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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by bubbleteapony

  1. thank you! thank you so much! her mane was super fun to work on thank you!! I've got another new piece here!
  2. hello everyone! I took a really long break from posting here :twismile: but I'm back for a bit now! I just made a big post over in the art galleries of what I've been working on this past year

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miss


      Hey hey welcome back! 

      I also came back after a long time https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/26599-and-i-return/

      I'll go check out your art! :ph3ar:


    3. bubbleteapony


      @Sparklefan1234 thank you BFFFF! I am, I hope you are as well!:mlp_yeehaa:

      @Astral Soul thank you!:BrightMacContent:

      @Miss nice to see you around as well then!:derp:

    4. Flew Away

      Flew Away


      Your art is really beautiful, hope to see you more if you find time for it on the forums.

  3. helloooo, long time no see! I started leaning really heavily into my full time art work, and kinda.... forgot to keep posting here here's some of the art I've made in the past year, as a big post to make up for my lack of posting lol
  4. thank you so much everyone!
  5. Hi everyone, I just got back from a trip to Scotland, so I've been very busy this month! I haven't made much art but I did want to re-imagine my favorite G5 character in the G4 style made using a bunch of different rarity screenshots put together, mostly from the Dragon Dropped episode.
  6. fall is my favorite season! I love the look and smell of the leaves changing, and halloween is my favorite holiday (plus it's right after my birthday) this year I'm visiting my boyfriend while he's getting his master's overseas so I get to travel as well!
  7. I guess the most prominent friendship problem I've had is when I moved in the middle of high school, not really a problem with anyone else but I had to learn to overcome my social anxiety and make new friends! I think either Izzy or Zipp would be my bff though! I love making art like Izzy, but I also love being active and playing sports like Zipp
  8. The Marvel Cinematic Universe to me is like they got bored of beating the dead horse and decided to nuke it instead. I'm sorry, but how many movies can one franchise put out in a single year? It's way over-saturating the film market and they continually beat out any unique movie that may have the misfortune to be shown at the same time as Ironspiderhulkman: Return to the CGIverse. I'm in no way saying the movies are bad or that you're wrong for enjoying them, but for god's sake, can we not go one year without a new movie? They're making and releasing the movies so fast and so continually that the movies just end up having basically the exact same plot with no distinguishing features. Also, the CGI. Practical effects still very much have their place in modern film-making, and these Marvel movies are helping dig the grave of traditional effects. At a certain point the amount of computer graphics they use just detracts from the overall visual appeal of the movie. It's like, ok, great, the actors swung on a rope in front of a green screen again? Wow Why don't you just credit the artists on the posters instead since they're doing most of the leg work. As a disclaimer, I have only seen 3 marvel movies. But i don't have to read up on what happened in other movies if I ever go to see one (and I don't do it by my own volition), because there is so little substance to the movies that I'm hardly missing anything. I'm caught up by a simple "Oh, Tony escaped the evil prison" because 90% of the previous movie was action scenes and unwitty jokes.
  9. checking my boyfriend's car after it wouldn't start, so we were briefly stuck on the roof of a parking garage in 100 degree heat I got it working though!
  10. I cant see any status update notifications right now, by the way :Thorax: so that's why I'm not really reacting or commenting on any right now. I'm really not sure if anyone's posting any

    1. Astralshy


      It's a known issue. There is a way to to get around notifications, but then you get them from anyone (whether you are following them or not)


    2. bubbleteapony


      @Astral Soul interesting, I already have that checked so I thought it'd still work :mlp_wat: I unchecked and checked it again, maybe that'll fix things

