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Status Updates posted by Scarlet02

  1. Well I'm a butterfly now but I hope everyone is having a good morning! I'm gonna play some games soon but does anyone have any fun plans for the upcoming week or month? The most exciting thing I have planned is spending time with my boyfriend on March 4th. It was supposed to be on the 25th of February but things got in the way so he couldn't come visit. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kadae


      Hope you have a wonderful time! I've got a convention coming up this weekend so I'm excited for that. :eager:

    3. Scarlet02


      @Kadae Oh cool! I've never been to a convention before... what's it like to go to one?

    4. Kadae


      It's like a big gathering of people you can vibe with who have similar interests! I'm hoping to meet some cool new people to hang with. Also a good excuse to dress up! :P

  2. Aurora.PNG.310cb06d97737c7a82c6d93955fe17aa.PNG

    Aurora... a pony fascinated by the Northern Lights that occur in the coldest areas of Equestria. She's a unicorn but seems a lot more down to earth than most of the unicorns she knows of. Aurora never liked how how those other unicorns would act... they always seemed so... arrogant. It's like those unicorns thought they were better than every other pony. Despite the opinion Aurora had on most unicorns, there were a few she was friends with.

    Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer who were fond of Aurora. In a way... the three of them were like sisters with how close they had become. Of course since Sunset Shimmer mainly resides in the human world, Aurora can't see her as much as she wants but she tries to visit Sunset when she can. Aurora normally spends time with Starlight Glimmer when she isn't exploring Equestria or visiting Sunset Shimmer. Compared to Sunset and Starlight who are in their twenties, Aurora is currently barely eighteen years old. Despite being an adult, she still doesn't have a cutie mark.

    That's the main reason she covers her flank... to hide it. Aurora has seen so many ponies get harassed for not having a mark yet so she chooses to hide it. Of course she knows it would show an insecurity if anypony ever found out, though hiding her flank was a better idea than letting the whole world see. Aside from her own insecurities... she enjoys a quiet life in Ponyville. Not many ponies know that Aurora lives in Ponyville though since she lives out in the country quite a bit. Her and Starlight Glimmer keep in contact via letters as she likes to avoid going into town as much as possible.

    Starlight doesn't mind this as she knows Aurora has a lot of social anxiety when it comes to being around other ponies she doesn't know very well. If Aurora is feeling frisky... she'll try and teleport herself to Starlight Glimmer. The first few times she tried teleporting didn't go very well but she's mastered the spell at this point. Starlight also likes to teach Aurora new spells when she's able to as she knows Aurora loves to go exploring in unexplored places of Equestria. While Starlight knows she can handle herself... she worries for Aurora's wellbeing at times.

    All Starlight Glimmer can do is teach her what defensive and offensive spells she can and hope Aurora comes back safely. They both usually keep in contact with scrolls so Aurora isn't completely off the grid when she's out exploring on her own. She also has a pet cat that's very protective of her and accompanies Aurora on her adventures into the unknown.


    Okay so I decided to get a little creative with this post. I normally don't write this kind of stuff since I'm self conscious about my writing but I figured I'd try it out a little bit. I might keep elaborating on Aurora's story though I kind of didn't plan it out in this post. I kind of just went with what was in my head and tried not to contradict myself as I wrote. If you noticed a contradiction... please point it out for me. It'll help me look less dumb as far as writing goes hehe.

    Anyway, I hope everyone is having a pleasant morning so far!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. twilightlicious69
    3. Astralshy


      I love this text :) Feel free to write more

      I also should start doing more creative things again .. maybe ponify a song or making some dialogues :BornAgainBrony:

      I hope I can find some time for it the next days :)

    4. Scarlet02


      @TomDaBombMLP Sorry for not replying earlier but I'm doing fantastic today!

      @Astral Soul Hehe I'm glad you like it. I might elaborate more on here and I think I enjoy writing more than drawing if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong... drawing is a lot of fun but it requires my creative side to be working in overdrive where writing is a bit more relaxing. I'll eventually draw again but I'm not sure when.

      Ponifying a song or making some dialogues sounds great though! Just do whatever you're in the mood for hehe.

  3. Good Morning everyone!

    I'm also still working on my profile but I might edit it a bit more later today since it's 6:25 AM for me currently hehe.

