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Posts posted by XxX_VapeKindKingxXxX

  1. LOL Don't worry about i, I do this sort of stuff as well, it just makes the vid 20% cooler ;)


    i didnt even notice it until you pointed it out, and definitely not while recording. I was entranced by silva hound and completely focused on the pen


    actually it took around 40 minutes to get this 1:30 of footage

  2. Wow, this was amazing!

    I suck at pen spinning unfortunately, but maybe I'll pick it up, cuz I'm good at doing this sort of thing with my tennis racket, and I love it :P

    BTW, I enjoyed looking at your inactive hand XD


    i rarely use it, i have recorded a few instances where i switch between the two, but I leave doing that well to the pros, like my good friend, Snow


  3. confusion.jpg

    Wow, that's amazing! I can't eaven do two spins, lol :P


    It does take a decent amount of practice to say the least. You have to start out with individual basic tricks and after a couple of months you can start crudely linking them together... If you're interested, start with this trick




    it should take less than a few hours to master, 2 days personally but i was a very slow learner (which is to say, i've been doing it for 3 years, I've seen people better than me after as little as 1.5 years.)




    This guy has all the tutorials. There's many hundreds of tricks to learn though and he won't have them all.. Still, with trillions and trillions of ways to combo the tricks, it's not easy to get bored of

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So yeah, I figured I would post this here because it's not really related to ponies, but is more of just a way I express myself in a creative and [hopefully] interesting to watch way. I would have put it in the art board but this isn't exactly the traditional kind. Let me know what you guys think, leave a comment in the thread if you thought it was interesting. I've been practicing this for several years and have it's been a slippery coast. I only developed a distinct style for my spinning after becoming a brony so I think it may have had quite an impact.



    • Brohoof 10
  5. Hello world, my name is Jake, I am an 18 years alive atheist who has been a huge fan of the show and discovered it mid-season 2. I enjoy all parts of the fandom. The music, the artwork (SFW and NSFW alike), fanfiction stories, PMV's, etc. etc.


    for years now I have pursued the arts of the contact juggling. They are what make me truly unique and different from everyone around me. I had recently been going through some depressing times and had dropped pretty much all of them. Fire Poi, Balisong, Pen spinning, zippo, card tricks, etc etc. all pretty much went on the backburner.


    And then I found ponies. It was a sublime moment what I realized what the show meant to me and how much one particular character, Rainbow Dash, that really inspired me to take back these arts into my life again. I chose the name Sc00t because I feel inspired by her, much like our favorite chicken. I may not have wings, and may never fly, but I can channel my admiration into other things.


    Anyway, my avatar is a picture of me just flinging a wrench around my pinky and the air for the fun of it. it's a helluva a lot heavier than a pen but the length is similar enough to have some pretty fun sessions with (except when it falls on your toes.)


    I'll probably post a video of my exploits in the everfree forest as a standalone topic in a few moments. You might be blown away, you may not even bat an eye, just know it's who I am.

    • Brohoof 1
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