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Posts posted by EpicEnergy

  1. Hard to tell, like I guess it depends on your personal tastes. Sure there are some cartoons that are widely disliked and many new cartoons may not seem as good as the old ones, but that doesn't mean that cartoons in general are getting worse. I don't watch many of them though so I can't say anything for certain.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Does Gameranx count as a game reviewer? Like I watch that channel sometimes, especially the "before you buy" videos if I'm thinking about buying a game.

    EDIT: I didn't realize that I already posted in this thread about Gameranx so I guess nothing has changed since the start of this year regarding what game reviewers I watch lol

  3. Yeah I was like "yo it's finally coming out, an actual trailer for it too!". Like I didn't really expect Rockstar to ever release the game or even a trailer of it cause it's been that long and they kept delaying it. But hey the trailer was neat so if they make the game as good as the trailer, I might consider buying it one day but not for full price, cause I'm sure it will so much money for the standard game.

  4. Like girlfriend/boyfriend relationships? So far none. Yeah I've been single my whole life so far, would like to have a girlfriend at some point but honestly I just want to be happy and feel positive feelings rather than a ton of negative stuff all the time. So like even just an irl friend would be nice.

  5. I would probably say water, but it depends on how you die and how fast it happens. Like are we talking about burning to death vs drowning? Because burning to death seems so much slower and more painful, like imagine the worst type of burn you've had and feeling that all over your body. Yeah I don't want to die by either but if I had to choose, it would most likely be drowning.

  6. Anytime really, I don't care. Just don't play it constantly when I'm in the room but that applies to every music not just Christmas music. Like if you played Lady Gaga music all the time nonstop it would get annoying, so just play it as much as you like but don't do it excessively where I can hear because it will get annoying fast just like mostly any music would.

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