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Pastel Heart

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Everything posted by Pastel Heart

  1. @Comp @Princess Silky Pastel hopped up with Silkys arrival. "Hiya! Look look! I'm here! I got this card thing! I don't even know if it's supposed to be mine but here I am!" Pastel was doing what you absolutely shouldn't do in a fancy dress, but such was the fillies nature. "This old thing? My dad told me it's 'totally in' in Canterlot, whatever that means... But for now, I have business, if you catch my Drift, mwehehe~" she winked and flipped around in an almost mechanical way. She turned to Comp, looking up at him with a look like theres was something she really needed from him. Peake adorable look. Could this be... A confession!? "Sir Comp... I just... really wanted to know if..." The background ponies, if any would be watching may be looking with wide eyes... "...Can you hold my stuff? It's only minor luggage!" She took off her saddlebag and threw it on Comp. For an earth pony, it wouldnt be too much, but for him, maybe it would be a little much... It's just a Gamecolt but it has WAY too many accessories! "Thanks!" She waved and zipped away in a pink blue without another word. She was now freely taking in the place, seeing what she can eat, drink, find a place for song and dance, and then... Bumped into a certain @Astral Soul from the back! So hard she ended up a little dizzy. "Uwawawa~" she stumbled with swirls in her eyes, dropping her card in the process. Whoever she got the card from... That was definitely him on it. Wowser.
  2. I love the smell of gasoline~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old Accnt.

      Old Accnt.

      always has been a good smell to me 😌

    3. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      I like the smell of diesel exhaust in the winter.


    4. Pandora



      ; A ;

  3. Welcome Welcome! You know me already but since since you namedropped me I'm planting flag down here xp I've been treated well for the most part so you'll be just fine~ Have fun, keep the vibe, and keep getting your game on~
  4. A tiny pink blur zips through the party. May or may not be knocking things over. Until the little spinning ball comes to a stop, and from it unravels a wild Pastel Heart wearing a frilly, over the top small dress like it's coming out of some anime. Even wearing something formal she's wildly out of place and sticks out too much. Despite this, she scans the area with purpose, almost as if she were a spy on the look for something. Alas, she finds her target. She straightens her dress and her (effortlessly messy) mane, and gently, ever so delicately... ...Bats the tail of @Compand jumps up with a shout! "Hey, tall, blue and handsome, down here! Hey! Look!"
  5. @Samurai Equine Pastel would promptly respond by popping up and putting her funny Ayu hat (from the last scene/episode) onto Trilby. "Now you're the one that has to wear it, Yuuichi-kun!" She smiled with a cute little giggle. Neon smiled dryly. "Yes. This is totally how it went down." Both her and Neons eyes widened as the atmosphere changed. This was a stride contrast to the mood of the last cosplays. Pastel smiled, totally in character. This was becoming some kind of weird crossover... "Uguu, what has this sinister figure done with Yuuichi-kun?! Is there any hero that can counter this aura of darkness!?" Neon was ready to draw that replica Astolfo sword they have been waiting to show off, but they were doomed to be cut off, as Pastel triggered the flag for the big Samurai unveil!
  6. @Samurai Equine Neon Rain, already prompted in their Astolfo cosplay, strutted by confidently, attracting the attention of several other cosplayers. Natural charisma. Easy to see where Pastel gets it from. Pastel herself would come out of the curtain... Fluffy brown coat, brown mane, red hair and, an oversized taiyaki in hand... Unmistakingly, with her size and all, Pastel made the perfect Ayu! She did a little twirl to an imaginary snow effect. "Uguu, dont take so many pictures of me!" Even the impression was perfect. "Whaa! What a cute Ayu-chan! Can I get a picture!?" "Me too, me too!?" "MOE!" Neon nodded to the side as if saying "that's my girl".
  7. @Samurai Equine Pastel perked up with a little bounce. "Ooh! Ooh! I wanna cosplay too! I got just the thing in mind--unless Trilly wants to match me~!" Pastel was shaking, she looked forward to this too. "If we do some speedrunning, we have enough time for both!" Neon poses proudly, a catlike expression sitting impishly on their face. "I can take you on the fastest available route! I've spent some time here before after all. You should hear what I've been through as well! It was a doozy." Neon repeated from a famous pony.
