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Evil Pink One

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About Evil Pink One

  • Birthday 1991-01-05

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  • Personal Motto
    Stupidity is the answer to everything
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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Pinkie pie
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference
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    Twilight sparkle
  • Best Mane Character
    Pinkie pie
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    Not scootaloo
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  • Best Episode
    A lot
  • Best Song
    A true true friend, smile, cmc songs
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  1. ..... If i make a racist villain...would that make me racist too? Sometimes the line of becoming racist is very confusing....

    If the villain kills or hates black people, because he or she is racist... Can one accuse the writer as racist too? I mean the writer portraits racism as bad because its on the villains characteristics right?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. North Star

      North Star


      And they say black people aren't racist.... Actually thanks to tv, i considered black people more racist because of what they're doing.... it's like the saying whenever you point theres 3 fingers pointing back at you.

      Arent they racist for saying white people are racist?

      Africans, or anyone, tend to be racist whenever you have vicious racial prejudice operating, which happens whenever you have cultural trauma and immature responses to it. The last stone age island in Papua New Guinea had thousands of people and each new mountain range had a new language and a new 'racism' against the people in the next valley. 

      Anyone can be dumb enough to be racist.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      So if i call someone who is black so a person i am talking to knows who im talking about, isnt racist right?

      Person 1:  can you ask jeff if i can borrow his eraser?

      Me: which jeff? The black one?

      Does that make me racist?

      I mean thats the easiest way to describe him right?

      Wait, are we talking about fictional characters or yourself? :ooh:

      In real life, it's not okay to call someone "Black Jeff" or "The black one", especially if you're not going to call the other one "White Jeff" or "The White One". Just use their last names. But if you're talking about a fictional character that is meant to be racist, then that is something they would totally do.


      Because to me i call some of my friends who arent african descent black or negro.... And they're filipino. And negro is not "[racism 1]" and do not ban me for typing the word "[racism 1]" because I didn't use it or say it on a person. Right?

      You're also addressing cultural differences and personal difference. In America, if you know two people name Jeff, it MIGHT be okay to call one "Black Jeff" if he's okay with it. By that point, you know him personally. You know him enough to say if it's okay or not.

      But in other countries and places, things are different. I had a friend from Mexico once tell me that it was okay to use the N word (Negro?) because no one cares; Mexico doesn't have the same history or societal expectations as other countries. But all that changed when he got into America. It's just different cultures.

    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      @Samurai Equine

      It is also okay in the Philippines to call someone negro.... Just expect a fist fight.... No one says here you're racist.... We just fight XD.

      And nobody here would still know you if you say their family name....

      me: Jeff?  Jeff who?

      Person: jeff basos 

      Me: .....jeff who?

      Person: ....the short stutering dark skinned nut....

      Me: AAAAHHHH! CRAZY Jeff! Why didn't you say so?... Sheesh jeff basos..... I didn't know he was my cousin....( Just found out his family name)

      .. only the rich people have family names in the Philippines....


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