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Posts posted by imawesome

  1. I know this question has been asked before on here, but none of the replies on there helped me. I can't find anything that says "create a status update" but I have seen others do it. 

    Thank you!

    I'm so sorry, I didn't enable it. :laugh: I feel stupid now. 

  2. Just curious, have any of you ever done middle school or high school debate? 

    I debated in middle school but not in high school. I remember I had a REALLY bad partner (she got the 138th speaker award out of 139), but she was generally a nice person. For the third tournament, she had to go to this church thing and so I got a much more fitting partner instead, and we got 4th place team. 

    I also remember that our coach was also my math teacher and he was pretty strict, saying things like, "We're the best team, show them that" and constantly talking about how in the City Finals one of teams barely talked about Topicality and that was the reason the lost. If you DON'T do debate, I won't dig deep in my experiences, because you'd probably be lost. But I had lots of fun doing it and would love to hear about everyone else's experiences! 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 1 hour ago, R.D.Dash said:

    I know that Rainbow is friends with Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight. Not so much with Rarity or Applejack.


    This is where I disagree. 

    Rarity and Rainbow don't hang out much outside of episodes focused on them, but Rainbow's and AJ's friendly competitions couldn't be closer to friendship. Even with their disputes, I'd call them good friends. 

    Outside of that, I agree with everything you said. 

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I like SOME modern pop as guilty pleasures, alternative, but overall it just depends, I don't sort what music I like by genre.

    Favorite song: Zombie by The Cranberries.

    Least favorite song: Autotuned country music. 

  5. On 1/11/2019 at 4:03 PM, Kadeda said:

    Most useless? As in what? Beating enemies? All I know for a fact is that Twilight is the least useless in that case. If you mean who they all could live without seeing all the time? I don't know, Fluttershy doesn't really join them that much in some things because she's an introvert like me. I imagine they could do without her maybe. The others tend to hang out more... especially Rainbow. She seems to hang out with everyone often. So in that case... Rainbow is the least useless. 

     I kinda don't get the question to well but i did what I could.

    I basically mean that how much they mean to the group and how much would change if they left. 


  6. Pretty self explanatory, rank the Mane Six separately for how much attention the get from the show (i.e. biggest role in the series, movie, EQG, and any other canon content) and how much attention they get from the fandom (i.e. "best pony", fan projects, etc.)

    Here's mine, from most attention to least:


    1.) Twilight Sparkle.

    Even if FiM doesn't really have a main character, since the episodes arguably focus on a wide range of characters, if you were asked who the main character was, you'd probably say Twilight Sparkle. This is evident across the series, comics and books. (Yes, I'm including those). She takes on the leader role, and has been one of the primary focuses  in the first EQG movie, the MLP Movie, Twilight's Kingdom, Princess Twilight Sparkle, The Return of Harmony, A Canterlot Wedding, The Crystal Empire, The Cutie Re-Mark, Shadow Play, School Daze, several of the IDW comic lines, and numerous stand alone FiM episodes. To say she isn't the most focused on in canon content would be weird, but I'd hear you out. 

    2.) Pinkie Pie. 

    Is it just me, or is Pinkie taking on much more than a comic relief role now? Sure, she fell short in Season 8, but she had a lot of focus in Season 7, so I think that was necessary. Not only that, but just look at her role in the MLP Movie. A stronger role for Pinkie is definitely developing. 

    3.) Rainbow Dash. 

    Not only did Rainbow garner a lot of attention in Season 8, but she's always been crucial to the show, ever since her Sonic Rainboom. The show, although sometimes showing her ego to the extreme, clearly shows respect towards her, considering everything she's done that is of importance. 

    4.) Rarity. 

    Ah, here we are at the bottom three. Rarity is a character that sometimes gets a lot of attention, sometimes falls short, and sometimes just fills Pinkie's roll as the comedic support, as seen in the MLP Movie. With Rarity being such a mixed bag, it easily landed her here, as she isn't as brushed aside as the bottom two. 

    5.) Applejack. 

    One year ago, Applejack would've ranked at the bottom of my list, however EQG changed my perspective on that. Not only was Applejack prominent in "RoF" but she also was giving a good load of attention in "LoE", as well as having two solos in the shorts. This wasn't all that landed her here, as she is steadily progressing in the show, too, but the roots of her character land her here. 

    6.) Fluttershy. 

    Unlike Applejack, Flutters is steadily regressing in the attention the show, as well as EQG, is giving her. What is to blame for this? I'd say that it was Flutters arc to make her more sure of herself. Now, I guess the show doesn't see much to do with her, as she is melting into another Applejack. Now, her former shell of personality is only played for laughs. 


    I'm not explaining this one, as it's pretty self explanatory if you've hung around this fandom for even a week, and I believe the show's attention rankings were more important. 

    1.) Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy.

    2.) Pinkie Pie.

    3.) Rarity. 

    4.) Twilight Sparkle.

    5.) Applejack. 


  7. 12 hours ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

    You have a point. But Big Mac is shy as hell. Most male characters in MLP aren't even close to being like Rainbow Dash or Applejack. I meant by masculinity not only by physical. But he maybe the most dependable and strong male character in the show. (But I don't know what participating in guy's night has to do with any of this.)

    Well, I don't know if you read the books/comics, but there are some good comic/book exclusive masculine characters in them. 

    Also, as to Big Mac's shy demeanor, that was not always the case, as shown in "Where the Apple Lies". 

  8. On 1/6/2019 at 6:48 PM, cmarston1 said:

    I would like to see underused pairs go on different map adventures together  Such as Twilight and Pinkie,

    I wouldn't call Twilight and Pinkie underused. 

    They were in MMMystery on the Friendship Express, It's About Time, The Best Gift Ever!, and probably a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. 

    29 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

    Hmm... An Changeling and A Dragon dealing with an incident that affects both races.

    I would say Spike and Thorax, but what about Spike and Ocellus? They would be an interesting duo. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @Sepul-Coloratura I did answer your question: Big Mac. 

    • He participates in Guys Night with Spike and Discord.
    • He has a very masculine build. 
    • He shows very masculine traits in "Brotherhooves Social". 
    • He has a very deep voice. 
    • He presents a very "big brother" look to Apple Bloom.
    • He is dependable and strong. 

    He is constantly viewed in a good light in the show. 

    If that doesn't satisfy you then what about Discord? (No pun intended). He's chaotic, and only presents a girly demeanor around Fluttershy. He'd be my third bet, next to Big Mac and Shining Armor. 

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