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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Mitternacht

  1. Had a spectacular 182 notifications this morning! :o That's probably the highest I'll ever get. :squee:

    Good morning everypony! :rarity: Have a great day! :pinkie:


    1. Mitternacht


      Good morning my friend, have a wonderful day! :fluttershy:

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. This picture is literally perfect! :wub:

    Good morning everypony! :kindness: Have a great day! :rarity:


    1. Mitternacht


      What a lovely morning ~ (oh my) what symmetry! :LunaMCM1:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. They forgot to close a cargo door, and we had to radio ATC to tell them to come back so we could close it for em without shutting down.  :D


    Also asked them to do a cool fly-by before they went back to their base and they delivered.  B)



    1. Mitternacht


      This is truly great, cool fly-by! Airplanes are so cool! :yay:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I just reached a hundred followers... :blush: I honestly don't know what to say. :o I've had such an amazing time over this last year and it's been such a journey. :rarity: Waking up everyday knowing that I'm going to go right on here and have the best time ever is an amazing feeling. :mlp_icwudt: It's all thanks to each and every one of you for being the most amazing friends I could ever ask for. :pinkie: I never felt wanted anywhere until I joined here. :kindness: I love you guys so much and you are the most amazing things to ever happen to me! :wub:

    Goodnight! :LunaMCM:


    1. Mitternacht


      Well deserved for such a kind soul! Your friendship is magic to me. Goodnight my friend* :mlp_smile::fluttershy:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Scheduled an appointment again with my psychiatrist after a few months cause I’m the ultimate procrastinator. (And I ran out of meds) :adorkable:  It’s also cause it’s by phone only and phone calls aren’t exactly my favorite thing to do...  kinda why I haven’t talked to my therapist in awhile either.   

    Im just ready for this virus to go away.   I don’t like this virtual stuff

    1. Mitternacht


      There isn't a day that passes by where either myself or someone I know laments the virtual and yearns for in person contact on a regular basis again. We will get there, stay strong and don't ever, ever give up! :mlp_smile:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. A happy Fluttershy is the best Fluttershy! :yay:

    Good morning everypony! :ph3ar: Have a great day! :ooh:


  7. Applejack is so adorable, even when asleep! :mlp_icwudt:

    Goodnight everypony! :kindness: See you all in the morning! :mlp_grin:


  8. Nothing really for me to say except... :adorkable:

    Goodnight everypony! :pinkie: See you all on a new week! :mlp_please:


    1. Mitternacht


      Turning in as well. Have a wonderful night of rest! :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. These ponies were truly made in heaven! :wub:

    1. Mitternacht


      Wow, these renditions are fantastic!

  10. Gorgeous book pony reading in the sunrise! :adorkable:

    Good morning everypony! :bedeyes: Have a great day! :kindness:


  11. I always say that Spike deserves way more love! :BornAgainBrony: At least he's my mother's favourite character in the show! :o

    Goodnight everypony! :eager: See you all on a new Friday! ;)


  12. How about another Dashie to start today? :sneer:

    Good morning everypony! :pinkie: Hope you all have a great day! :rarity:


    1. Mitternacht


      Good morning! This has made my day much better, thank you!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. This gif is too good! :pinkie:


  14. Wow, they're so beautiful! :wub:

    Goodnight everypony! :grin: See you all on a new week! :ooh:


  15. Every day is made so much better because of you! :wub:

    1. Mitternacht


      The same is true with you!

  16. It could be me being paranoid but I think the forum has been very quiet lately. :( I hope you're all okay! :adorkable: Anyway, have a sleepy Applejack! :mlp_icwudt:

    Goodnight everypony! :mlp_ooh: I love you all and I'll see you in the morning! :wub:


    1. Mitternacht


      Busy making dutch apple pie this evening. Your posting of Applejack couldn't have come at a better time! :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. I've encountered something... awesome! :wub:

    Good morning everypony! :ticking: Happy Saturday! :mlp_icwudt:


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