  8. @Samurai Equine Pastel closes her eyes and crosses her front hooves, voicing her internal dialogue. "Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that no matter who you are, no matter where you come from... You're still a weaboo for somewhere." As if on que, the store audio began playing Step By Step by the idol Suzu, which played quietly muffled in the background. Samurais arrival snapped her out of her protagonist delusion. "Oh! Oha, Sami, daddy!" ...Sure enough, as if crashing Samurais entrance, Neon popped out from behind him, posing. Neon Rain now posed as Astolfo of Fate fame. Very fitting. "Hellooo, everypony! I have brought with me a handsome prince!" Neon exclaimed, posing cutely. When did they even change into that?
  9. @Samurai Equine Pastel didn't seem to mind the eccentricity of this pony at all. Possibly perhaps he was one of her kind. She reads the situation better than you'd expect, a smile crossing her face as she blushed and swooned cutely. "Araaa? Do we look like a couple~? How embarassing~" she was having fun. --- Sakura raised her hoof, as if she wanted to say something. "Umu..." but nothing came out. She smiled. "Samurai-sama is sooo cool!" She squeed. Looks like she wasnt out of the game yet. Now, who else to hand a copy out to... --- Back inside, Neon was looking around for the others. Two bags carried steadily on their back, a testament to that earth pony handiness. Seems there were more than a couple of distractions. "Hmm... Now if I were my small lady and her cute friend, where would I go..."
  10. @Samurai Equine "IPastel jumped up happily. "Super sweet! you're a hero, Trilby! A elemental hero!" She jumps around him happily. She may be frowned upon for giving a kiss or a hug, but dancing should he fine, even if eccentric. She didn't detect the cosplay sneaking up on then. Awareness 0. --- Sakura doesn't even resist at the fact he denied her smoke. She looked up at him in admiration, or perhaps that was just her moe kicking in. She blinked, totally thrown off when he paid her. That was more than she's recieved in awhile. She teared up momentarily, but wiped her eyes to look up at Samurai. "I...My family is a bunch of otakus... I wanna make them happy, so I want what I write to be a tribute to then... Please support it, Samurai-sama... I wish for it to be successful! So they can read it... and know that mama can still make them smile too!" She bowed. The cigarette fell out of her mouth when she started speaking. She spoke from the heart.
  11. @Samurai Equine The clerk, no questions asked, without looking Trilby in the eye, searches under the desk for something before putting a game on the desk. It looks like the poster of a movie, with a small pony holding a huge scythe twice her size on the cover of it. Why this game is apart from the others is a mystery, though... the rating may have something to do with it... Pastel simply awaits at the rendezvous point. ----- Sakura freezes up. Her eyes widen like shes in trouble, but Samurais demeanor makes her look more guilty than afraid. The organizer wasnt quite so calm. "See!? She's like this every year! She--" Sakuras expression suddenly changes and she glares at the organizer. "URUSEI, KUSOKAO!" ...That sudden reaction makes the organizer immediately flee. This tiny filly(?) just scared off a fully grown adult. She turns back to Samurai, expression a mix of embarrassment and apologeticness. Quite a rollercoaster this one was. "Um... My apologies. That guy gives me a hard time every year, and I thought I could FINALLY not get kicked out this year with your help. I just really wanted to drive up some interest for my new project... Oh well." She uses her magic to fire up a new cigarette, lighting it with her fire magic, as if over the entire situation.
  12. @Samurai Equine Pastel quickly snapped out of the stupor she was in, bouncing up. "Yeah! Let's totally play together~!" She was snatching up merch of her own, including some cosplays, a replica Master Sword, a N64 controller modeled after a steering wheel, and... a Twilight Sparkle hug pillow. The smirk on her face was unashamed. It was then that she eyed the PC section. She narrowed her eyes at the clerk for some reason, before looking to Trilby. "Psst, Trilly, Trilly~ I'm sending you on a top secret mission! I want you to ask for Shinigami Kiss. Okay? Okay! I believe in you!" She winked in encouragement. Why she couldn't get it herself was a mystery. --- Both Sakura and the organizer were confused, but complied. As the scenery darkens in the vision of Samurais magic, many sources of heat are seen. Some from the takoyaki stand. Some from the grill selling western tofu. But only one source coming from the muzzle... ...From Sakuras. Looks like we had a world class liar on the premises!
