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About Liszto

  • Birthday 1997-02-26

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  • Discord Username

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Angouleme - france
  • Interests
    Music Video games and many other things ^^

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Cozy glow
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
    Rainbow dash :D
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best CMC

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. Ask me questions. They shall be answered.

  2. Non mais j'ai quand même un niveau assez décent pour avoir fait quelques traductions (mais de fic tres simple) a l'époque de french Brony xD Ou pour le fofo, Apprend moi sensei !
  3. @Le Trotteur Sauvage effectivement comme écrit plus haut j'aurais peu être besoin d'aide pour me guider sur le forum car je suis un peu perdu en faite ^^ et aussi me conseiller de FF facile a lire pour une merde en anglais xD Like i said earlier i could need help to guide me on this forum cause i'm a little bit lost ^^ and for advise me for some Fanfiction easy to read for a shitty english speaker xD
  4. Thanks you a lot ! but you really think my English is good ? I always through it's was really bad :/
  5. Thanks to all of you And yeah I have forget some details and question First: do you have some good fanfiction easy to read for me ? I was reading a lot of French FF and I have translate some English>French but I didn't discover the universe of English FF so it's time for me to start ( and maybe if I can get a good level in english I could translate some FF from French ) And second : yeah ! I need to find my feet like you say :/ I don't know where to start :'( Is there a tchatbox ? I'm on mobile version so maybe I can't see it Thanks to all of you it warm my heart to finally get to a new forum
  6. Hi there ! First ! Sorry for my English :/ i'm a French and everyone know that French people are bad in English (correct me if I do something wrong I have to learn ) so to introduce myself I'm Liszto. I'm a French brony since the season 2 i'm 23 years old my favourite pony is Cozy glow she is soooo cute when she get angry i love music and in French I consider myself as a "mélomane" (hard music lover) i really like the 70/80's period with band like Pink Floyd Genesis or Supertramp but I kinda like all type of music ( except for French singing music or rap but they may be exception ^^ ) i do a lot of video games especially League of legend or world of Warcraft but I play to lot more games i'm here because all the French mlp forum are dead and all the community splited up so it's hard now to find great brony to speak to and i'm here for learning English too and find some buddies to play with and exchange ^^ i think that's all but I can forgot some detail see ya on this forum so
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