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Everything posted by Princess Celestia
Hmm... it appears that you are correct in this. The last presence my sister has had here was her tummy rumbling - but she may have gotten lost or distracted playing video games of sorts because it has most certainly been more than twenty four hours. *The Sun Princess begins to ponder* Perhaps if a few of you can get together and tag a friend on this thread to show your appreciation during the Seasons of warmth and appreciation, Princess Luna will return and restore everyone back from the moon. *She was patient and gentle with her smile. As if there were not sense or ugency.* **Second part of the event** Tag a user or friend who has made you smile on the forums or someone you are grateful to know /) (Final round of the event, badges shall be earned for participants)
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- my little pony
- my little pony: friendship is magic
- (and 4 more)
*Celestria felt this strange force upon her almost like part of her has been taken away from her. She defended herself before any further damage may inflicted on her. She didn’t feel weak but she has feared the worst.* @Shiny Silvermoon gah not to worry, I still have my power but I have feared the darkness that is held within me has been stripped. Nevertheless everypony, do not fret! We still have a game to play and I shall not let my Team down! I have to agreed- going against friends is tough but I wish you all a good luck. Just remember that at the end of the day, we have one goal. And that is to helps each other and assist these fellows ponies from Maretime Bay get that bell and return home.
Greetings! I hope everypony is enjoying the festival so far! I see Denim&Venom started the music to get the party going accordingly! But we can't enjoy the music only without doing some fun activities! Princess Luna has made a nice crossword puzzle (which i found a bit...well, unexciting -whisper I personally think we could enjoy more thrilleng activities- Ahem) Since she's still not that used to public speaking, i'm happy to announce this fun activity for everypony to enjoy, you're always welcome to help eachother out on this one, and if you could do so, send the complete crossword form to @TBD to claim a prize! this festival commemorates the reunion of me and my sister, may it bring you and your loved ones together aswel after this dark year we leave behind and celebrate all together again.
When i was asked to present this art contest and chose a theme for it, it took me by surprise and i didn't have something in mind at first, but with Fashion week comming up and with fond memories of my childhood, i decided to ask you to re-imagine a pony(or other mlp creatures) as if they lived 1000 years ago and design them an outfit that would fit the period,feel free to come up with a new character if you'd prefer giving 2 months for a deadline instead of one seems to have worked well and more people find the time to participate so i think we'll continue that so you have until Nov 1st, have fun since there are always queries bellow, here are some of the rulings you can draw anything you feel fits the theme as long as it follows the general forum rules(sfw, and common courtesy etc) it can be done in any visual medium be it digital, traditional or even animation(believe it or not we had them in the past, hats of to those with iron patience) you can use bases, as long as you credit the original source OCs are allowed if they fit the theme you post your entries in the comments of this thread, no need to look for a submition form like in the past if you have any further questions ask them bellow and i'll try to answer them in a timely manner (LordValtasar)
Greetings my little ponies. Today is a special day that only comes every few years. Its a leap day. A whole extra day for us to have fun and celebrate. What are your plans for today? Will you visit the magical land of Equestria today? Oh and make sure to tell Luna that its leap Day not leap Night.
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Good Morning My Little Ponies Today is the dawn of the Final Day of my most beloved students adventures Please share kindness and warmth with each other as we all know that letting go can be hard. Tell me what lessons have you learned in this long journey? Who have you walked with along the way? What unexpected ponies have brought you joy?
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"You've been wondering what you are meant to do as a princess. Do you know now?"
if i do, and i'm not saying i am, then you'll have to trust that there is a good reason for it, and asking in public isn't helping, let them go SwiftSpear that day, right after being up all night was quite a harsh one, i can't recall much of it but i'm pretty sure i did, not using the Royal Canterlot voice i may add *rolls her eyes* Thank you all for your wonderful questions, but duty is waiting for nopony so i must return to Equestria now
then i have to admit that i have not heard of that Frith, do keep in mind that i am from a different world
i am not certain if you speak of a specific one,there are firths and lagoons aplenty throughout the shores of Equestria oh, Frith, i have, it means Freedom in old ponish,which i was also taught, we are actually during the longest period of peace equestria has ever seen
considering.. her status.. the past 1000 years, it was kinda hard to arange, and our duties don't allow much time for leisure, maybe one day indeed i have, Starswirl made sure to educate us in many subjects, geography was one of them Oh my the Gala is such a boring afair usually, i have my little tricks though to avoid falling asleep through it (inviting discord seems to have worked like a charm last year)
this is once more a question for Mistmane, it is not my secret to share that is too fresh, paparazi are getting really good at tracking us it seems, i will leave no coment on recent events, i hope you understand
A ruler can play no favorites, all cake is equal.. *giggle* bellitling their sacrifice is not a joke, luckily i was able to restore their magic once i started raising the sun and got my cutie mark what i like and what she likes are two very very different things, but it doesn't matter, as long as we're together, it's a good time disguise? why would i use a disguise? *whispers something at a guards ear* Guard: why don't you come with me Scootaloo is a very sweet filly with a bright future ahead of her and has already contributed to equestria even at such a young age, why would i be afraid of her, i'm proud
six unicorns and starswirl the bearded did it, but at a terrible price of having their magic spent there is a legend of an earth pony that really wanted to fly, and so he made wings from wax, but he wanted to fly higher and higher, resulting to his wings melting from the sun's heat, my wings may not be made of wax, but i believe it is why not to attempt it no, of course not, i suppose you are refering to the nightmare night incident, i think it was just what she needed to feel like she's home again
thank you kindly we prefer the term, "helping the cookies fulfill their purpose" i believe Starlight tried them when she visited Canterlot on a map mission indeed there is, in some cases the people take that role, in others, the local mayor, or one of the princesses, can you believe one of us goes to the rainblow falls fair every year to judge if transactions were fair? why of course, you just have to.. what was that Luna? oh right, i'm afraid i cannot reveal it for it is not my secret to share, you'll have to ask mistmane I like to read all kinds of books, though my personal favorite is titled "100 ways to bake a cake, vol 3" trully a fascinating book
Hm. Celestia Day Sue? It's a strange combination of words, but as my sister likes to say, "I'm game."
