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Everything posted by bubbleteapony

  1. this might be difficult :0 top five: 1) Twilight Sparkle 2) Cloudchaser 3) Sprout Greenhoof 4)Princess Luna 5) Minty (I know she was just in a post-series short, but it still counts ) least favorite: 1) Moondancer 2) Lightning Dust 3) Sludge 4) Suri Polomare 5) Svengallop There are verrrry few non-antagonist characters I dislike! And I don't even dislike a lot of the villains in the show
  2. I don't think I've seen her previous design, but the art is very nice!
  3. man, the threads on here talking about how people don't want to see "forced diversity" like just having more female and LGBT+ characters have me down. I'm happy my circle of friends on here are kind, but outside of them... it just seems a little hostile sometimes. Makes me nervous to comment about how I hope there's gonna be characters in G5 that are LGBT+, like me. Or to even talk about being LGBT really  :sunny: luckily, I think they're just a loud minority cause I haven't personally talked to anyone who wasn't friendly on here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bubbleteapony


      @Miss that's very reassuring to hear actually :BrightMacContent: I'm not the *most* active on the forums so I'm sure there are plenty of threads I've just missed. It's always nice having fellow queer pony-loving buds around :P

    3. Miss


      Hell yeah! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

      Initiate Rarijack and Startrix hehe

    4. bubbleteapony


      @Miss two of my favorite ships in the show :ButtercupLaugh:

  4. here she is all finished! I decided to just start drawing all the ponies myself to help me practice more. I really love how she turned out!! also yes, feel free to continue to another round if I haven't responded yet!
  5. @HereComesTom thank you! She's my favorite character, so I def wanted to see her relaxing a bit and having some fun on her own. I bet she was psyched to be able to really fly for the first time
  6. I'm gonna try to get this topic going again cause I'm in the mood to doodle ponies just to make things easier I'll just go ahead and start again! I think this pony should be a bat pony for Nightmare Night coming up
  7. hi, nice to meet you! welcome to the forums! I can't wait to see your ponysona, she sounds really pretty
  8. \ happy nightmare night from the best Princess Luna! Halloween is my favorite holiday so I had to draw something in celebration this is my personal redesigned version of luna, hence the differences from canon
  9. it's my birthday!:oh_golly: the only gift i want is to be able to do absolutely nothing today. I'm so tired of moving furniture :awwthanks:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rikifive


      Happy birthday! :balloon::mlp_yeehaa:

      Doing absolutely nothing-- yeah I can relate, that alone is a good gift :BrightMacContent: I hope you'll have a nice day. c:

    3. bubbleteapony
    4. ExplosionMare


      Happy birthday!!!

  10. my favorite holiday, and very close to my birthday, so I'm gonna be celebrating both at the same time! mostly celebrating by adopting our new cat
  11. I really like the older gens my favorites have been: G1 - Sugarberry. Technically not a character in the actual animations though, so if I had to pick one that was animated, then Wind Whistler! G2 - Never really watched anything from there, I like Eve though G3 - Definitely Minty, though I also really like Kimono, Wysteria, and Starcatcher G4 - Cloudchaser! G5 - Sugar Moonlight! Though out of the mane cast my favorite is Zipp
  12. Just got off the phone with the adoption group. We got the cat!! :pinkie: We (or just I) get to meet him this weekend!! He can't come home with us until after next weekend since we're having a small halloween party and don't want to overwhelm him right off the bat... but still!:squee:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bubbleteapony


      @Flying Pencil The adoption group and his foster named him Oliver, but we wanna change it to Pickle :BrightMacContent: cause of his green eyes

    3. Cagey


      Awesome! Pickle is a great name. That reminds me of someone I once knew who had dogs named Olive and Pickles. :ButtercupLaugh:

    4. bubbleteapony


      @Cagey thank you! We just really like the name:P I love those dog names though hahaha