  13. @Samurai Equine Pastel blushed and pulled away. Whoops. She forgot where they were again. She grabbed his hoof and quickly darted into the PC game section. She giggled awkwardly. "Oh, uh. Japone isnt exactly big on public expression... And we dont really look like siblings, so..." She smiled, a little happy. She didn't mind all too much, herself, but... It was a little embarassing. -- Sakura giggled for some reason. It sounded like a happy one, so whatever the reason, atleast it was a good giggle. She quietly led Samurai into an open area, with a bunch of stands. There was one that was vacant, and a lean, rather nerdy looking pony with glasses was ordering two handyponies to move it. "Mmm?" The lean pony turned around, his face paling as he sees Sakura, whose expression has changed to a rather belligerent, smug one, unfitting of a filly... and Samurai! Oh boy. "W-wait! Samurai-sama! Whatever this one has told you, she's entirely the one in the wrong!" Sakura shot him a dark glance before looking up at Samurai with big, round eyes. "S-Samurai-sama! This awful adult says I can't have my stand, and hes telling all sorts of lies... Can you please make him stop?" The organizer was utterly flabbergasted, but felt the need to defend himself anyway. "N-no! Don't let her appearance fool you! This mare has been smoking at this convention when policy specifically states that there are NO cigarettes allowed on the premises!" He insists as he holds up a used cigarette butt. Sakura looked like she was about to cry. "L-Liar! I don't smoke! I'm just a cute little filly that wants to sell her beloved manga she worked so hard on! You believe me, right... Samurai-sama?" She curtsied in the most moe way imaginable.
  14. @Samurai Equine "Well, you're heading in here, so I'll head in here too! Maybe they'll have what I want!~ maybe we can pick one out for eachother!" Pastel smiled. She blushed slightly as she nestled up to him. ---- The cover of the manga... seems rather out there... She described it as a subtle romance, but this cover is an absolute cluster of genres. Theres a giant mecha, a slasher, a magical girl, a big beefy pony like a character you'd see in Berserk, a medieval knight, and sure enough... Oh, theres the couple, a schoolpony and... a vampony. Theres so much going on that it's hard to tell on the ssurface what this is trying to be. Regardless of the absurdness of her work, the filly smiles and bows, looking a little shy and awkward. "My name is-- Sakura Magitsu! I-If you can get my stand back, Samurai-sama, I will be very grateful! I'll even share my earnings with you as tribute! U-umm... If you follow me, I'll take you to the organizer, but... He won't exactly be happy to see me..." ...Just what kind of trouble was she in?
  15. @Samurai Equine Pastel and Neon went in two totally different directions, but their animation was the same. Kinda like the marionette statues from ALTTP. Neon was off to some game shop. Some things being sold were a little risque. Neon caught some attention. "What's a mare doing in a place like this?" Some whispered. You usually wear some kind of social camouflage to buy from places like this, but Neon was practically invincible here. It was almost impressive. Almost. Pastel would backtrack, and pulled Trilbys leg. Literally. "Hey hey, Trilly! You're with me, remember? We adventure together!" Pastel smiled adorably. She may have had a slightly underhooved motif but she genuinely liked being with Trilby. --- In the brochure Samurai would read, it seemed there was a hero show going on later. Aimed at younger audiences but older ponies were welcome. There was also a filming set for the next Ponen Rider movie. It looked like a foreign mare was playing one of the villains... that looked oddly close to Neon Rain. Was this the project they were here for? Just then... "Um..." A unicorn filly, Japonese, light blue coat with a long blond mane wrapped in two pigtails approached Samurai. Was she cosplaying? She was carrying a stack of mangas on her back, almost bigger than her. She lifted a manga up with her magic, presenting it to Samurai. "Are you... Samurai-sama? I'd be honored if you could take a look at my work. They shut my stand down, so I have to carry these myself... I don't wish to impose, but... Would you be interested in a subtle romance story?" Her light green eyes looked up at him sweetly. She seemed a little lost... What was a filly doing alone, selling a manga at a large convention like this?
