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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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    United States
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    MLP, video games (especially Nintendo and retro!), some anime, MLP fanfiction, Yu-Gi-Oh

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference
  • Best Princess
    Also Twilight!
  • Best Mane Character
    Twilight again!
  • Best CMC
    Sweetie Belle
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
    Octavia and Derpy
  • Best Episode
    Magical Mystery Cure
  • Best Song
    You'll Play Your Part

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  1. Heh! That's valid. Your Chrysalis example made me think of Hard Reset, having recently read it. Unfortunately, work is calling me, so my replies will likely be sporadic, if I'm even able to. Have a good day, I enjoyed our discussion!
  2. Eh, I've always taken some issue with Lesson Zero. But my personal opinions on the episode aren't relevant here. You were definitely correct that one of Twilight's biggest flaws is her hero worship. I understand that you're kind of speaking in hyperbole example, but I do think she has her limits in extreme situations. As an example, if Celestia order Twilight to strike down one of her friends as part of a loyalty test, I guarantee you she would refuse, or find some other way to circumvent the situation (ala Kobayashi Maru). I appreciate the way you worded the second part of your post though. Perhaps I'm looking into it from the wrong angle, but you seem to suggest that Twilight's motivation for stopping Nightmare Moon is "I'm the only one who can do this because I'm the only one powerful enough to do it. Definitely valid, although my mindset was more of "I'm the only one who actually knows about this, so I need to do something about it." She did attempt to, in vain, solicit Celestia for help initially. Still though, the way you worded your post made me think about it in a slightly different angle! Maybe it was some mix of both! <3
  3. Perhaps. Twilight definitely would not want to disappoint Celestia. But, we never actually see this conflict that you speak of. It makes a great idea for a source of conflict, but we only ever see Twilight have doubts about her ability as a Princess, not specifically if she wanted to follow Celestia's plan or not. Heck, maybe she doesn't mind? She has no problem answering the call to arms (she even initiates it in S1E1), so maybe her silent acceptance of following Celestia is a result of that. Heck, she was verbally defiant against Celestia's orders to go to Ponyville. It's probably one of the few times, if not only, that we've seen her speak out against Celestia. I think if she truly had reservations about this sort of thing, she would have spoken up about it. I think the fact that she follows to Celestia's plan isn't because she wants to earn brownie points with Celestia or because she feels like she's being strong armed, it's because she's genuinely a good pony. Still! It would make a good fanfic idea if nothing else! Edit: to add to this, sometimes life just throws us curve balls and we don't really have that much of a choice anyway. Even if she didn't want it, she still seems pretty happy and is acclimated to her role.
  4. Ah man, are you my kindred spirit? I LOVE MMC, and everything about Twilight. Her arc through the entire series has been a joy to watch, and seeing MMC for the first time had me in tears. I only wish it hadn't caused so much strife when it first aired... 2013 was a rough year. I definitely am on board with you though, MMC is my favorite episode! The Last Problem is probably a close second or third, due to it being the final capstone of Twilight's journey. Also, I'm curious! Is it really cool to hate on A Canterlot Wedding? I must admit I don't pay super close attention to fandom stuff, but that's kind of surprising to read. I thought it was nearly universally praised!
  5. Loved it. I loved every single second of it, and was bawling when the book closed.
  6. I've greatly enjoyed Twilight's growth and development over the course of the series, especially since she's my favorite pony. Stories about destiny have always tickled the sweet spot for me ever since a young age, but I've always operated under the assumption of destiny being a "strong suggestion" of sorts. It can definitely backfire and fail (as evident by the uncountable number of fanfics out there, where MLP spins off in any number of directions). Whether by luck, freak accident, or some pre-ordained deal, Twilight was born with an absurdly high amount of latent power, which Celestia took note of. I don't think their specific upbringing or origin has any real bearing on that, it's just where they were born. But, I'm also pretty lax when it comes to this sort of thing. I just love seeing my favorite purple pony princess!
  7. I joined the forum a week ago (only just recently found out about it) but I've been lurking the fandom since 2010. Didn't take my plunge with episode 1 until March 2011, though. I've always been super distant from the fandom until mid/late 2017.
