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Posts posted by TotallyNotNyx

  1. I actually don;t watch much mlp lolllll, I probably spend more time on forums than I spend watching mlp.

    I would have loved to see EQG be continued, at least with a finale special or film, but for now it doesn't seem like it would continue.

    I hope there's more shows after Pony Life, but for now we really just don;t know.


    • Brohoof 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Sherbie-kun said:

    Still unemployed, actively jobseeking since the start of April

    Looking for a part-time job?


    Heh I used to work in a pharmacy but it took up my whole Sunday for terrible pay, so I quit. I'd rather just waste my Sundays doing nothing lolll

  3. 6 hours ago, Fluttershyfan94 said:

    @Lucky Bolt That is very relatable like I sometimes eat something that is very tasty it could be a cupcake or pizza like I simply get as much in one go as possible. Spending then the next couple of hours regretting doing so.

    Something to complain about hmm why is it that with modern technology we still don't have space colonies like I tell you. The moon is not ideal for a space colony Mars could be yet for some reason we don't have that let's do spirit like we did with the moon. 

    Thing is with space colonies is that we're gonna end up with a bunch of countries fighting over whose space is theirs,

  4. 2 hours ago, Sturmponiere said:

    Always hated blacks. They came and take our homes, our job, using violence against our childrens. How long will it stay that way? We can't allow them to bow down our generation.

    For Temeria!

    Actually this reminds me of this whole "they take out jobs" thingie that i always hear people claim when talking about immigration.

    The immigrants have an equal chance of getting those jobs as you do. They actually get them in the end because they are more educated and qualified than you. That's a truth that I feel that many people fail to recognise. Immigrants don;t come to steal jobs. If you lose out on a job to an immigrant, it means that they were better suited to the job and that's why they were chosen. 

    Besides, more employment is better for the country. That's basic economics. 

  5. Chivalry is dead.

    Modesty tho? Modesty is a good thing imo. And I personally prefer modesty.

    These days, celebrities go around with a very minimal sense of clothing, which is something that I don't like since it makes young people think that it's the norm. And I don;t know if it might just be me, but whenever I see people not wearing shirts and stuff it just feels weird.

    Never mind those people who find that posing in the underwear is something they should be proud of. Like yo just go and put some more clothes on. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Fluttershyfan94 said:

    In my experience that would be a legal issue also if there is gender inequality I would hire more women. Why would I not if they are cheaper workforce.

    I mean that's what I would do too, but that's not how people act lol. There's still business owners who feel that women would be less productive and so they would lose out money either way. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, Fluttershyfan94 said:

    I don't know to be honest haha. Somewhat depends the world is nicer to you as a girl, mostly though as everyone wants you know with you. Then again, I've always believed life to be easier as a girl simply for the fact people are nicer to you and it is easier for you to find a mate too.

    Yet for boys life is more cold and the world is simply more hostile towards you. Then again girls have to worry about you know sexual assaults. So really both have their own difficulties so you know I personally still do think life is easier for girls though I say that more so as everyone is always so mean really.

    Fair bur there still exists a degree of gender inequality so it is still harder for women to get jobs and stuff like that. Girls also get disrespected a lot more than males. 

    Like yeah for males, more people might ignore you, but for females, there still exists people (usually males) would would verbally abuse them a lot.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, Splashee said:

    Do you mean that Disney made Star Wars bad? Or did they just handle the Star Wars brand badly?

    Both tbh lol. After Disney took over, the films just got worse and their handling of the whole thing is stupid, such as rushing the directors to get the film done and stuff like that

    • Brohoof 1
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