    Also here's some Luna:


    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Good morning, Scarlet! :mlp_yeehaa:

    2. Astralshy


      Good Morning :>

    3. twilightlicious69


      It must be 7AM for you over there now. Good morning!

      But for me, it's 7 in the evening now.

  4. Yay! I'm gonna play some Ghost Recon: Breakpoint soon!

    @Courageous Thunder Dash Also I'll get to your OC in a few days. I'm just gonna take a small break from drawing as I'm in a gaming mood right now hehe.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Scarlet02Maybe the gaming will inspire your artwork. Swap one creative outlet for another. :mlp_grin:

    3. Astralshy
    4. twilightlicious69
  5. Alright so I'm... doing better. :P

    Also how are you guys doing? :fluttershy:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scarlet02



      I'm glad you're feelingbetter, @Scarlet02.

      I'm alright, sluggish but alright.

      @TheRockARooster - I get the sluggish feeling sometimes though that's usually when I'm sick. It usually depends though. :P

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Glad you're feeling better! :mlp_yeehaa:

    4. Astralshy


      I'm happy you are feeling better @Scarlet02

  6. *sigh* I don't know how to get rid of this burnout feeling... I tried drawing out since I was starting to get burnt out from gaming and now I'm burnt out from drawing. Maybe this is my depression taking another form? I'm not sure anymore. I just wanna lay down and not do anything. It's like somehow all of my motivation has been drained out of me... This is probably just a normal feeling and I'm just complaining about something that doesn't matter...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Don't strain yourself. Be sure to take a rest. 

    3. Astralshy


      You drawings are awesome :>

      Take as much tie as you need. One cannot force art anyway. Do something which brings you joy and come back to drawing later when you are rested :D

    4. Kadae


      Rest and breaks are important! I hope you're feeling wonderful again soon. :squee:

  7. Well I just finished a sketch that took me a few hours to do and I'm pretty happy with myself. My boyfriend says I should color it with some coloring pencils but I'm not sure I'm that good at mixing colors just yet though I suppose there would be no harm in trying. :sealed:


    Also sorry if you can't see some of of the drawing. I was making the pencil lines light so when I needed to erase something it wasn't a giant hassle. :P 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scarlet02



      I can see it :3

      Cute and great artwork :D 

      Please continue

      Thanks and I'll probably try drawing Cinnamon Wings next. Though she might be a bit harder to draw then Azure Shadow since she's a pegasus but like Stancet said, I'll only learn by trying. :P


      I love it! :wub: I like how you draw the legs too - sooo cute! :fluttershy:

      I have not much experience to draw in real life, but maybe it would help if you take a separate paper and experiment around with the colors and the shading, before you apply it on the actual image. Just an idea. :)

      The left front leg and the cowboy hat was definitely the most trouble some part of the drawing. Also that's what I planned on doing that way it doesn't mess up the entire image. In a way, digital art is a bit easier on that front since you have an undo button. I planned on doing that though since I'm not sure if you can erase coloring pencil marks all that well. Thank you for the idea though. :twi:


      Don't stress too hard about it. I'm a convention artist and only one in every three pictures I do is worth selling, but you can only learn by trying.

      Alright thanks for the tip. I have a tendency to stress out about how my sketches look or when trying something I haven't before. That's also true though I need to get the coloring pencils first since I don't have any currently. :P 

    3. dead account

      dead account


      In a way, digital art is a bit easier on that front since you have an undo button.

      This is very true. But having the undo button is not good for the learning process, it's too convenient. :please:

    4. Scarlet02



      This is very true. But having the undo button is not good for the learning process, it's too convenient. :please:

      That's true and personally... I feel like I prefer traditional sketches. I find it more easier than having to learn how to use a drawing pad. I'm not ruling out digital art completely though. Once I have a drawing tablet, then I'll give digital art a shot.

