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Lord Midnight Madness

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Posts posted by Lord Midnight Madness

  1. No this is fandom in my opinion is growing rapidly bronies of all types are flocking to the forums. I have been on here for a couple of weeks and never have I seen a forum as active as this. I've been to a few other fandom and they are nowhere near as active as this place. I personally enjoy this place and enjoy the people and all the beautiful art work.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Wannabrony said:

    You love to keep everything fabulous and you pride yourself on that, don't you? :P And no, I think I've realized how much a perfectionist you are. :P

    That sounds like a perfect day. :lol:

    Nah i'm one of those guys who always have a project or something even if it's small I have to be productive or bettering myself by studying.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Midnight started setting his stuff in his room. He brought posters and sheets and all types of stuff to spruce up the room. The room was rather drab in color kind of milky white color faded with time. He put his wonderbollts right over the nasty water stain on his wall. He then pulled out his little TV he brought from home it was a little outdated color TV. He then stripped the bed of the nasty dusty sheets which looked like they hand't been changed in forever. He put his new sheets on and threw the old nasty ones in the corner. He then sat on his bed and looked out the window he could see some Pegasus zooming and flying around. Whatever he also saw other ponies sitting out on the lawn enjoying the nice sunny day not obstructed by clouds. The weather Pegasus are doing their job for once instead of sleeping on clouds all day. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand it read seven thirty five it was getting late and sun was about to set. He heard his stomach growl as he looked out the window. Great now I have to go to cafeteria to get something to eat he said. So he made his way to the the door. It was getting later so he hoped he didn't encounter anybody in the halls because of the last comment he received  from one of the students.

  4. 4 hours ago, TheTaZe said:

    Just doing networking stuff right now. I'm sorry your DS died!

    I used to have one of those. I had the one that took the game boy cartridges. My fav game was probably sims. Boy do I miss it

    1 hour ago, Wannabrony said:

    Thank you! :squee: You too!

    I guess, but Spanish is the second most spoken language in the US and in the world, so it makes sense for you to learn it. And in Canada, French is one of the national languages so it also makes sense for us to learn that. Speaking of Spanish, I'm also taking that next year! :P 

    Its not that hard but alot of the phrases are repative and sound the same

    • Brohoof 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Wannabrony said:

    I found this new "Clubs" function on the Navigation Bar. I'm thinking since this is the WPCC lounge, "Working Pony Coffee Club" lounge, we never really did have a club, we skipped right to the lounge! Maybe that place is a start? :P But what do I know, I'm not even sure what the "Clubs" function is for! Just an absurd idea I had. :please: 

    Not in Canada, or at least my part of Canada! :D 

    I have two weeks and I can't wait to get out of there to get a (not-so-well-deserved) 2-month break! :squee: 

    I have done French from Grade 4 up to the present, and I'm planning to extend to at least one more year but most likely more. 

    You got Bs probably because the things made sense to you at the time, this type of knowledge dies off much faster than you think! :adorkable: I'm even starting to forget my mother tongue!


    Anyways, it's getting late for me, goodnight everybody and have a great night! :yay: 

    In america the foreign language we have to take is spanish. Its funny right

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Midnight was a bit of a show off at the ceremony he thought to himself. He thought what if that teacher he put wings on was going to be one of his instructors. Midnight was one of those unicorns who was spontaneous he lived in the moment, He didn't care about what would happen later on. He also thought to himself how the hell is he going to fit in after a display like that. All the students seemed to laugh about it so maybe they liked him. The only reason he knew all those spells was because he had studied and gone to magic academy's in the past. He also thought how the hell he was going to find his room so he approached a young unicorn who was standing outside her dorm. He asked where is rooms 200-250. She chuckled and said the show off unicorn wants to know where his rooms is. She then stopped laughing enough to tell him where it was. She said its the second floor 1st hallway. Midnight rolled his eyes and walked on. Great now everyone thinks i'm a show off, kind of like that silver haired unicorn from ponyville who didn't defeat the ursa minor. He finally reached his dorm only to find out it was one bed and a lamp. He then said wow I have a lot of work to do to this bland old room. He threw his saddle bag on the floor and crashed on the bed.

  7. Midnight then gets up bows before the audience. He then demonstrates a spell he learned. His horn begins to glow and he shot a beam into the audience causing a pair of wings to appear on the back of one of the teachers. The teacher loooks angrily at midnight. He says what am I supposed to do with these. Midnight says duh you fly with them. The teacher then began to flap his new wings and started flying around the auditorium. Midnight then shot another beam of light at the teacher and he began to fall. Midnight then shot another beam of light at the floor and a pillow appeared which the teacher landed on.The teacher landed flat at on his butt and yelled never do that again I'm a unicorn not a Pegasus. Midnight then laughs along with the audience and he bows once again as the audience cheers and claps their hooves. Midnight then takes a seat back with the rest of the students.

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