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Everything posted by GuillermoGage

  1. Not sure where to put this... but the Mane 6 were just depicted with... I think Colts jerseys in a "Together We Make Football"-type of ad!
  2. The Mane 6 were just in a TOgether We Make Footbal ad on the Super Bowl! I just saw it!

  3. No, Simple Ways is the worst by a wide mile. It didn't even occur to me that I'm supposed to hate Mysterious Mare Do Well, or Rainbow Falls, until the fandom told me I should. I guess MMDW ain't so great, but I haven't been convinced to dislike Rainbow Falls. After all, it is a Key/Trinket episode, that makes me respect it! Also, i figure the morals were good in it.
  4. I've been watching a few episodes these pst few days while I still can. I dislike illegit viewing also. it loads slower even at the same resolution/quality and I cannot or will not set up a playlist to marathon it. I should rewatch some Season 4 episodes while I still can on Netflix.
  5. I don't get why this is in 4K/3840x2160 despite all the jaggies. It looks like it is from a smaller resolution and then the size was even quadrupled or more from a smaller resolution. As far as I know, most desktop backgrounds will automatically resize with a decent resizing system.
  6. Meh. Smash Bros sure doesn't look or play underpowered. Feel more mature. exactly. Not a valid reason for gaming tastes. That shouldn't indicate true gaming enjoyment. Adolescents are stupid and not the primary purchasers of video game systems, not even their parents are primary purchasers of consoles. The primary purchasers are grown adults buying those things for themselves. "Nobody cares about those franchises anymore." wut. Maybe in Internet Land. But not in the real world. EDIT: a few minutes later. Also, The Last of Us is an interactive movie that can be experienced fully enough by watching other people play it on YouTube. or so I suspect. So far the Metal Gear Solid series is like 90% cutscenes.
  7. ...well, I'm still the last person to add to this topic since December 30. Does anybody else still follow Littlest Pet Shop, the animated series made by DHX Media? (I used to be able to just call it Littlest Pet Shop on the Hub, or Littlest Pet Shop Hub) Seventeen episodes in, well, now eighteen episodes in. I will see the eighteenth when it hits iTunes come Monday or so. Out of 26 episodes... this third season is the best one yet. It hasn't crackled and fizzed out like Season 2 was. A lot of Season 2 was boring and made me question why I would want to follow LPS. I was beginning to think "I'm only giving this show a chance because of it having stylistic similarities to, and sharing talent from, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. But I am glad that I decided to keep giving it a chance, because the first thirteen episodes; the first half of Season 3 is fantastic and got the LPS formula down perfect. The show really came into it's own. And the four episodes I have seen so far since then have continued that. I'm starting to think that LPS really is worthy of having a full-blown fandom. It does, I suppose, but it is not big and not active enough. For one thing, there aren't really any active forum places to extensively talk about the show and characters. I'm part of a small forum with like the same dozen people on it. There's seventy episodes and a few IDW comic issues now. Certainly, ample world and characters have been developed to talk about it at that intense forumite level!
  8. I specifically refer to the TV cartoon. So, is anyone else following it? Season 3 is happening right now! I have seen every episode and every LPS Hasbro Studios Short! My favorite episodes are Gailbreak!, Bad Hair Day, Dumb Dumbwaiter, So Interesting, The Secret Recipe, Sunil's Sick Day, What's So Scary About the Jungle? Everything!, What's in the Batter, Door-Jammed, and War of the Weirds. I also wonder if anyone has read the IDW comics. It seems like there are five issues now. I haven't read them yet. I went over to various sites, including the IDW site and am thinking of getting them, the digital versions.
  9. This subject looks familiar. http://guillermogage.deviantart.com/art/Applejack-bucking-for-apples-370640699 It is because I have tried this pose before also! So... yeah, this is where the "hardly even a horse" small snout design for the mare ponies that this show went with ends up being really noticeable. The snout you drew... it durn does look like a weird fish. Even in the canon show... I reckon the top of the snout is not that long and skinny. It looks like your Applejack has a floppy upper lip like a cartoon trout. But you do have a more realistic tree trunk than me. Indeed, tree trunks are not usually literally dark brown. I've also now realized that the Applejack that I drew... is a more solid orange, moreso than the light orange that Applejack actually is on the show. Those are good shadows tho. and the slanted bucket of apples makes the ground seem more realistic instead of the bucket seem like it is in a void. it gives the implication that the ground is slanted and hilly, which is how it is I reckon, on the orchard. And it is slanted in the correct direction concerning the shadows.
