But the sped up one, I feel, is a bit more video game sounding. Also, it's a bit busy, but I thought that speeding it up made the business work in sounding upbeat, rather than cluttered. Also, shorter, so better.


    So, I guess, what do you think of my themes? Do they sound like video game music? Do they sound good? Should I head back to the drawing board? What should I change, if anything? Please let me know. Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks! :)

  15. Make it raaaaaaaaaaain!!!!


    Quit conventional work and start working on a whole bunch of personal projects. I have some things I'm working on right now, but haven't been able to make work due to lack of funds or time. I'd like to do those things.


    Aside from that, since I graduated, I've always wanted to go back to school. I'd like a degree in a relevant field. I'd also like to audit classes for things I'm just interested in. Can't really do that without money.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. My mom shared this page to her FB, and I thought it was interesting. I thought others might like to try it and would be interested in each others' results. I'm hoping nobody already posted this. I did a search and didn't find anything.


    So, here it is: http://snowflake.thebookofeveryone.com/specials/make-your-snowflake/


    You type in your name and your name makes a unique snowflake. Unless you have the same name as someone else... in which case, it makes the same snowflake...


    If you don't wanna use your real name, that's fine. Use your username or another name you go by. Post pics or links below.


    Here's mine: http://snowflake.thebookofeveryone.com/specials/make-your-snowflake/?p=bmFtZT1DbG92ZXIrSGVhcnQ%3D


    Have fun, and Happy Holidays  :D

    • Brohoof 2
  17. I find the top question weird. Everybody has an accent. The people around you appear not to because that's what you're used to hearing, but even the people where you're from have an accent. I have a Mid-West accent.


    I tend to speak softly and quickly, which makes people not understand me at the first pass, often. But I also don't understand why people don't get me? Volume and speed, I understand. But for whatever reason, a lot of people don't seem to understand the words I say? I don't know why. Maybe I have an unconventional speech pattern that's difficult for people to follow?


    I also have a hard time speaking, in general. When I write, I have next to no problems. When I speak, though, I have trouble finding words that I want and I have trouble reacting properly. When I write, it just feels natural. When I speak, though, it always feels like I'm constantly playing catch-up throughout the conversation. I think this has to do with the fact that I need some time to process the information that I'm hearing. I need time to ponder other opinions in order to formulate my own. That's how I prefer to go about basic discourse. However, when it's speaking, it's all very reactionary, and I get very little out of the conversation cuz there's not really any time to think about what's being said.


    I don't have any sort of speech impediment or anything like that.


    I guess that's how I talk. Hope that answers your question.

  18. So, first, I think it's important to note that I don't read. I find reading to be difficult, so I don't do it much. As such, I don't know a lot of things that stories are meant to entail. I think I can write fairly well, but sometimes, I miss some of the basics.


    That said, I've started writing a story. So far, I've written something like 13,000 words, if memory serves. I still have a lot, yet, to write. I wanted to enter NaNoWriMo, which requires 50,000 words. I dunno if I would reach that amount, but I would expect to reach at least three times what I already have, which would be 35,000-40,000 words.


    The problem I have is that I don't know if my story can function as, like, a story. The thing I sort of see as a problem is the formatting. Rather than the typical beginning, rising action, climax, conclusion, it's more like... not... that...


    What it is is a story which follows one character throughout his life, his struggles and the aftermath of his death. It's rather linear, telling of the events in order. I suppose it may be difficult to imagine without knowing the story, but that's basically what it is.


    Is this a legitimate story format? Like a character study or something? Can this make for an interesting story that someone will follow? Or should I cut my losses and just scrap the idea?

  19. No, I don't. But since we're talking about it and many people on this thread have some form of autism, I guess I'd like to ask about it. The thing is, any informational sources tend to be really, really bad at explaining exactly what it is. I'm hoping this doesn't come off as ableist, but a lot of people I see saying that they have some form or other of autism or Asperger's, I wouldn't even be able to tell unless they said anything. Hell, even when they do say something, I still can't tell. Maybe this is a result of being on the internet, though. Whether on a forum or in a video, you're usually putting the best of yourself out there, omitting the parts you don't like or you think other's won't like. So maybe that has something to do with it. From the best I can really gather, it's a lot of missing social cues, and not really understanding or being able to engage in certain social interaction, but to me, this only makes things more confusing, because there are plenty of people who don't have any form of autism who have problems similar to those that I see described. Anyway, I think I might be rambling at this point. What I'm trying to get at, I guess, is that since I think a lot of you could tell me better than some website written from an outsider perspective, what exactly does an autism spectrum disorder entail and how does it manifest from your point of view? 


    I almost feel like this shoulda been its own topic. But I feel like I sound kinda dumb about this whole thing, so I don't think I have the confidence to post it as a topic, lol. Anyway, I appreciate any answers.

  20. Wow. Lots of gaming channel fans. Awesome!



    No real favorites or anything, but if there is one I do tend to gravitate to simply out of the fact that they are a *damn* good channel, it's:



    Yes! I love David So!



    Game Grumps all the way, they're just so relatable that keeping up with their videos makes ya feel like "part of the family", as it were.


    ...I have a minor crush on Dan  :blush:


    Don't worry. I also have a minor crush on Dan. If by "minor" you mean "the hugest ever."  :blush:

    • Brohoof 3
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