  8. We haven't personally been hit super hard yet. Mostly irritated due to the panic buying of toilet paper. We just happened to be running low right as people started raiding stores. My father was luckily able to find some at a dollar store, and also brought us some leftovers. A closure of all restaurants and bars for my state also goes into effect tonight, effective for the next two weeks. It only applies to dine-in. Delivery and drive-thru are unaffected, but it's going to put the squeeze on our weekly Saturday lunchdates. I feel bad for those who have been more strongly affected by this. I got off pretty lucky, and I'm grateful for that.
  9. She's definitely taller since becoming an alicorn, but I don't think she actually continued to grow over the course of the series. I'm also not 100% sure when the height change happened, but I'm pretty confident it was at least the start of S4.
  10. Luckily for me and my fiance, cost of living is pretty low in my area. The worst thing about it is there's a very high food tax at restaurants, and we like to eat out a lot as a guilty pleasure. Both he and I make decent wages, but we would be in pretty serious trouble if either of us lost our jobs, especially him since he makes more than I do. I'm fortunate in that my father takes care of my car insurance and phone bill, because I'm still part of a big family plan that makes it cheaper overall, so this is allowed us to save a decent amount of money if something bad happens. In general, we're in a pretty good spot, but I know plenty of others who are my age and in far worse off conditions. Cost of living does continue to go up, and wages are not going up appropriately.
  11. Sounds great, thank you ShadOBabe! I'll be sure to check things out when I have some more free time. And thank you Bas too, for the welcome.
  12. I like her design, and I think it's cute that they kept the name pattern of various stages of daytime. I really should read some more fanfics involving her to see what others might do with her, since she has so little development!
  13. I wrote about 1500 words or so for one of the important climax chapters to my fanfic. I also played some FFXIV, and will probably either continue to do so until bed. Failing that, I'll probably just chill on here or on Discord until bed.
  14. Hello everyone! I just found out about this website a little while ago! I was Googling around random MLP stuff and happened to chance on a forum post, so I thought I'd check it. I haven't participated in a traditional forum setting in a long time, and I've always wanted to for MLP. So, a little bit about myself I suppose. This is not my first fandom. I've been apart of a number since I was a teenager (I'm 30 now!), so I'm no stranger to things like IRC rooms and message boards. Unfortunately, I grew distant from them overtime due to drama. When I first got into MLP in early 2011, I mostly lurked on the outskirts. The occasional 4chan thread or EQD post, but I never really participated much. When 2013 came around, I took an extended break from the fandom due to the Twilicorn and EG drama. I've always stayed current with the show, though. Even though I only just got back into the fandom properly in mid/late 2017 (via Discord and the MLP Subreddit), I've always stayed up to date on episodes, ever since late S1. Since I've always been so distant, a LOT of fandom content passed me by. Classic songs, animations, fanfics, things like that that are common knowledge for most veterans are brand new topics for me a lot of the time. In early 2018, I really latched onto fanfics hard. I'm super fussy about what I read (I tend to avoid grimdark or violent stories. I prefer adventure or SoL), but I was inspired very quickly to write my own, and I've been working on an epic Twilight adventure for almost 2 years now. Are we allowed to post links to Fimfiction stores in these threads, or should that be done elsewhere? Regardless, fanfiction has REALLY struck my fancy, and I keep trying to explore new boundaries with it. Other fun facts: My favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle. I don't have a favorite season, I think they all bring something fun and unique to the table. My favorite fandom OC is probably Littlepip, despite Fallout: Equestria's content and setting. Sometimes I can be a little stubborn, and I find it difficult to properly articulate commentary and criticism on episodes. I'll try my best if there are any in-depth posts on lore, etc. I love video games, and play FFXIV and Pokemon very frequently. I also love playing retro games, enjoying a good evening wasted on Earthbound, Super Mario World, SimCity, or Donkey Kong Country (to name a few). I'm also currently engaged, with a loving boyfriend (now fiance I guess!) with whom I bonded with through the show. He makes MLP fan music, and goes by the name Heartsong! I'm not sure how active I'll be, since my day job usually makes it difficult to browse forums and read long blocks of text. I generally stick to Discord and to a lesser extent reddit, but I hope to make another home here! It's getting close to 8 PM as I type this. I'll work on fiddling with an avatar and profile later. I'm about to grab some dinner and watch anime with my fiance, so I'll check back later before bed. <3
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