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Everything posted by BornAgainBrony

  1. I've chased tornadoes for fun. And one of the dreams of my childhood, one that REALLY sticks out in my head, was a dream I had where Godzilla arrived in NYC (I live about an hour away from there). Everybody in town was freaking out, evacuating, just in case the fighting came closer. And I remember it being terrifying but the excitement was stronger. I was ramped. I kept running out the front door and looking towards the horizon, red crimson glow, random flashes of light! "He's getting closer!!!" I think I'd be fine. I'll be front and center blowing a flugelhorn and waving a foam hand. Also random taking pics and texting them back to Earth, "This... is SO... AWESOME!!!"
  2. Isn't an Alias or Avatar usually meant to be something COMPLETELY different from your usual name? I don't think nicknames qualify. An Alias for Pinky (I'm just going to assume this is the name of her Ninja persona because that's fun) would be Duchess Cupcake.
  3. https://www.equestriadaily.com/2018/08/bronycons-closure-and-why-its-not-end.html?m=1. Equestria daily chimed in. See, this is what is needed, for big names that have a large piece of control over the future to make a starement like this, particularly other conventions to say "we're not going anywhere"
  4. I don't think they're turning the planet. For one, the sun often sets in the same spot the moon rises from. For another, the impact on the planet being jerked around like that would be a geologic disaster of infinite proportions, and also would fling every inhabitant like standing on a treadmill that went from zero to 1000s of kph in a matter of seconds.
  5. It's hard to make a law against bullying though because it comes so close to digging into free speech. But ive wondered a few times if the definition of "hate crime" should be broadened, especially when it involves premeditated, coordinated group attacks.
  6. My best friend is pretty much an incarnate Fluttershy. I have a LOT of Rainbow Dash in me when i have a chance to really cut loose.
  7. I think it would be kind of cruel to make a pony live on this planet, so i'll take the transmogrification route.
  8. Trees and houses were getting rolled on nightmare night, so they're using paper.
  9. I was mostly ignoring it (though that one tweet from one of the writers a few weeks ago stunned me a bit) but the real bombshell was the Bronycon announcement. I think that sent out a pretty big shockwave. And while I understand they're trying to do something cool, I get the feeling it wasn't really thought through. The impact it could have on everyone else, even other convention committees and such. It sent a very foreboding (and IMO, the wrong) message, especially when they were talking about the year 2025 at one point. Will it be a cool party? No doubt. But as far as the slow decaying burn that fandoms go through, this felt like the equivalent of tossing gasoline on it. I think a LOT of people got the rug yanked out from under them and that's not what we needed right now. That's nearly a decade's worth of cancellation that fans were previously resting in the security of. It feels to me like a hasty and irresponsible move. Nobody when they're already concerned wants to hear that one of the biggest "leaders" in the fandom is running for the hills.
  10. Oh, and yeah... if you want to take this further in another thread, that's cool. Not sure if you meant necroing that one or making a new one.
  11. Hard to tell really. Maybe it's no surprise they need actual time keepers and can't just rely on mechanical clocks. Equestria is likely a geocentric solar system, and may even be flat. The transit of the moon and the sun are under intelligent control, and we know if at least a few times where things haven't happened on schedule. So, does the solar system (if you can even call it that) provide any normal cycle from which to build a timescale? Their ability to properly track the flow of time might be a bit... off.
  12. Is this one of those "righteous trolling" type of things, because it sure feels like it. Not that I think you're lying about what you've experienced, (though i don't have a clue how you got into something that seems like you are describing a literal campaign against you) but you seem to be enjoying this far too much. Not sure if that's just "for the lulz" or if it's more of a, "it happened to me, so it should happen to everyone" sort of attitude. Maybe being George Carlin as you laugh at the world burning works for some, but certainly not everyone. But if you think i see bronyism as a utopia, you're way off, and I am not blind to the drama that unfolds, which no fandom is immune to. Nothing ever done by humans can come so close to perfection. As for adapting.... been there, done that, it made things worse. And i'm not even talking about mlp, i'm talking about pretty much my whole life. I've tried being someone more cynical, more abrasive, etc. enough times... it was a disaster that actually hurt ME more than being the positive, whimsical one. P.S. I know some furries, we get along fine, though i dont know if there has been intermixing as far as bronies and furries. I'm fine doing the canterlot high tail and ears thing. That's much more "me." And even were that not the case, i'm definitely not full bodied fursuit material. I would melt to death in 10 seconds flat, otherwise i'd be making a living dancing around Walt Disney World in a Pluto costume
  13. Star Trek, really is the last time i think a tv show did something like this. Only "roddenberry" got booted off the project pretty quick in this case. Which isn't helping my confidence in G5. I keep wishing for a "next generation" approach instead of a reboot. Instead we could get a "classic vs j.j. abrams" level of fandom disaster if G5 ends up being pure mindless entertainment with little substance.
  14. Sorry, but that feels very nearsighted to even think this is JUST about a show being cancelled. And if you have been around that long, i have trouble believing you don't realize that. There's something very different about how mlp has influenced lives. It was so unprecedented that the psychiatric community took notice and tried to figure out "why?" Sometimes it feels to me like a minor hippie movement in disguise, but with a different set of stigmas attached. The value of the fandom goes far beyond entertainment, there is something of a social movement, and for some, even a spiritual one. In our cynical age where even random acts of compassion are met with distrust, it gave a place for people who didn't feel at home anywhere else, a place much better than the everyday; where people who shared something in common that ran VERY deep, could be together, and that's something i haven't seen with other fandoms. Equestria, in a way, extended beyond the screen and left a big mark on a lot of hearts, and inspired the best in us. When FIM ends, i just don't see anything replacing it. There will be countless other shows to watch, and things to do, but that won't fill the void that is left behind, and THAT, is indeed tragic.