  11. Biological, absolutely not. You couldn't pay me all the money in the world to carry a pregnancy, and in reality I would be paying tens of thousands, so no way. Fostering though, I could do. I love teens, they're hilarious and really fun and I'd want to provide a home for 13 y/os and older. I adamantly did not want kids years ago, but as I get older I find myself more and more open to the idea. Just can't stand babies
  12. One pill every day to control an organ I have that likes to grow tissue where it shouldn’t cimetidine whenever needed (which has been every night for three nights, ah) for acid reflux, and calcium+vitamin D supplements in hand with the daily pill whose side effect is literally bone atrophy
  13. Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you! I referenced her character model from before they had to remove the fluff from her hooves, but it certainly does resemble the G4 hippogriffs! Same
  14. Vector of Bubble Tea using a screenshot of Pinkie Pie just for fun c:
  15. I used to watch episodes in German when I was learning! (or at least I watched with German subtitles?) I haven't watched in a different language in a while, but this thread got me curious so I looked up and found the Japanese dub of This Day Aria. I dare say I like it better than the original! The delivery for evil cadance gave me chills! Here's the video! Since I should probably show what I'm talking about I love the evil cadance portion at 0:44 specifically
  16. I wouldn't do it myself, but I wonder how she'd react to Cujo or The Birds, or any other animal-centered films Maybe Bunnicula would be more her speed?
  17. Ooooo, this is a fun topic! I can't rank all of them, but I can say my top five are: 5. Apple to the Core - One of FIM's underrated songs, I like the message of family not having to be blood related in the episode 4. Flawless - Another underrated song, I think one of FIM's most underrated songs. Not many people love this one but I just think it's really nice! I'm not a huge fan of the episode it came from though 3. Open Up Your Eyes - Don't need to say much about this one. One of the best villain songs in FIM, and one of the best villain songs in any children's media for a while! (And yes, I'm including Disney villains) 2. Hope Shines Eternal - Cute song, one of the few from EqG I really like. Like Flawless, I don't love its source material, but the song itself is nice! My roommate and I listen to it on road trips 1. This Day Aria - This song has been an absolute gem ever since the episode came out. I don't think any other MLP song has added up to This Day Aria's quality
  18. On it! Thank you I loved it too, part of the reason why I was so inclined to draw her I'd say go for it! I've been dyeing my hair for six years now and it's usually a lot easier to dye on virgin hair. Darker hair is a little trickier for bright colors like that, so it will be a little pricey although not undoable, but just find a well reviewed salon and they should be able to work with you!
  19. Rarity, hooves hands down. If it was a matter of first dibs it would definitely be Applejack, but that's not how Twi was choosing. Rarity runs her own business and at the time really needed the publicity (plus, how unfair is it that she designed dresses for the gala each year and never got an invite?) so she has the best reason to go. Sure AJ needed to raise money for a new barn, but she didn't even want to attend, and was just going to set up outside the venue. She should've just gotten a vendor's license Fluttershy just wanted to go to the gardens outside (that shouldn't have even required a ticket?), and as someone who's been to a couple fancy galas, I would never invite season 1 Rainbow or Pinkie to one. Pinkie just thought it was a party and Rainbow was just frustrating with how she "deserved" to go just to meet some celebrities. I mean, I can't think of a worse reason to give someone a ticket to that ..... my roommate and I have gotten into big debates over this, and every time we land on Rarity being the one who should go
  20. Thank you! Thank you! I was stuck between making them shiny or leaving them gray, I like how they ended up That's for sure!
  21. I have to say, with all the G5 leaks we got while FIM was still happening as well as the concept art that's been released, I'm also disappointed in what they went forward with. Both the designs and quality seemed (for the most part) to be better in the concepts phase, at least in my opinion. Personally I really liked blue Hitch and inventor Sunny
  22. I don't necessarily have a list of my own but I disagree with everyone putting Rainbow Dash dead last because she's "dumb" or impulsive. It's pretty obvious she has some sort of learning issue, and they even made an episode dedicated to Twi helping RD find the best technique to learn. Once Rainbow actually had the proper accommodations she aced her wonderbolts test, and she obviously has a lot of knowledge on flight mechanics. She's shown to be quite good at quick-thinking as well, as she has to make a lot of sudden maneuvers when flying fast or chasing something. I think she was just brought up with a dislike of academia, because trust me, when you spend almost all your academic years feeling like a dumb failure because of a condition you can't help and your teachers refuse to help you or accommodate, you lose a bit of faith in learning. Anyways, I just think we need to give Rainbow a bit more credit She just has some issues with patience and impulse I think Regardless, I can agree that Twilight definitely belongs on top I don't think any of the mane 6 are "dumb," they each just have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. For being able to put a stop to multiple threats to Equestria and work through interpersonal social issues like they have, they're all pretty smart to me
  23. https://www.equestriadaily.com/2022/05/alternate-art-styles-for-tell-your-tale.html EqD posted an article featuring a bunch of concept works exploring alternative art style and character proportions for Tell Your Tale. Personally, I like the body proportions for what they went with, but I like the top art style a lot better than the official one. I'm curious to know what other people think as well, though from the comments, it's looking like other people prefer the unused style as well
  24. Well, when episodes were still airing I skipped basically all of seasons 6-8 I like Starlight but I just wasn't interested in the whole school of magic thing, it just seemed a bit shoehorned into the show, like they didn't know what to do with Twilight. I did go back and watch all the episodes after the show ended, though it wasn't anything special
  25. I thought Zipp being sneaky in the beginning of that first Make Your Mark episode was really cute! So it deserved a redraw Trying to draw her some more to get more comfortable drawing her wings. They're pretty, but the feather placement is a bit odd. Zipp is quickly becoming my favorite G5 character, if only they'd show Sugar Moonlight in the MYM series Here's the original screenshot for reference: Please excuse the jpg quality, we don't get good service out here
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