With all my heart. I have seen many ponies with great sibling chemistry in my time, and I've come to believe that the best sisterly bond is one formed from more than just being sisters. Luna is more indeed. My dear sister, and my best friend. Cannons? Hm. This surprise you, but I usually let the Guards worry about the armory and artillery. Though we really don't have much use for warfare in these days of relative peace. Between you and I, there is some doubt if they would even know how to aim them. That said I believe that words have great power and strength, so yes I would say that my answers could have that power. *chuckles* Did she put you up to that?
What a strange perspective. Let me propose a question to you. Do you like ... bananas? Happy Poison Claw day to you too! I think I saw her napping on the throne earlier. *snicker That is definitely a work horse that Luna. I don't have the heart to wake her up.
Hm. Where have I heard that name before? Oh you flatter me, but this is really a day for all Ponies of Equestria! So I think it would be more proper to maybe say, "Happy Sparklefan Day". You know, that almost sounds like a song I heard Discord singing once, but something about rain coming down and some strange word. Oh what was it? Repstumber? Saltplumber? Wake me up when the salt pumber ends? I'm sure that is it.
I keep an eye on all in my kingdom with potential. I saw the glimmers of the elements within those special fillies. The elements were not responding to me. So I knew I must step back and let my student and her new friends handle the situation otherwise they would turn to me to solve it for them. When in reality it was only they who could deal with the issue. The magical land of Faustmindia I cannot confirm or deny the use of disguises to participate in such events. Tea and cake are very relaxing. The summer does allow for longer days and so I can get more done. But the spring has such beautiful colors its really hard to decide. maybe All the kingdoms outside of Equestria have something to offer and are worthy of consideration. I include them if the decisions will require their aid or impact them. We were born Alicorns my dear. The statement about dear little Flurry Heart is that the kingdom of Equestria was formed after the birth of the last known Alicorns. The Hearthswarming tale tells of the rulers of each pony tribe before myself and Luna agreed to rule the united kingdom of Equestria. So in short nopony ruled Equestria before us as Equestria was formed and we were asked to rule. I appreciate the effort yourself and the other party ponies take to make such a day special. Thank you for the time you put into it. Are you implying I dye my mane?! I am not THAT old yet. She is a beloved student but a Princess cannot play favorites among her subjects. I welcome nicknames that make my subjects feel closer to me.
Time my Dear. When one lives as long as I have its easy to get a lot of practice. Of course. Though as a Princess I rarely get them. For some reason people think its inappropriate. Honestly I am so busy I let the castle staff do the ordering. Or I sometimes make my own. But the staff are so good at knowing what I like I rarely need to cook unless I wish to. As for my stash well I wont give up my hiding spot. Then everypony could dip into it. The area surrounding the Dragon Lands contains Phoenixes but its very dangerous to attempt to get one. Plus as we know from my dear Philomena phoenixes can be a handful to raise. So if you do get one take great care to work them them and teach good manners. One does not just obtain a cutiemark and magical talent. It is inborn and takes a lot of magical training under a wise tuter like Starswirl to unlock such natural talent. Honestly just being able to have a simple meal alone to talk is one of my favorite times to spend with Luna. We get such things so rarely. Most important friendship lesson? That is a difficult question. But I can tell you the hardest lesson is trusting myself and my beloved student @Twilight Sparkle enough to let her go out on her own and grow as I knew she needed to.
To Celebrate the Summer Sun I shall answer your questions about myself or anything you care to ask I will be doing so in batches as I must attend to a few summits and other royal duties. I look forward to hearing from everypony
Hello My Little Ponies. It is with a joyful heart that I greet you all on the day of the 2019 Summer Sun Celebration Today commemorates my reunion with my beloved sister Luna thanks to the Elements of Harmony, and the efforts of Princess @Twilight Sparkle In honor of this day we will have trivia, we will share favored memories of myself or my sister, give a question and answer session and maybe a few other things along the way. Let the warmth of the sun bring light to your lives and let the harmony of Equestria bring you peace.
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World Cup - Battle of Tambelon - The Final Charge
Princess Celestia replied to Grogar's topic in World Cup Stadium
You know Nightmare Moon, if you weren't busy trying to focus on revenge or some trivial rivalry, you would have seen that one coming. Tia noticed the hurt look on Nightmare Moon's face. What? You villians talk too much. Just an observation. Celestia focused on Daybreaker and Nightmare Rarity. Looks like its a duet then. Let's do this.