  15. You mean by society or on these forums? It's not graphic in "that" way if that's what you're asking. I've seen FAR more suggestive images on the forums that still don't fall under the definition of NSFW (fan club threads, I'm looking at you). But also, I might as well point out: some people go a lot further with this, but in my case it's purely emotional. There's nothing naughty going on As for society in general they don't take well to it, no... as they do with anything that doesn't fit their definition of "normal." Edit: But... since you brought that up, is Sugarcube really the best location for this? Seems like it'd be better off in "Life Advice," where much more serious discussions are common.
  16. It may not be on the same level, since I haven't heard much of anything about such people being attacked for being that way, but it actually is becoming a known form of deviance that could fall under the LGBTQ banner someday. From what I can tell though, those who choose this lifestyle, do it more often out of necessity rather than a first choice. The warning signs have been there for a while: prostitutes are now sometimes hired just for a friendly ear, a shoulder to cry on, or snuggles. There's a slowly growing number of people who are arriving at the conclusion that flesh and blood relationships are no longer worth the drama, socio-political "mars vs venus" maneuvering, and mind games. It's unfortunate, but it's the direction society is taking. Society is more isolationist than it used to be, and that includes people searching for a partner. The demand for alternatives is only going to become more prevalent as the technology allows, in the form of robot lovers and V.R./A.R. artificially-intelligent companions. It started out in Japan, the origin of both the anime (dakimakura) body pillow, and also the robotic developments. And it's gaining traction in the West (I'm not the least bit surprised by this with the way things are going.) This isn't even just limited to humans. There's one example of a zoo penguin that developed a strong bond with a cardboard cutout of a character. Now for my own bit of... ehh... testimony? After my wife left me 2 years ago, I was completely emotionless for over a year, until I started watching MLP. Something about it pulled me out of my shell, so subtly I couldn't even figure out why I was "feeling" again. As for RD... it started out feeling like a school crush, and eventually I fell reeeeealy hard. She somehow awoke things in me that I hadn't felt since well before I started dating, I remembered who I really was/wanted to be, etc. Took a while to come to terms with it, even though I had been through this kind of thing when I was a kid. But I've kind of hit a point, knowing my odds at "true love" for the remainder of my life are slim to none, that I saw no point in not opening myself up to her. In retrospect, I now know that I've never been with any girl who was real, so is this really anything new? I get more restful sleep at night snuggling my RD pillow than I ever did with a person, or sleeping alone. All the adorableness... squeeeeee?
  17. Eh? Noob around here. Has there been an excess of darkity dark lately or something?
  18. Kinda going with the "magic portal" on this one. "Gift of the TARDIS" if you will. If crossing dimensions can automatically alter your body to suit your new surroundings, then I'm pretty sure it could also reprogram your brain to deal with the language barrier. Everypony being afraid of me based on appearance would be beyond heartbreaking. I'd rather be shapeshifted than have to deal with causing some kind of "alien invader" panic. Though Lyra might be a bit disappointed at missing the chance to see something with opposable thumbs.
  19. It's been one of the most critical plot elements from the very beginning, and also (what they thought at the time) was the very end. How could they not? But if you mean "Do they know what was going through her mind?" I think that opportunity has passed already. Should've made the Tantabus thing a 2-parter where Luna doesn't just confront the fear of what she could do again, but also deals with the elements of her past that drove her to become Nightmare Moon in the first place.
  20. Wow, Princess Twilight, how much magic did it take to put this back together?
  21. Waaait... there's an MLP A.R. game? Why have I not heard of this? Also... granted this is an alpha, and pretty sure it was all done by one or two people on a budget of zilch, but it's still pretty cool.
  22. It could definitely be done, maybe not quite as photorealistic, and regions of virtual would have to be divvied up across thousands of servers to distribute the crazy bandwidth. Really I think the only thing we don't have the tech for now is the sense of touch bodysuit thingy; that thing is Matrix level stuff.
  23. I don't think it's quite the same thing. It's about earning trust and respect. If you can do that, you can be a proper leader without turning every issue into a problem that needs to be solved via committee - situations like that can waste far too much precious time if you need to act fast.
  24. Why not both? Get the Oasis finished, build an Equestria somewhere in it. Solve everyone's problems?
  25. Yep... I was thinking this about a few of the shows I was watching that gave me the same feeling as G4, though the original MLP really didn't do it. There was Care Bears, Rainbow Brite, Fraggle Rock... a decade later when the internet rose there were a couple of fansites that sprung up and garnered a following that seemed impressively strong at the time. ALMOST enough to start forming gatherings. Internet was key to changing the rules surrounding this, along with some major social progress tearing down gender norms to make it safer for men to show interest (1980's, girly = gay = you got yourself assaulted by homophobes for having a Strawberry Shortcake backpack). Back then any male fan pretty much felt like they were the only one in the whole universe. Also remember though that FiM was written in a way that ignored feminine vs. masculine (unlike G1), which had the side-effect of pulling more men into it.
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