May I ask for some help and critique for my main/alter-ego OC?
Main info:
Name: Nebula Firefly Type: Gallifreyan Pony (species I've created for my Doctor Who AU/headcanon)
Talent: Understanding animals' behaviour
Coat: Purple Eyes: Aquamarine (light greenish teal) Mane: Dark purple with yellow (secondary color) and aquamarine (tertiary color) strands
Special details: Has darker markings on her coat (socks, mask, and appaloosa-like marking on her hip). In her true form, looks partly kirin-like because of having a horn with an additional branch, and tasseled tail. Have proportions which are close to proportions of usual unicorns, but a bit more massive in size.
Preferable disguise form: Unicorn
Physical abilities: Strong and athletic, survivor type, but not so good in terms of speed, more of a "helicopter" flying type (usually slow, but highly maneuverable and able to carry big weights)
Cutie Mark: in search of suggestions! Voice: in search of suggestions! I imagine her with some kind of beautiful but rather low voice, possibly even one which is suitable for heavy metal female vocal.
Clothes/Accessories: in search of suggestions! Thinking about something like googles.
General impressions: A bit of a freak, she is an intelligent but quite crazy pony. Has strong mind combined with vivid imagination and high creativity. Loud, fun-loving, always interested in the world around her, friendly. Does whatever she wants without paying attention on others' reactions, but because of being kind and caring to all life forms pony, would almost never do anything that can harm someone. However, she also have short temper and heavy hooves, so it's better not to make her angry if you don't want to be hurt. Loyal to friends, she also tries to help, but it can be hard for her to recognise that someone needs emotional care, because she is bad in interpreting other ponies' emotions and actually sympathetic and helping by actions, but not empathetic. Straightforward, honest, but the dark side of this trait is being rude and stubborn. A strange combination of procrastinator and spontaneously hard-working pony.
Positive traits: Intelligent, creative, curious, fun-loving, altruistic, loyal, animal-loving, straightforward, energetic, honest
Flaws: Low empathy, doesn't care about rules, harsh, rude, low level of self-control, stubborn, agressive if provoced, procrastinator
Likes: Animals, wild nature, travelling around the Universe, researching, drawing, having fun, listening to heavy but melodical music (something like power metal or folk rock, sometimes indie or country), cold weather, helping ponies and animals, Heart's Warming
Dislikes: Useless rules, being polite for the sake of good manners, being bored, seeing someone being hurt, being a leader, crowds
Job: Astrobiologist/xenobiologist, zoology specialisation. Travelling scientist who visits different inhabited exoplanets and researches local fauna in wild.
Hobbies: drawing, travelling, music, astronomy
Age: 67 (first incarnation, no regenerations, considered as a young mare)
Gallifreyan Chapter: Prydonian, with Arcalian ancestry
Short life story: Was born on Gallifrey, and from young age was showing her passion to animals and drawing. Got her cutiemark at the age of 12, after rescuing another filly from an angry wild pig-bear (local animal) by realising that the beast was hurt and needed medical help. Started her education at the Time Lord Academy at the age of 8, like other Gallifreyan foals. Graduated at the age of 45 as a xenobiologist, established symbiotic relationships with her own TARDIS at 53.