I hate when people type with mostly abbreviations. Example, fr, idk, lmk. I dont mind the basic ones and not be used often for every wording. But I hate it when people use them mostly for every wording in a sentence, where it's too much. Because most of them are new ones where I cant understand what they're saying. Like I just learned DTI is Dress to Impress game. Like just say the full name. Put some effort in your typing. I'm already struggling with grammar as is because this disability I have. So its a pain. It's also no help for themselves either when they do it because you're not putting effort at spelling things out if you keep shortening every word.
I also don't like when people keep using face emojis in every single message. There's a user on discord that would send messages to me and this :v face they keep sending in EVERY message. I'm annoyed by it.
Another one is when people purposely talk like they're saying things in babyish way constantly. I get annoyed by it. Then I can't read some of the words and they take more time to respond.
Short summary, I don't like it when people get carried away.
is txt, text? And same here, I get annoyed by the shortening wording when it gets carried away.