  8. Well it isn't all that impressive but I made a little drawing on my boyfriend's Valentine's Day card. He only can come over once a month so he'll be getting a Valentine's Day card a little late hehe but he also said he's gonna get me some flowers which has me really happy. Anyway, here's the little drawing I made:


    Also sorry that some parts of it are hard to see. I was erasing a lot so the previous pencil marks are overshadowing some of the bandaids I draw on the crack going down the heart and for those of you wondering, everything has a symbolic meaning in the drawing. I'll let you guys figure out what everything means but it should be pretty obvious though. :twi:

    Edit: Well while looking at it... I thought of something I could edit so I'm gonna do that right quick. I won't be erasing anything but rather just adding some little details. I'll also take any reccomendations into consideration since I wanna make it better but I'm not sure how. ;)

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Great drawing, BFFFF! :D

      I hope you both have/had a great Valentine's Day! :eager:

    2. Astralshy


      Yep great drawing :>

      I hope you will have a great day :>

    3. twilightlicious69


      Awesome drawing! :mlp_smug:

  9. I might not be on here for a while since my computer decided to stop working and this site isn't easy to use on a phone so hopefully I'll be back in about a month, though it might be a little longer. :unamused:

  10. Good Morning everyone and Happy Valentines Day! I won't be with my boyfriend today unfortunately but I hope everyone else has a lovely day! Also here's some Rainbow Dash Valentine's Day art:


    https://www.deviantart.com/discordthege/art/I-wish-you-will-be-my-Valentine-730745130 :eager:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      Happy Valentine's Day, BFFFF! ^_^

    3. Astralshy


      lovely picture :>

      Happy Hearts and Hooves day

    4. Mandalagan


      Happy valentines day, its done in my country heeheee ^_^

  11. Well Good Morning everyone! :Rara:



    I was gonna go back to sleep a few minutes ago, since it's 5:59 AM currently, but I decided not to hehe. Also @TomDaBombMLP, how does this art look? :fluttershy:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scarlet02



      Hehe it is very beautiful but jeez this morning is not going very well for me since my Asthma is starting to act up again which is strange since it only gets triggered by cold weather and exercise. I haven't done either of those so I'm a little concerned that my Asthma may be worsening which is not good at all. :worry:

      @Astral Soul

      Thank you, Astral and I hope you have a lovely Sunday as well! :eager:

    3. Tom Gallagher
    4. RainyDash
  12. Huh... I'm a Parasprite now. I wonder if excessive hunger comes along with it. :blink:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Astralshy



      Please don't eat my laptop xD

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Just don't forget to control your hunger. ;)

    4. Scarlet02


      @Astral Soul Oh don't worry I won't... *proceeds to chew on one of your keyboards keys* :mlp_nom:

      @TomDaBombMLP I'll try to though I can't promise anything hehe. :sealed:

  13. I don't wanna but I'll be going to my grandmothers within the next thirty minutes so I'll probably have the Jehovah Witness religion shoved down my throat again or maybe it won't happen this time. I would be happy if it didn't but my family doesn't get the concept of boundaries, apparently. I guess all I can do is hope the visit will go well. Also I download some MLP Minecraft skins to use, right now I'm using one resembling Sunset Shimmer but I also have a skin of Luna and Twilight Sparkle since those were the nicest skins I could find. :P

  14. I burnt my finger while cooking pizza... Yay. :unamused:

    1. twilightlicious69


      Be more careful next time! I hope you still enjoy your pizza.

    2. Scarlet02


      @Rainbowshine295 I was trying to but I was using pan holders instead of some over mitts which I prefer to use and my finger touched the top part of the inside of the oven. It was painful last night but it's feeling better now so that's nice. I think the reason it cleared up overnight is because I touched a metal part and not the actual metal part with the heat flowing through it. That probably would of hurt a lot more but I did enjoy the pizza so something good came out of it hehe. :twi:

  15. That green glow just makes her look even cooler but I need to find some Nightmare Moon fanart. I haven't seen any fanart of her in a while. :twi:

    Chrysalis Fanart


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scarlet02



      OH MY GOD! I love the mane so much! For some reason, the stars really stand out to me and I'm not sure why since every other Nightmare Moon I've seen has stars in her mane and tail so I don't know what's different here. Maybe it's because the stars in her mane actually look like stars you would see in a sky with different sizes and shapes, though I am an astronomy nerd so maybe it's just me hehe. :P

    3. DivineMist1000
    4. Scarlet02



      Wow! Also she looks so cute in the last one hehe. :P

  16. I was just looking at some MLP art on DeviantArt and this one looked so cool looking, though I adore art from just about anyone. :eager:



    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Spy Ponies. (And Dragon).

