Now for part two of my introduction. Hey all you cool poni people I decided to fly by and join your forum. I came from a old forum known as Pony Central which has been dead for several years now
(sad I know)
I stopped watching the show after Season 5 episode 3 (I know it was a bad idea) but I got back into it and binged all of season 5-9 over the last 5 months and not going to lie the ending made me cry (even now it brings a tear to my eye.) MLPFIM is the best kids show with actual content.
Sure sesame street is probably the best childrens show overall but MLPFIM has a story more epic than Dora the Explorer, Teletubbies, and Care Bears combined.
With that said I don't want to talk your heads off so I'll just say I hope to have a wonderful time here at MLP forums meeting some great new people and making new friends!
P.S. I totally predict G5 ponies are real... I think
well in light of my very first post it seems I made a mistake lol.