  13. Oh boy. I love complaining and being nitpicky, this is the forum for me but in all seriousness, I don't outright /hate/ any episodes... but there are certainly some that i have opinions on I'll just organize by season for simplicity. I pretty much love seasons one and two, so I'll start with three: One Bad Apple: Kind of a given here. I thought the episode was good, and sympathized with the CMC, and it honestly has one of the best songs in the series IMO. It just ended weird. Suddenly you can't follow through on your revenge scheme, because what? You decide you're better than Babs Seed at the last minute? Honestly I think the whole parade thing should've been followed through, so the CMC [or at least Apple Bloom and Scoots] could realize that it's bad to hurt other ponies, while Babs gets a taste of her own medicine. Sweetie Belle could run off beforehand and get an adult like Applejack, idk. It was just handled weird. I certainly never felt that much sympathy for my bullies growing up [Season 4] Bats!: Ok, this is a big one for me. For context, I come maaaaany generations of farmers. I'm saving up to own my own small farm. I am ALSO an animal lover, and a big supporter of animal welfare. This episode made no sense to me. Applejack has a devastating pest that could drive her farm out of business, and what is Fluttershy's response? "Just be kind to them because they're animals"? I know it's a kid's show, but if someone asked me or my neighbors to not... "deal" with the predators that damage our flocks, I'm sure we'd all be right pissed. And we're just hobby farmers. Applejack farms apples for her entire family's living. It's extremely selfish Fluttershy to have Applejack give an entire orchard to them just to appease her. I swear, if there were an episode about invasive species the writers would have Fluttershy side with them too. [Season 5] Bloom and Gloom: Honestly not much to say about this one, it was just poor writing. And kinda confusing. The entire episode was just dream sequence after dream sequence and it all just boiled down to "Applebloom stresses about her cutie mark". Meh Amending Fences: This is my least favorite episode in the series. Won't get on my soap box for this one, but Moondancer is annoying and whiny. Sure she can be upset with Twilight for missing her party, but she shut herself off from the rest of her friends and then acted like she wasn't to blame for that. Also Twilight literally left by Princess Celestia's orders so idk. Very weird episode for me What About Discord?: I don't /hate/ this one, but it's hard to watch. Twilight's friends really should have picked up on the fact that they were leaving her out in conversations, it's just rude to make jokes someone's not in on constantly. But hey, it's also a good lesson for kids, so eh. I mostly give this one a pass cause I do ship TwiCord, and it's funny that Discord basically just wants Twi's attention the whole time (or at least that's how I interpret it (Same with the episode Three's a Crowd) [Season 6] No Second Prances: I thought Twi and Trixie had resolved their differences? One of the first examples of the Mane 6's character development getting trashed on to develop other characters [Season 7] A Flurry of Emotions: Twilight you are watching a baby, you need to pay attention to it. (I don't like Flurry Heart, or babies in general for that matter.. but cmon) Fame and Misfortune: If you're gonna make an entire episode about how Flaws Are Natural and No One Is Perfect, at least make sense of it. It was pretty much just an episode dedicated entirely to mocking fan complaints (sure, most of them were nit-picky complaints, but still). It was mostly the lack of self-awareness for me. As if the writers weren't aware that any flaws in the show are /their/ fault? Because the characters are all fictional? I liked the song though, so points for that. [Season 8] Non-Compete Clause: Again, the writers backtracking on the Mane 6's character development just to benefit the new characters. Rainbow I could understand, but Applejack, really? Putting students in danger just for a competition? I don't think even Rainbow would go that far. The Mean 6: All that build up to Chrysalis finally making a return for literally NOTHING to happen the entire episode. Also, the dialogue for the Mean 6 was..... yeowch Father Knows Beast: Spike learns about emotional manipulation. I guess. [Season 9] The Last Problem: Made me cry. Not allowed Woof! Lots of words there. Thanks for sticking with me if you actually read all that cx
  14. @ExplosionMare- "I LOVE sweet drinks like smoothies and slushies! Hot, fruity teas too! Don't love hot chocolate, but coffee is nice! ........ when Render lets me have it" Can't imagine why Render wouldn't want Bubble to have extra caffeine...
  15. my partner and i move into our apartment together next monday, only six days away! :eager: we're gonna adopt a cat as well, so I'm super excited. won't be able to move the big furniture until the weekend though, so we'll be sleeping on an air mattress for a couple days

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ExplosionMare


      Congrats on getting an apartment!

    3. Cagey


      That's so exciting! Congrats! 

    4. bubbleteapony


      @Gaines@ExplosionMare@Cagey thanks everyone! we're super excited, it's right above downtown so we're able to walk to shops and grocery stores!:BrightMacContent:

  16. I made a thread to ask questions to my pony, Bubble Tea! I'll answer every question with a drawing of Bubble Tea so she's actually "answering" the questions too. Check it out here:


  17. As the title says: Hello, I'm Bubble Tea! I'm an adult mare who runs a drink stand, and I'm here to answer any of your questions you have for me! ((All out-of-character comments made by me will typed in parenthesis so you know I'm not speaking as Bubble Tea I'll also answer every question with a drawing so Bubble is actually "answering" all of them!))
  18. 5 am, can’t sleep :awwthanks: I got woken up by the blinds hitting the window with all the wind outside, but I can’t fall back asleep, partially because I’m excited to play animal crossing tomorrow with the new Sanrio amiibo cards I got :please:

    1. ExplosionMare



      Those cards are pretty fun. I’ve only used Keroppi so far cause I wanted all the cute frog furniture first. I also want the Keroppi bunny to move in but sadly, the house I bought for him got vacated.

    2. bubbleteapony


      @ExplosionMare I've been switching between all of them, I really like the cinnamaroll and pompompurin ones since I have a little cafe on my island

      you can still have him move in though! you just have to force out a different villager if you're maxed out haha. It's only with amiibos but you can have the old villager move out to make room for the new

  19. thanks guys! the compliments mean a lot, as I'm still very new to photomanipulation and editing I added another edit I did of my other oc and namesake, Bubble Tea!
  20. anyone like my new art?


    1. CheeryFox
    2. Cagey


      That right there is best horse. 

    3. Flying Pencil
  21. @Starforce @Courageous Thunder Dash @Splashee @ExplosionMare thank you so much everyone! I can actually totally see that hahaha
  22. Thought it would be fun practice to make a quick[ish] edit of my ponysona, Render! not 100% finished as there are some touch ups to be done but this is the majority bit of what i've done here's the before for reference as well, i used an official image of izzy: (i would've preferred to use zip, but I didn't feel like drawing the horn lol) EDIT; Here's another I did of my oc, Bubble Tea! For Render's, I used part of Izzy's mane and tail, but for Bubble Tea I did the entire mane and tail myself, so it's not *quite* as accurate or realistic looking, but I think it still turned out ok considering I'm not a realism artist! (Bubble's hair also has a certain level of physics-defying anyways; after all, she was designed in 2D) and the original:
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