    2. dead account

      dead account

      Twilight looking like this always gives me Metal Gear Solid vibes. :fluttershy:

    3. Scarlet02



      SAME! Twilight looking like that always gave me the same vibes and the pistol along with the holster definitely fits with the look. Funny enough, I just noticed the pistol hehe. :P


      YES! They are the most epic of spy ponies... And spike. :ButtercupLaugh:

  17. Well I did say I was gonna write about why I was upset yesterday so thought I would go ahead and write a status about it now. So I was just making some food in the kitchen and my dad ended up showing up drunk again and was guilt tripping me about how I shouldn't live with my mom but instead, I should live with him since he could take better care of me for some reason. Of course he wouldn't since he's constantly drinking and starting insulting my mom right in my face which was really starting upsetting me but I kept my cool and just breathed until he left since I didn't wanna get arrested by the police for assault. He also gave me my W2 that arrived a few days before my birthday, which was on January 30th for those that don't know, and handed it to me but suddenly wanted it back saying he could get me the money for my wages from the beginning of 2021 when I was working with Hardees for about a week. I didn't trust him since it usually takes multiple months for him to do something and for all I know, he might just steal the money or maybe there's some sort of protection in place so that he can't steal it. I've never filed a W2 before so I wouldn't know but my mom said she'll help me with it so there's that. The reason I was hesitant to give it back to him is because he's stolen money from me and my mom in the past so I have a hard time trusting him with money now. I basically was stuck talking to him at the door for almost an hour so that was fun but for those of you wondering, I'm doing a lot better now though I was getting depressed last night. Well that was my encounter with my dad last night and while it wasn't pleasant, I got through it. :P

  18. Phew! Finally finished writing up a proper "About Me" and I might of made it a bit too long but oh well. :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scarlet02


      Yay, @Sparklefan1234! Someone who can relate but I love Angel Wings, though I generally love all Pegasi. :eager:

    3. Sparklefan1234
    4. Cash Ins Toaster
  19. Woot! I morphed from a muffin to a cupcake! :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Congratulations, BFFFF! :D

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Well done, my friend! :yay:

    3. Astralshy
  20. Well I'm about to cut up some pizza for dinner, anyone wanna join me? :P 

    1. Props Valroa
    2. Astralshy


      Let me invent the teletransporter first :>

    3. Scarlet02


      Yes! @Astral Soul shall go down in history as the person who made a teleporter for some pizza lol. :ButtercupLaugh:

  21. Yay, stress, stress, and more stress! So my mother is stressing me out by venting to me since she isn't getting any sleep because of our noisy neighbors. Well I'm gonna have a lot to tell my therapist today when I go there at 2 PM but do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this? When she's ranting at me, I just wanna go run away or tell her to shut up or something like that. I feel so alone right now...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Scarlet02


      Thanks @Starforce. I just got back from my appointment and  had to call my clinic to print some papers so I could get my bloodwork done since they don't have a lab in said clinic and instead I have to go to an outpatient place. My therapist gave me an idea to do contract work which would be temporary jobs that would last for a certain amount of time. That would be a better way of bringing money in instead of SSI but my mom is still stomping her feet around and throwing a fit over not getting enough sleep. You might think I'm joking but I literally heard and felt the entire house shake. Well I'm gonna look into that contracting place after I get back from getting my bloodwork done. :P 

    3. Scarlet02


      Also thanks @Astral Soul and @Midnight Danny for the hugs hehe. :yay:

    4. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      @Scarlet02 Hugs are always better! :yay:

  22. Anyone heard of Legends of Equestria before? I'm playing it and I'm looking for a friend to play it with right now. :P 

    1. Astralshy


      I have, but I don't play it.

      @Midnight Danny

  23. Morning Everyone! Just woke up a few minutes ago and decided I'll just stay awake since I don't have anything else better to do and I'm not really feeling all that sleepy. How's everyone doing this morning though? :3

  24. I'm back and wow it's been a while since I've been on here but a lot has changed in my life. So I have a new boyfriend and I think this guy is definitely the one though I suppose shouldn't say that too soon, otherwise I might jinx it lol. He's such a sweetheart to me in a way that I've never felt before so comparing him to my ex is like comparing a priceless gem to an imitation. The only thing that sucks is that he lives about an hour and thirty minutes away from me so he can only visit me once a month, but it could be worse I suppose. Anyway I'll be a bit more active on here or at least I'll try to hehe.