  16. @Samurai Equine Pastel blushed deeply, visibly flustered this time. For once she was speechless. Mostly because of one pony... Neon was eating this up, beginning to sway left to right, hooves to cheeks. "Aaahh, I'm giving my small lady away so soon! If only I could have been her hero a little longer~" Pastel giggled playfully, running ahead of her father to Trilbys side, encouraging him to run. "Oh no, I'm being taken away by a thief away from the kingdom! You better get us, daddy!" Neon imitated a fan to their face as he followed them at comfortable speed until they reached what is basically otaku heaven. Both father and daughter wore the same expression, sparkles in their eyes, and in unison... "This is totally sweet!" They were both poking around frantically at all the nooks and crannies. Total tourists. "I want the new Sailor Moon DVD set!" Pastel declared. "I just NEED the remastered Little Busters game!" Neon swung by. Things quickly became chaotic.
  17. @Samurai Equine Pastel raises her hoof. "Ooh! Trilly is totally a bard! He can heal! I'm totally a thief though~" Neon giggled at their daughters cultured enthusiasm. "Hmm, I do believe I would be a fine red mage~ smashing good looks, can manage a spell and a sword...~" Both Pastel and Neon were in chuuni world now. One could only imagine what the mother is like.
  18. @Samurai Equine "Oh, very nice! But dont worry, Neon Rain can read the room~ just feeling out my small ladies newest conquest." Neon winked. Pastel blushed and slapped Neons leg, puffing out her cheeks cutely. "Stop it! Stupid daddy! I'm gonna save over your Pony Fantasy file!" With the whole family spat over, it was on to more serial matters. Super serial. Neon thought about the proposition for a bit, looking up to the skyscrapers above. "Hmmm, well, I AM here for a part in a film..." ...But he glanced down and saw Pastel looking up at him with sad moe eyes. She knew his weakness and could manipulate him wisely. A hallmark of a healthy family. He giggled and shrugged. "Well, why not? There IS this new series that I'm hoping to get raw." Pastel winked at Trilby, as if she just did something incredible. "Charisma check!~"
  19. @Samurai Equine The store owner has all but tuned out at this point. He's seen things. He robotically continues waiting for the next customer. With every elegance of a lady, Neon bows to Samurai, and in his own fashion, kisses his hoof. "Very nice to meet you, Samurai-sama~ forgive my and my daughters manners, we are but outsiders. I am honored to meet one with your stature." He smiles. All the elegance of a prince, while looking like a princess. And turning to Trilby, he gives a more sultry glance. "And you. Nice hat." Neon invades Trilbys personal space again, much to the horror of Pastel. "Oh no no no! No way! Not Trilly! He has no route!" Pastel puffed out her cheeks and hugged his leg. Neon giggled, backing off just like that with a shrug, wearing a catlike smirk. "Ah, I see what this is~ it would be awful of me to intrude on your romance subplot, small lady! So rude of me~" Neon swooned in an exaggerated manner. "HUHHH!? Y-you can't just say that! You'll ruin my flags! Stupid daddy!! You're the worst!!!" She started beating on his leg, blushing brightly as her father just looks down at her in bemusement. Yep. These two were definitely related. The father-daughter minibrawl ends as magic catches their ears. They froze in place with Pastel trying to put Neon in a standing leglock. "Wait! So we totally uncovered some easter egg lore!? That's so cool! Did you hear that daddy? Me and Trilly are awesome!" She grinned. Neon giggled, picking Pastel up by her tail and dropping her next to Trilby. Pastel wobbles like gelatin as she lands gracefully. "Magic caves, hmm? I'm afraid I can't assist you in this matter, as I'm as much of a tourist as Trilkins and my small lady are." Pastel shoots him a death glare as he suddenly nicknames Trilby.