  10. Boyhood. I just finished watching it today, and while I am not going to describe it as "epic" or "a masterpiece", it just so happened to not rub me the wrong way. I'm probably not a similar young man as Mason, but I can still relate to some degree. And even if I don't, well, lots of us can hardly relate to superheroes and stuff. This portrait of a fictional but hopefully realistic example of an American boy is not supposed to be representative of everyone's childhood! But I really do like the dialogue. Most of it felt natural, where people don't get the chance to say stuff that we as the audience want them to say, because, while the characters are in a movie, they are not quite in movie-land where they get to come up with always good speeches. But they do have some good movie-style dialoguey scene speeches moments sprinkled throughout the last third or so of the film. This really could be a contender for best movie of the year... This movie was obviously a gamble, but I'd say it paid off. Hopefully this movie will survive the ravages of time and will be a piece of work that can be shown to people generations from now and still be good.
  11. I just watched the movie Boyhood. I enjoyed it and enjoyed the dialogue. It was really refreshing!

  12. I have a few ideas for some movies that I can envision as being really good: "Colton Taking Flight" There's been talks of a movie about the life of former teenage burglar and airplane joyrider Colton Harris-Moore for a few years now, based on the book The Barefoot Bandit: The True Tale of Colton Harris-Moore, New American Outlaw. The movie rights were being thought of before the author Bob Friel even finished writing the book. The working title was "Taking Flight: The Search For A Young Outlaw" but then real-life events happened and the title changed to what I said before, but there is still a section of the Barefoot Bandit book titled "Taking Flight". It is part three of four in the book... think... or maybe it was broken up into six parts.. The point is... calling a movie adaptation of Bob Friel's biography/ nonfiction investigation book about the Colton Harris-Moore situation the title of "Colton Taking Flight" sounds perfect and Oscar bait-y. I would be much more interested in a movie about a kid taking flight than the title of something such as "The Barefoot Bandit". It would star... maybe if he doesn't grow too old... Will Poulter, as Colton Harris-Moore.. or some similarly talented actor... Will is 6' 1" and the real life Colton is 6'5"... whatever actor plays Colt has to be at least six feet tall... his height is a big part of him. Jackie Weaver as Pam Koehler, Colin Firth as Bob Friel... who actually is indeed a character in the book, and maybe Barkhad Abdi as a Bahamas law enforcement character. If Afro-Carribean people don't look too different from Barkhad Abdi to be realistic. I don't think his exact ethnic background of Somalia is too innacurate for a Bahamas character. I could also see Djimon Honsou or Don Cheadle in such a role. They need to cast someone who is tall enough to play Colton, and who is also a talented actor. Someone with a similar level of talent as Tye Sheridan or Nicolas Hoult. ... but... for anyone who has looked into the story of Colton Harris-Moore... his younger years do matter. So I hope that they can cast ... preferably two younger versions of Colton... one for ages... about 8 to 10, and then another similar-looking kid for around ages 11 to 14, and then age 15 and onward can be a singular actor. Really I think they can make this movie work, and make it really prestigious and a good, not too sappy, not too Hollywoodized drama. It could be directed with a good style, like Paul Greengrass who did Captain Phillips, or Jean-Marc Valee who did Dallas Buyers Club and Wild. I can see "Colton Taking Flight" being really good and exciting and have good drama, and good musical score and really lush scenes that do the Pacific Northwest setting justice.
  13. Recently, earlier this month (that is about to end with a new year), I watched The Wind Rises and then The Rover. And then I went to the movie theater to see The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I like the whole Hobbit series and wish to eventually see the extended editions. I don't think of it as being overly kiddish and CG blockbustery. In the grand scheme of things, they are more good than most blockbusters. Last night, after constantly renewing the three-day loan since November, I had to finally watch my library loan of The Tree of Life since somebody wants it on January 2. Indeed, it is a very visual and sound film with emotional ideas about life. It is rather impressive.