    1. Astralshy


      Welcome back! Im crossing my fingers for you :)

      This is a disadvantage indeed, but could be changed over time :3


    2. Scarlet02


      Hehe thank you @Astral Soul but me and Jacob have that intention since we don't wanna be separated forever, though if I'm lucky, my mom might move closer to him which would solve that problem hehe. I also decided to jump onto Pony Town and make another pony and named her Cinnamon Wings, though she doesn't have any backstory yet. :P 

    3. Tom Gallagher
  25. The Story of Aurora

    Chapter 2

    "Hey Starry, how was your visit to Cinnamon's house?" said Onyx who was happy to see Starry Night in a good mood as she had been going through her own depression over the legal problems surrounding her pregnancy. 

    “It went pretty well but I am still nervous about just mentioning about the legal problems I’ve been having. I think she won’t say anything about it though as we’re best friends, Cinnamon would never betray my trust.” said Starry Night being very happy but also still a little nervous about this whole situation. She then went to lay down on the couch to relax while Onyx sat down next to her.

    “So Onyx, how is Aurora doing? I’ve been a little worried about her since I’m not used to leaving the house without her but it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just my own paranoia.” Starry Night said to Onyx knowing that he would reassure her since he isn’t the type to let any harm come to Aurora as he had become close friends with her.

    “Aurora’s alright, I think she’s asleep right now but 30 minutes ago we were playing some video games. I remember seeing her get so happy when she did well at them and seeing Aurora like that just makes me smile so much.” said Onyx who, unknown to Starry Night, was starting to develop a love for Aurora but even he thought it was just a deep friendship and nothing more than that. 

    “Well here’s your payment for watching her, but are you sure you don’t want more than 10 bits? It’s only enough to get some food these days and I don’t want you to be starving or anything.” said Starry Night being worried about Onyx’s wellbeing since even though he lives with his parents and is still in his younger years, she knows that his family sometimes can’t afford to eat some nights. 

    “Thank you Starry, I appreciate your concern but I’ll be alright since I do eat some food while I’m babysitting Aurora. I usually only take a little bit of food since I don’t live here so I hope that hasn’t caused any problems.” said Onyx being worried that Starry Night would be mad about him eating out of her refrigerator occasionally but to Onyx’s surprise Starry Night smiled brightly and told him the last thing he expected.

    “Oh, don’t worry about it Onyx. If you're feeling hungry, feel free to get some food whenever you like. I know your home life is hard so you're welcome to eat some of the food here since we rarely run out of money for food.” Onyx was glad Starry Night wasn’t upset at him for eating some of her food but was also very happy that she would let him eat regularly here so he wouldn’t have to be starving constantly, though Onyx would have to keep this a secret from his family. If his family found out that he was being fed but not them, they would become jealous and possibly not let him babysit Aurora anymore.

    “Thank you so much Starry, this means so much to me but I should probably go home now and see how my family is doing. Before I go, can I say goodbye to Aurora though? I love spending time with her and will miss her.” said Onyx wanting to say goodbye to his best friend until the next time they meet. If Onyx was given a choice to live here with Starry Night and Aurora or his family, he would probably live with the two mares instead of his family since it’s more positive around their household than his family’s household is.

    “Of course and if you would like to spend a few nights here, you can. Just make sure to let your family know so they don’t freak out about it and try to claim that I kidnapped you or something like that.” said Starry Night as she laughed a little about the ridiculous idea of her being accused of kidnapping. Onyx was trying to keep from bursting out in laughter but managed to hold it in.

    “Yeah I’ll make sure to tell them so they don’t think something as ridiculous as that happened. I’m gonna go back home and tell them, then I should be back around later tonight. I’ll see you and Aurora when I’m back here, later!” Onyx then made his way to the door but before he could leave, Aurora ran over and hugged him before he left which made him feel happy and gave her a bright smile.

    “Mom said you're coming back here tonight right? It makes me feel so sad when you leave as you're the closest pony to me, you're like my BFF.” said Aurora as she let him go and got sad that he had to leave.

    “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll be back by tonight and we can do some more things together, maybe even help your mom out with some dinner tonight.” Onyx said he was getting more excited about tonight since being around Aurora always made him happy. He started walking out the door and waved at both of the mares as he began to make his way back home. Onyx was worried about what his family would say since they were also very protective of him but hopefully they’ll let him stay outside the house for once. After 10 minutes of walking, he finally made it to his home and walked inside to let his parents know that he wanted to have a sleepover at his best friend’s house.

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