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Everything posted by bubbleteapony

  1. wowee, here we go... -got a big scar going all the way across the side of my knee from when i was 4 and got sliced by a wicker basket -busted my head open at age 7 by a fast-closing metal door -busted my head open at age 3 cause I laughed too hard, fell off my chair, and hit my browbone on a metal dog bowl (now i have a cool edgy eyebrow scar!) -fell off a stage and landed palm-first on a bolt sticking out of the ground meant wrapping cords around -fell off a yoga ball and landed on my pinkie finger (never actually got it treated cause my mom didn't believe me when I said I hurt it, it was purple and blue for a week or two) -dog dropped a cow thigh bone on my foot and prob cracked my toe bones, def cracked my toenails those are all the big ones I remember? i think thats it for all my kid-aged ones. at least before i turned 13
  2. made a custom of bubble tea cause I had so much fun making Firefly :eager: there's certainly a learning curve with these things, and I'm gonna have to try to get my hands more steady, but otherwise yay! next up is gonna be a brushable Minty!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      @bubbleteapony You're very welcome (oh, ok :) Just wasn't sure about her pronouns)

    3. Flying Pencil
    4. EpicEnergy


      You did a fantastic job! :grin:

  3. I'm a scorpio! and a tiger in the chinese zodiac. i believe my moon and rising are also scorpio
  4. I personally would love to see cloudchaser again, and if they bring back any from older generations, I'd really love to see minty! I'm a bit thrown off by the fact they said "computer animated" for the movie... most animation is done on computers nowadays. Can't tell whether they mean 2d like the fim movie or CG? I'd prefer if it weren't cg
  5. while it would make more sense with yellow instead of green because red/blue/yellow are the primary colors, I think it's because green stands out a little bit more and doesn't have a "personality" assigned to it? generally with these trios it doesn't fit to have a "yellow, happy, bubbly" personality attached to them (usually reserved for the girls, eyeroll). or it's just because yellow is a bright and distracting color
  6. ugh, this is probably one of the worst weeks I've ever had. I'm fine ... but jeez louise. enough is enough :scoots:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Flying Pencil

      Flying Pencil

      I'm sorry that your week wasn't good, I hope it gets better

    3. bubbleteapony


      @ExplosionMare surprisingly, election results are now the least of my worries :awwthanks: the covid results should come in today, and we'll find out, just crossing my fingers there's nothing wrong. and yeah, gonna start putting some extra distance between me and his brother, this is the third time he's had a covid scare while the rest of us are still at none :dry:

    4. ExplosionMare



      Yikes! I hope the rest results are good 🤞🏻

  7. depends, I do get angry if they start going on about how "weird" or "creepy" it is (namely thinking about mlp g3 here :/ ). just cause you didn't like it as a kid doesn't mean it's not bad media. it's just rude to insult someone's childhood interest they have emotional ties to
  8. i finished my Firefly custom mlp doll! for my first custom, I think she turned out pretty good!

    I used acrylics and alcohol markers




  9. composing music! also scrubbing the bathroom, yay
  10. I'm def a mood snacker. Basically any negative mood I have you'll fine me eating; the serotonin receptors in my stomach are more sensitive than average so I guess that's why
  11. ok, things are finally winding down... i have time to make art again :) first i'll get through commissions and then I'll get back to the create a pony thread :BrightMacContent:

  12. do you have any sort of favorite foods/bands/songs?
  13. new icon, made by me of bubble tea's dragon form :coco:

  14. I dislike vegans who align themselves with peta. none of them have any idea of what they're talking about, they've never owned a barnyard animal in their lives yet act like they're saviors for saying domestic animals should be released into the wild? domestic animals that aren't equipped to live in the wild or be feral? also saying garbage like "backyard chickens are unethical cause they're forced to lay year round and get their babies taken from them/sheep need their wool/bees will die without 100% of their honey/calves aren't allowed to drink milk from their mothers" which is all just untrue. they also get really aggressive as if that's gonna make anyone listen to their misinformation of course, regular vegans themselves are alright. just don't bother me about it lol. i eat kosher, but I love poultry meat, but i don't eat my own chickens and they're very spoiled, leave me alone also, I hate when they argue that it's closer to our "natural diet". it's not, and if we really wanted to be natural we'd be eating bugs, so
  15. rewatching angel beats with my roommate! and also feeding old tomatoes to the chickens. they go ham for those, one of the teenage roosters has no fear is stealing them from the big top rooster
  16. I have to totally agree here... i get they're teenage dragons and are gonna look lanky? but the puppet-styled animation the show uses doesn't really do them justice. frogmen describes them pretty well I don't like future twilight and spike either. Not sure why they gave spike a chin like that .... and twilight is pretty much a recolor of celestia. she just doesn't look good with that model and hair style, she's too.... flashy i guess
  17. @Splashee totally. I got the redo of link's awakening which is one of my favorite games, and it's super charming and fun to play, but definitely not worth $60 considering it's just a 3d version of a game and story that already exists. Also ridiculous considering link's awakening and breath of the wild are the same price, when one is faaaarrr more extensive and complex than the other. also one is an original game
  18. for sure, but I'm referring to the decrease in the availability of quality games from larger consoles like playstation and xbox, you can get way better games through steam (I personally only own a switch so i only have experience with nintendo properties). I never liked shooters as they're all very copy-paste and frankly boring to me so imo there hasn't been any improvement or decline for those. Specifically I'm thinking of older pokemon games that actually had heart vs the new switch versions that are just being made to make money as fast as possible
  19. i forgot to take any pictures of my morticia addams costume but I dressed up at least and watched nightmare before christmas! and a campy low-budget japanese horror film called Tag. Definitely feasted on my favorites candies though, yorks and reese's and made "brains/guts" pot pies filled with vegetarian chorizo meat!
  20. At least for me personally, I am NOT having a "christian" wedding. I'm agnostic, but I was raised Jewish, so if anything I'd have a more jewish-leaning celebration at least in terms of traditions. I don't want religion involved in my wedding I don't see marriage dying out anytime soon (or religion for that matter) but it certainly doesn't have quite the meaning it used to. As someone born and presenting as a woman, I'm certainly glad i don't have to marry a man just to have access to a bank account or land anymore. I'd say the only financial incentive for a marriage nowadays is the tax break, and I'd *like* to say that people are more motivated to marry for romantic reasons than financial, but I'm sure that can't speak for everyone
  21. (yeah that's one of the reasons I started this thread, so people could properly discuss without self centered childrenconstantly complaining that love is fake ) Sexism is certainly a factor in my wedding if I were ever to get married, I'm planning on wearing a mostly black dress (though mostly for aesthetic reasons, I like black lol). No one should get married if it feels it'll hold them back, but my opinion is that if you're comfortable spending your life with the person, then why not have a fancy ceremony for it? You don't even have to get legally wed, just a nice ceremony so there's no paperwork to fill out should the two people split (though the tax benefits of legally marrying are appealing) At least in the USA where I live, there is no "marriage equality for everyone" like I've heard people saying. Poly and disabled people still don't have the access to marriage like others do. The ableism I can see but I don't understand why politicians would be against poly marriage with the amounts of mistresses they have I guess they can only see multiple partners as "cheating" cause that's all politicians do Absolutely. I have a family member who recently got divorced and now they're trying to split up the money from selling the house.... yikes. Divorce is not a fun threat when it comes to marriage and is one of the reasons I'm not dead-set on getting married
  22. vanilla is my all-time favorite smell! very comforting to me. after that, it's fire(wood), decaying leaves, the ocean, forests, chickens (yes they have a smell, it's faint but pleasant. they're very clean birds), barns (sue me, i grew up in a farm family), and this last one's weird, but for some reason i like the smell of the cardboard from specifically frozen food packages. it's just an interesting smell!
  23. it seems recently that marriage has lost its importance, and maybe for good reason? People are free to live their lives unmarried if they choose to do so without getting scoffed at. But also, it makes marriage a little more special because people are doing it out of love rather than, say, financial security. what are your opinions? do you want to get married? do you see marriage as necessary? do you yourself want to get married and have wedding plans planned out, or do you want to elope? just to be clear, there's no debate going on here. don't talk about how romance is stupid and there will be no discussion on whether or not certain people have a right to marry, because everyone does (barring nonconsensual marriages, but still) personally, i like the idea of marriage, but if i were to get married i wouldn't want a big traditional wedding. no giving me away, maybe a veil just to complete the look, though my whole family would have to come also there's only gonna be a wedding and a reception, no weird side parties or whatever. or I'll just elope like my parents did
  24. I have to strongly disagree with those last comments, I've have never, ever shown more affection for my platonic friends than my romantic partners. I've also had many friendships that were definitely not intimate or comfortable, likewise to romantic ones. And romantic relationships aren't inherently more 'fragile' than platonic ones or "man-made", to claim so just sounds cynical. If you have no desire for a romantic relationship then that's just fine but everyone has to remember that their experiences aren't universal (i.e my father, while being protective of me, did let me date as a teen, sex IS a 100% romantic thing for me though I am also asexual, and my partner IS like a.. well I'll say best friend instead of sibling, but still) I don't think it's fair to downplay all others' experiences with romance because you're not interested (not to be that person, but if you haven't experienced romantic attraction, have you looked into aromanticism?), I and a whole lot of other people give tons of love to our friends and partners so you can't make claims that we don't. They are certainly different kinds of love. All in all, each has its strengths and weaknesses and the younger you are the more likely both platonic and romantic relationships are going to be unstable. This is just me, but I'm in contact with more of my ex's from the past than I am old friends (but that could also just be because for the most part my ex's and i split amicably, while ex-friends tried to make a whole deal of it that i just wasn't having). I know I've stated this on this topic before, but, friend breakups 100% happen. Not with every friend, but they are a very real thing.
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