  14. I just caved and bought the iTunes Season Pass of Volume 6. SD version because I'm cheap and I am not sure if HD will be skippy on this PC. Volume 6 is the second half of Season 3; season 3 just resumed back on December 13. Now I don't have to depend on some random people committing Dailymotion upload piracy. Videos tend to disappear there. And now I feel good about fiscally contributing to this smaller fandom. I've only watched the first two episodes since the show returned. I have yet to watch the third, "Back Window". C'mon does anybody else follow Littlest Pet Shop, the DHX Media and Hasbro Studios TV show?
  15. I am not fat, far from it.. I am rather underweight, but I enjoy being a Brony, and while I personally like to think of myself as a feminist in the very core sense of the term, I'm sure a lot of people who call themselves feminists would deny me it. I think of myself as bot a femnist and a masculist. I shave as little as possible. My facial hair hasn't been growing past a certain point, but I definitely have hair all over my neck and underside of chin, with some sprigs down the middle of my neck down to my clavicles. I wonder if some females are actually in love with some man who fits the neckbeard image. I actually think that the label of neckbeard can be a fun and positive thing to call ourselves and strive for. And technically, grown females are supposed to be naturally fatter than grown males... to some degree.
  16. Wut.Perhaps you are trolling... I also live in an area where I am a white person surrounded by black people. Black people that have a trashy antagonistic vendetta against white people and openly express it as a socially accepted thing. I live in Indianapolis, where this is a very real part of being a white person. But.. uh, I still hate any spelling of the "N" word and refuse to use it and try not to even think it. In my opinion, so many black people are not fully aware of their history that using a classic racial slur on people gives them a connection to their ancestry that they haven't earned/don't deserve. Also because the N word is just empty and meaningless. Unless you are talking about the Gayones from outer space (the lack of spacing between Gay and ones is intentional). In the immortal words of Patrick Star, Finland! In my opinion nine-year-old black boys on the playground have no special ironic brotherhood cultural construct to deserve/have privelige to the phrase "bitch ass nigga". It is just an impressionable and empty endorsement going on commercialization of racial separatism culture. And I actually have heard that on the way to check the mail or put in laundry at my apartment complex. But yeah the N word is a most detestable and cowardly part of western history and I prefer it to be antiquated.
  17. There are definitely a lot of words and phrases I hate specifically because of the idea or .... I know this may sound hypocritical because I mentioned that I dislike the phrase "gay agenda"... but yeah, often times, there is an agenda behind words that makes me unable to take people seriously when they use those words. Like "blasphemy". it doesn't really mean anything except for "you are going against a religion or rule and that is bad because you are going against that religion". There's also the phrase "dogma" which actually has a useful definition but people just throw it around to bash religion and religion only. I dislike the word "pride" a great deal when people try to put a positive spin on it. Pride is literally a bad thing. it is not good, not even in the apolitical context of sports fans or anything. It has long been an synonym for hubris, arrogance, pridefulness. Pretentious... it gets abused a lot on IMDb. Almost any movie that is "Oscar bait" or has serious issues gets labeled as this, even if it covers it's subject matter and storytelling and artistry very well and NOT in a sappy or clichéd way, and does interesting things instead of sticking to cookie cutter emotional drama tropes or some form of gimmickry. I greatly insist that the word Brony is a proper noun, and must always be capitalized as such. It is a word that is directly referring to a trademarked brand. Even tho the word Brony will never be trademarked, the "(o)ny", at the very least the "ny" comes from My Little Pony, not my little pony, and therefore, the first letter in any set of letters coming before is as part of the same word, should be capitalized reference the capitalized thing. There are also concepts and causes that I can get behind, but don't like some words that are being used that have negative connotations, and have often times earned those negative connotations. Then there's the words that, when people use them... always mean the opposite of their actual definition because of sarcasm-esque idea toward it. Like "excuses". Sometimes, people really do have valid excuses for things. "Justify" is hardly ever used to describe actually having a good reason for doing something, which is what the actual definition is, but just now means "falsely justify; claim to have a justification, but it's not a good justification".