  20. @Samurai Equine Pastel and the older pink pony both nodded in unison, as Pastel squeezed out of her father's grip. They in turn gave an exaggerated expression of heartbreak as she did so. "This is a funny coincidence! Sooo, Trilly! Sami-sama! This is my daddy!" She presented, and the pony took center stage as if absorbing the spotlight. "Hellooo, friends of my small lady! My name is Neon Rain~ I'm an actor, I've been all over the kingdoms playing in all sorts of roles! You might say I'm a master of my craft." Neon says with a wink. "I must say, I'm surprised to find that you've all brought my small lady quite so far! Manehattan is a long way away, no?" Neon tilted to the side, wearing an expression of curiosity. Pastel just grinned at Trilby as if saying 'isn't he COOL?'
  21. @Samurai Equine Pastel smiled, nodding deeply in understanding. She felt bad, getting a little carried away... She'll have to make it up to him. She nods in understanding to Samurai, watching from example as the cashier, attitude turned around checks out the English translation of the manga without incident. "Yaayy! Arigatou ne, Sami-kun!" Well, atleast she could say that much. With her new obsession bagged, it was now time to find Trilby... ...Which wouldn't take long, as two familiar voices rang out nearby... Two? She pushed through the crowd going about their day, seeing Trilby with... "Daddy!?" Pastel exalted. ... Wait. DADDY? The "mare" that was getting uncomfortably close to Trilbys ears suddenly sprung up and turned to Pastel. "SMALL LADY!" She-- he? jumped up, and they looked like mirror images as they sprung up to eachother, the larger pony scooping the smaller one up into a hug. A few ponies were watching this play out like a drama scene.
  22. @Samurai Equine Seeing Samurai, the unfriendly looking stallions expression changes. He bows, a complete 180. "My sincerest apologies, Samurai-sama. This foal was being quite rude, and I am unused to day shifts. Forgive my attitude." Pastel had no idea what they were talking about, aside from the apologies, but it looked like everything was okay now. Sami really wasn a bigshot! "Oh! Uhh, the Tsukihime manga? I was trying to get a translated copy, but he doesnt understand me... He started getting mad and stuff when I kept trying to talk." She blushed. Looks like she actually instigated the situation, inadvertently. --------------- The owner of the tail turns around, revealing... ...Not Pastel, but a pony that looks just like her, only older. Definitely not a native. She stood out. Her features stood out, and she had the most sultry smile you could imagine. MASSIVE gremlin energy. She smirks at Trilby, speaking in a girly voice, like how youd imagine an older Pastel. "Ohhh! How forward of you~! I gotta say, that line usually doesn't work, you know? You gotta be more subtle! Not that I mind direct approaches... You aren't so bad looking, actually~ why don't you and I get to know eachother better?" She leaned in, smiling, eyes digging into Trilbys. This mare was dangerous. And not in the traditional sense. Looks like Trilby has ended up in his own form of trouble!
  23. @Samurai Equine Samurai would find Pastel struggling with the language barrier outside of some bookstore... a bookstore that looks like an obvious front for something. "Eto... Atashi wa, eto... Manga! Manga to koto! Kanon! Kanon to!" She was trying to indicate what she was looking for, but the intimidating looking stallion just seemed annoyed by her persistence. "Buzz off, kid! If your parents aren't around to slap some respect into ya I will!" He says in clear, but crude Japanese. This goes completely over Pastel who just goes on... This could get bad... -- Meanwhile, on Trilbys side of things, there isnt any clearsign of Pastel, but... ...A pink tail sticks out of a crowd. Just like Pastels. The way it fluttered was even the same. Perhaps...?
  24. @Samurai Equine "Magical trains? Totally awesome! The ones in Manehattan need that kinda stuff. Does that mean there's mana in the air here?" Pastel pondered as if she definitely knew what she was talking about. She sure was interested in magic for being an earth pony. The ride was over before she knew it! She grinned up at Samurai and Trilby. She was the first one out to see the city she loved seeing in pictures and animation! She looked up at the sky, the buildings... This place was even more urban than Manehattan. She couldn't wait to see the place at night! "This is super sweet! Wheres the card shop? The clubs? The bars? The shady businesses that sell forbidden magical objects? The book stores with the dirty comics behind the counter?" Pastel was like a pink blur. ...And ended up getting lost in the crowd. It was anyponies guess where Pastel was now. Off to a great start!
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