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Everything posted by BornAgainBrony

  1. Tbh... if Dash just showed up out of nowhere.. after so much daydreaming and wishing I could meet her... I would probably suddenly go into fullblown first-time-meeting-new-someone... fluttershy mode, complete with facial color changes.
  2. Sounds like changeling slang...
  3. I have a NORMAL work shift on a WEEKDAY for once, I might actually get home before anything happens again.
  4. That sounds a bit... Flim-sy.
  5. Why Sweet Apple Jam? A set-up? Also, I'm not convinced this is really a Flim & Flam plot. I think they were hired. Yeah, I kind of got lost because it didn't follow the format of the previous thread, where players had to interact and then get the response. The Inn thread's narrative was just SO short and it would've been nice to see what happened when she got into the room. Also I just sort of figured, one clue, per thread. (thread... HA!)
  6. Discord doesn't break into places. He just snaps his fingers.
  7. And the only way to do that is by rebooting? Star Wars and Harry Potter would like a word with you.
  8. That was going through my mind as I've been baking the clues in my head. I thought those two reconciled though?
  9. If they forgot their tickets, they're not going anywhere.
  10. I'm confused how those clues showed up. One of them seems to have come from talking to AJ but I saw nothing in the narrative. Either that or two came from the Inn which means somepony solved that part, but there is also no indication. No "finished" text like with the AJ one.
  11. Are we supposed to PM a staff member from each location for more clues? The Inn post had no further details.
  12. Dunno, I suspect some kind of aerial race would logically be required here. Anyone got a pair of Russian MiGs we can borrow?
  13. I don't think the game is afoot... (ahoof?) Yet... And bah, wish I was going to have time to play through this, but my shift starts in a half hour. Blah...
  14. Ohhhh!!! See, here's what I was thinking... sorry, Discord. There's what I get for making accusations before gathering evidence.
  15. Apparently we all need to play Rainbow Runners.
  16. Well I have seen very little of oldschool MLP, or at least don't remember much, but I've been sort of able to gather that G1 was the only one that was really noteworthy until G4. I can't see G4 EVER being lumped into "past generations." G4... kind of changed the world. It did something that no little girl show ever did before. It's much too big of a deal. G4 hit the moon. G5 would have to hit Pluto in order to make G4 unworthy of retaining its own unique place.
  17. I think it's high time that Hasbro did away with "generations." G4 is an entirely different animal than what came before. It's too important to just "toss out and start over," like it was last season's Christmas tree. And yeah. After everything I've already been through, and especially only discovering this in 2018, I'm really, REALLY worried about how bad this could be. I'm really growing tired of surviving "apocalypses," and this means more to me than any show I've cared about in roughly 90% of my lifetime.
  18. And I'm suddenly feeling a craving for snuggles. Daaaaaaawwwwwww....
  19. I've never been able to figure out how ANYONE uses MSpaint to make something pretty. Anytime I go near that program, I end up with something that looks like it was done on an Etch-a-Sketch by a 2-year-old.
  20. Well, realistically, they're called "My Little Pony." I'm guessing this was derived from G1 (since you can see them standing next to human children), but relative to us they're evidently not the size of normal horses, so saying they weigh 2500 lbs is probably way overboard. Also, weight is relative; I have a funny feeling their planet, if it's even a sphere, isn't nearly as large as Earth (which would make wingspan/weight ratios much more forgiving to support the idea of flying horses).
  21. I'm definitely worried about it. I've been thinking of working on some kind of writing project about how to combat this very thing. Take a look at Furries. They've been a fandom that has been very slowly growing, and they don't even need a show to rally around. They create their own content and that's good enough to not only keep them going, but keep them growing, and some of their conventions last a whole WEEK!. Something like this will need to happen to supplement G4, and also G5 if it ends up being an unmitigated disaster. There are hints of this happening already though. Look at Ciderfest. While it's classified as a Bronycon, its core focus isn't actually the show, but rather music created by fans. First and foremost, it's a music festival. Yes, it has other typical Bronycon stuff going on, but music is at its core. As a result, it doesn't need Hasbro to survive. What it needs is musicians. I would love to see cons extend this concept to more than just music. Events that regularly premiere all sorts of things. A still-art gallery for traditional artists, screenings of new shorts and animations, etc, sort of like a Sundance festival. LARP events like what the Potter fandom does, renting out castles and having mock-Warts for a weekend. There's a lot that can be done that mostly hasn't even been tried yet. I'd be happy just to have a place a few times a year where MLP fans can just all gather, chill and hangout. I don't need for there to be tons of epic guests with signatures to chase after, or lots of panels. Just give me a cafe full of Ponies-at-heart and I'd be there for a weekend. In the end, it isn't up to Hasbro to keep Equestria alive. It's up to us.
  22. *blinks* That's.... scary. Especially to think that Disney would see it more worth it to them to just make MLP disappear than to give it the shot of adrenaline that only a handful of megacorporations can provide. Terrifying, and... I stand corrected (Disney be idiots if they thought buying Hasbro and killing MLP was more profitable than developing it... great galloping gala). If you're going to be at Ciderfest, there's a slim chance I'll get to see you and some of your team there - currently trying to pull off a miracle last push to experience "something" this year. It's cool that you've developed relationships with a lot of the staff, but I guess the big question is, which staff? It's pretty established that the studio LOVES the fans. The corporate toy company that actually calls all of the shots? That's normally a different story. Very impressive, the amount of semi-legal work you've been going through. As much as the artistic side. Aaaand... maybe just send a quick "ping" message, if you don't have time to send something longer at the moment, because at this point, I'm starting to really doubt that system.
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