  18. I personally adore using the word "fag" and "faggot" in various contexts. Sometimes people deserve to be called a fag. I adore the phrase "do it faggot". It is not necessarily a sign of actual hatred or discrimination, it depends on the context. using -fag as a suffix is fun. Furfag furfag furfaggot. But I always detest the "N" word, especially if black people are using it and using it with an "a" at the end. I understand that the word "nigga" at some point was used as an ironic tool to band together... but now it has truly lost whatever little use it had and is just icky and a justification for casually having a seperatist attitude about race, as if there must always be this "otherness" that black people want to perpetuate against people who "don't understand the nigga experience". No. There eventually comes a time to move on. I also don't like the naive phrase "post-racial", but that doesn't mean people cannot attempt to make is somewhat closer to reality. Not casually using the word "nigga" in rap music, which simply cuts off non-black (notice I said non-black and not just "white") fans from fully being able to participate in the lyrics and makes them feel like an outsider.... this is a good start.
  19. I know they have. Most prolific voice actors from any region, but especially the talent who work for the Ocean Group in Vancouver, do a wide variety of media, including anime and English-dubbed products of Japanese origin. Personally the only MLP VA-filled anime dub I've personally watched is Death Note. Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie's singing voice are in there. But I don't get this fanboyism for regional voice acting circles. I don't really get attached to specific VA circles... they just exist for (geographic? and) economic reasons. Tabitha, Cathy, Andrea, Nicole, Ashleigh, Kira Tozer, Sam Vincent, Kyle Rideout, Brian Drummond, Peter New. There's no distinct quality that they all share that other VAs don't. At the end of the day, they don't sound much different from the people dubbing Yugioh. If Andrea Libman were to voice some magical schoolgirl that sounded almost exactly or literally exactly like Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy... I don't know why you would want to encourage that. I guess she can do whatever she wants with her career (she has the smallest resume of the MLP girls as far as I know right now, probably a bit fewer roles than Ashleigh), but I wouldn't exactly fanboy over it. Most English dub anime characters already sound like stock voices. that's why I am actually a big supporter of what Disney and later GKIDS did with the Studio Ghibli movies. They got mainstream Hollywood celebs, (and I reckon a few British actors here and there?) and they all did an excellent job with dubbing those movies. They were really into the acting aspect of it.
  20. I keep forgetting that Tara Strong does not actually live and work in Canada just because her fellow Pony actresses do. I don't really like the idea of my precious Pony actresses voicing characters designed to appeal to weeaboos. There I said it. Also, you merely said "Japanese games" well, my almost all of my favorite modern video games are Japanese, but have little to no spoken dialogue, and what they do have is not anime-style JRPG stuff. So... if you are talking about JRPGs, then to me ... that is essentially the same as anime, but in interactive form. I generally believe that the same VAs that voice most of the MLP:FiM and Littlest Pet Shop characters have voices that are too unique for what I have seen in most JRPGs. I'm actually hoping that Tabitha, Cathy, and Andrea, but especially Tabitha, end up in compelling mainstream movies. Both animated feature films and live action roles.
  21. so... is the phrase "co-viewing" a mainstream buzzword being used in the television industry? Well, I wouldn't know. I hardly ever sit down and watch live TV with people. And not a lot of kids sit down and watch TV-Y TV-Y7,TV-G, and TV-PG shows on le basic cable teevee with mom and dad or older siblings. People just tend to do separate stuff separately. It was that way even when I was a little kid. Well, the only shows I would watch with my mother and family members were... The Simpsons, American Idol, sports, maybe.... House M.D. I have this nagging suspicion that elementary school age kids have no interest in the types of lifestyle programs that document nature or people with interesting jobs, or frantic, amusing game shows. The type of stuff that Discovery Family Channel has on in the afternoon and evening. They are probably just in their rooms playing Candy Crush on tablets, and generally lacking the same skill at challenging Nintendo games that I had when I was a few years younger than they are now. If they are watching basic cable TV, it is probably Sam & Cat or Regular Show. I wonder if I am generalizing too much. But yeah, the tradition of whole families watching the same beloved TV shows.... very few shows accomplish that nowadays, and I doubt that some basic cable channel is gonna do it. But hopefully there are some parents that happen to have a cable or satellite package with Disney XD on it and are instilling a good taste in television for their kid by following Gravity Falls.
