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Everything posted by ssj4gogita4

  1. Loudest I've heard a crowd in several years...especially for John Cena
  2. First time watching AEW at the gym last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Is JR or Tony the main commentator? Seems like they share it which is great
  3. Anything not supreme or with onions + mushrooms + anchovies. I'm fine with everything else.
  4. I don't like Beer. Can't stand the taste and I keep trying when I'm offered (which isn't very often, but meh) I do love some alcohol. I don't like Bourbon/Whiskey because it's got a strong kick once inhaled. I always forget which one it is that does that to your throat. I don't like a lot of wines. It has to be smooth and flavored for me to drink it.
  5. If I'm just exhausted like I did a lot of physical activity (quidditch, gym, other) then I can fall asleep fast. If all I've done is work and maybe run on the treadmill...it's going to take me a while. Also depends on what time of night I'm trying to fall asleep to.
  6. Dragon Fruit is amazing to look at and eat. Pitaya is also another pretty one.
  7. When we had "keyboarding" class in Junior High, I did with my eyes only (you would get counted off for moving your head). Now I don't even worry about it and have it down to a T
  8. I've heard from a few that the Moderna one is the worst side effects for the 2nd dose. Hope you'll be ok <3
  9. I blame twenty-one pilots. "Sippin on straight Chlorine"
  10. Hell, fire, and brimstone rain on them. Jk. I tend to let it go unless it hurts my family or friends.
  11. Berry Monsoon from Sam's Club is one of my favorites as well as Code Red. Baja Blast is a great runner-up
  12. It's more of I'd like to prevent others from getting sick so I choose to get it. I knew there were going to be repercussions from getting it as I've heard multiple people having sickness after it. It's normal because even has young children/babies the same thing happened. If the vaccine was 50% or less effective then I would be more skeptical, but with a higher rate with each vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J) then I was ok with it. It's for my family and friends and the same reason I wear a mask everywhere I go because at this point it's a habit.
  13. I got a fever of 102.5 overnight after getting it yesterday and a major headache. Also woke up every 30 minutes. Extremely tired.
  14. Getting my 2nd vaccine of Pfizer in about an hour.
  15. No one is really a huge fan of Rowling these days. As long as I continue to play Quidditch IRL, I'll enjoy the movies and books and the sport.
  16. I use it for Microsoft Rewards to get Amazon gift cards or Target gift cards. Otherwise, I typically don't use it for personal use. Work, though, is a different issue.
  17. Depends on how stubborn the "forgiver" is. Sometimes they don't want to forgive and move on with their life and do other things more important. I think it's possible, but not if the person has evil in their heart.
  18. Typically go back to sleep but sometimes I'm not able to and then that one hour later I do go to sleep
  19. That people think I'm old. xD I can still outrun some young people on my Quidditch team so I don't think it should even be talked about that I'm old.
  20. I use an antiperspirant as "deodorant" leaves irritation. As for the brand, I used to use Old Spice but switched to AOS in the last couple months and it's amazing.
  21. There's hope in 2021, but it won't be immediate. To answer the question, yes. It's had its ups and downs for me, but time to move on to 2021.
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