(This is my first post on this forum, I read this and I want to comment on it)
I never thought about Celestia never helping other creatures that are not ponies, but I think it's because the majority of Equestria's population are ponies (earth, pegasus, unicorn, crystal), and this is just speculation, but I think the reason any pony ruler (especially Celestia) doesn't help other races or places (like Griffonstone) it's because they don't want any help from other group that isn't theirs, I mean, I'm pretty sure that if they asked for help Celestia would do something about it, but they would probably refuse if Celestia tried to help them, especially griffons, who have a whole separate lore for them and are described as greedy. I don't really like comparing Equestria to the real world, but if I had to, I think the relationship between each race/place may vary, we don't know everything about Equestria's lore nor if any war between races even occured (ponies vs. griffons for example) so that might also contribute to all of this.
And about the caste system, even though unicorns are top race apparently, and being able to do much more than earth ponies or pegasus, unicorns do need to learn to control and properly use powerful magic, and even then, an average unicorn can't do much with the magic they posses (other than levitate things and teleport), that's why twilight can do all these cool spells, because she studied, practiced a lot, and had help from a lot of uncommon sources, but even with that I can see unicorns having advantage of other races, earth ponies are the ones at the bottom I think :c although it's staded that ALL pony races have magic, unicorns can have more abilities with it (even though the vast majority don't even have great magic power/knowledge).
So what's the point? I just wanted to show my thoughts on the 9 paragraphs above this, my last conclussion about why Equestria is considered a place about friendship and happiness is not because of the circumstances, it's because ponies have a joyful outlook at life that's highly encouraged by everyone, that's technically their philosophy and probably even part of their "culture".