  22. This might end up in the Debate Pit depending on the direction that it takes... but here goes. I like to imagine that I... for the lack of a better word, pride myself on having a healthy skepticism and distaste for a lot of the negative inflammatory uses of a lot of the words in the English language. Words that are designed to derail intelligent discussion and are just emotional tools. words that vary from all around the ideological spectrum: homophobia, gay agenda, sodomy anti-feminism, patriarchy, womanizer, socialist, socialized medicine, MRA, (an acronym for Men's Rights Advocacy) SJW (for Social Justice Warrior) and "feminazi" the lumping together and letter arrangement involved in the initialism "LGBT". Here's an explanation for what I don't like.. not about the concepts themselves, but the cheap emotional targeting when using some of these tired-out phrases and buzzwords. I consider myself to.. people would probably think of me as a bit of a right-wing person if they got to know my views well... But I don't like it how a lot of right-wing people constantly use the snide snarky phrase "Social Justice Warrior" or even SJW. SJW sounds like Social Jehovah's Witness, which makes an arbitrary cultural comparison, or it also sounds like Street Journal Wall, which makes them sounds like a jerky fourth estate superiority complex. using the phrase MRA in an antagonistic manner makes is sound like MRA is some type of Mirish terrorist group or some sort of virus that attacks people genetically. The word "homophobia" is so casually thrown around that it immediately turns my brain off when someone just casually uses it when no-one was even thinking of homosexuality. For example "My friends aren't very much into being physically affectionate" and then the person doesn't do anything to mention that their friends are all the same sex, or are the same sex as the person, or that the person is "homo". And then the person says "But it is not like they are homophobes". Yeah, I really doubt that people are going to gravitate toward that by default, that not being a very affectionate person physically has some deeper prejudice behind it, and that they will think that unless indicated otherwise. People should not gravitate toward that by default unless the person has suggested that. I also don't approve of the word "sodomy". Even a cursory knowledge of Biblical scripture should tell you that it is downright unfair to compare what people refer to when they refer to "sodomy", with what was actually being done in Sodom. Also, seriously, people in their twenties finding teens in the throes of puberty as attractive are not "pedophiles". That is not "pedophilia". It is "ephebephilia" for the cusp of adolescence and early adolescence, and "hebephilia" for the full swing of adolescence. Teens are not prepubescent kids. They are still in the process of maturing their bodies and brain development, yes, but any squicky age-difference has to be taken on a case-by-case basis. They are not helpless little kids who don't know what is going on, so I detest wording that suggests as such. Young people who haven't gotten a chance to fully get in the swing of physical development, and brain development... yes, generally older people who have been around for longer could stand to have more mature adult, reciprocal relationships with people a bit closer to their own age. But people should understand the difference between being a pedophile and being sexually attracted towards people who are no longer just kids, but that a person still has a great deal of seniority over that has implications on the type of situation you could realistically involve yourself with them. Also, for some words that don't have serious political implications: I don't like the word "twerking" or "tweet". when used to talk about Twitter. I detest that a lowercase word is being used to describe something that exclusively refers to the uppercase brand that is Twitter. That not everyone uses. unless maybe the word "tweet" ends up referring to any short public status update on any online place, not just Twitter. also, I don't like the word "bromance". It reeks of live-action sitcoms. Well, I hope that this discussion can distinguish between disliking a word or phrase and whether or not one also disliked the goal that is being attempted to be achieved with that wording. Sometimes I detest the agenda behind certain misguided language, but sometimes I can get behind what the core meaning is, but detest what certain connotations come with certain words.
  23. I am planning on pursuing more things and knowledge in my life to prepare for this new year coming up.

  24. I joined on May 28, 2012, and have been here off and on, including during the season, and the off-season, including posting on the Pony-related boards during the offseason.
  25. Except for Rarity and perhaps Spike, those all look specifically like G3.5. Wow, G3.5 looks even less like real-life horses. The G4 ponies are more anatomically accurate to equines in comparison. At that point, why even bother calling them ponies? just call them monkeys with stubs for limbs. maybe there's some sort of animal that looks like them
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