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Autumn Ink

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Posts posted by Autumn Ink

  1. Any fandom has its share of cringe (I'm tired of that word, but I need to use it to have a discussion in pop culture circles). It's been around since the first sci fi cons decades ago. As long as there are various people participating in an interest, there are going to be various levels of cringe.

    My personal definition of cringe in this fandom has to be the way some people want to live in the MLP world. Like spending hours on end in MLP Discord servers or near constant roleplaying. I gave RPing a go and managed to keep it up for maybe two weeks. I posted 1-2 times a day; this person would post several times a day in other RP threads. One day, they stopped on their end, which was a relief. I couldn't find new ways for my OC to commiserate with the other roleplayer's OC and their "dark, tragic, edgy" past. (Yes, I should have ended it myself, but I didn't know the etiquette of ending an RP session.)

    I understand if MLP is escapism for some people. But escapism should be a temporary reprieve from life's troubles, not a lifestyle. Your mind may go elsewhere, but your body remains where it is; the more time you spend in an imaginary place, the more time you spend in your real life bad place.

    For a show that teaches adversity and perseverance, it amazes me that these escapists can't take those same lessons and apply them in real life. Of course your problems won't be wrapped up in a tidy 24-minute window, but you're at least moving forward and trying something other than staring at a screen all day.

    I don't feel hateful towards these people. Just... sad.


    On 2022-08-25 at 5:49 PM, They call me Loyalty said:

    No, it is the truth. They are cringe, and some of them are worse than that. They are ****ing insane. Like myself for example. So, it can always be worse. And isn't this a blessed comfort, my brothers and sisters? That we can take solace in the fact that furries exist, and they take the price on the cringe-o-meter. The same way furries can take solace in the fact that serial killers exist.

    "Take the price"? Is this some new net speak that just popped up or did you mistype a word?

    And "That we can take solace in the fact that furries exist..." "The same way furries can take solace in the fact that serial killers exist"? Even if that's your honest sentiment, you're not making a lot of sense. But if you're going for simple outrage or offense, you're failing.

    But if the existence of another fandom tears you up this much, you need to learn mental strength and acceptance. There's no need to punch down in order to make yourself feel better. That's pure weakness.

  2. I'm on the fringes of the fandom, but I'm a casual fan. I've been aware of the fandom and I've been in and out of it since the mid-1990s. It's way different from how it was back then. There were all kinds of artists with varying styles, nearly everyone was in the tech industry, and hardly anyone got offended when the media ran with a senationalist BS story.

    Nowadays, nearly everyone has the same art style, a lot of artists are trying to make a living off cheap commissions and adoptables, and a lot of furries feel that they have to "come out of the furry closet" and find "furry-friendly landlords and employers." Having an interest in anthropomorphic animals shouldn't be a crisis or an orientation. At least I don't think it has to be.

    I don't find a lot of fursonas original these days. It seems that hardly anybody experiments with the species they have. It's all furry or scaly eye candy with absolutely no traces of animal traits or quirks. You might as well just draw humans. (But the 1990s furry fandom wasn't too original in this regard, either; there were tons of foxes all over the place. Now it's wolves and huskies.)

    And if you're wondering why it's become known for a lot of "gay stuff": the furry fandom has always been open to LGBT issues. Well, back in the 90s and early 2000s, it was more LGB; this was before transgender, asexual, and intersex issues came to the forefront of society and pop culture. (To illustrate further, having a flamboyant, lisping gay man in a TV series was considered daring and progressive.) Same-sex issues were becoming a fierce battleground, and a lot of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals found comfort and support in the furry fandom. It was probably one of the few safe places in the world where they could speak freely and be themselves.

    It's been interesting to watch the furry fandom change the way it has, but time will tell if I keep hanging out in the fringes. There's a lot of drama, especially among the younger ones who think the world is out to make it illegal to be a furry. While it's more sane in the greymuzzle groups (furries who are 30+ years old), I keep seeing younger ones trying to join them. (And spare me the "you should be inclusive" argument; people in certain age groups deserve to have their own spaces. Not everything needs to include or cater to teens and twentysomethings.)

    • Brohoof 4
  3. I'm a retail survivor who unknowingly helped kickstart the Great Resignation when I escaped my last job.

    I'm currently unemployed and making some dosh with digital materials. It's not terrible, but it's not steady. Guessing people's tastes is hit or miss, especially with the ever-changing, fadish nature of the internet. :mellow:

    I'm currently looking into learning grant writing and starting a freelance business or my own non-profit.

  4. I absolutely adored Applejack in the beginning. But now it's Rarity and Fluttershy.

    I just recently started watching the show on Netflix and I'm currently in season 2. Back when the show first started, I watched season 1 midway. After that, I got a lot of MLP:FiM content through the memes, art, and occasional forum shenanigans (does anyone else remember "mods are asleep, post ponies"?). The artists did their work in making every pony, especially the Mane 6, stand out. I found AJ's design and accent endearing.

    But now that I'm actually watching the series, I find AJ a little stagnant in terms of character. Not every character needs to have an epic arc, especially in a show that's geared mostly towards a younger audience, and from what I've found out through wikis and the like, it seems that AJ already went through considerable growth before the series began. She's found her place in life and she couldn't be happier. :mlp_icwudt: She's the rock of the group. But as a viewer who's used to development in main characters, I feel it's a little lacking.

    But with Rarity and Fluttershy, I find them more well-rounded. Rarity is dainty but not entirely delicate. I loved how she used her "prissy" nature as a strength against the diamond dogs. She puts on airs, such as using a Transatlantic-type accent (a mix of British and American accents which is very much affected; American actors in old black and white movies used it a lot) so she can appear upper-class. But when you see her parents, you know she's from the country. :ButtercupLaugh: (I love Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles so much!)

    As for Fluttershy, I've always had a soft spot for gentle characters who can stand their ground. But my favorite moment with her was in "The Grand Galloping Gala" when she was trying everything in her power to make the animals accept her. It's one thing to have a character be rejected, but it's another to have that character reject that rejection. Vehemently. "LOVE MEEE! :angry:"

    Time will tell if I change my mind again, though.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. One of my OCs, Soft Whisper, enjoying a sunny, breezy afternoon.

    I couldn't get the flowers and pollen exactly the way I wanted them, but it was better to accept what I'd managed to make than spend an eternity fussing with effects.


    • Brohoof 5
  6. I have an online presence outside of MLP where I use another name to sign various artwork. I'm trying to decide if I should separate my MLP work from my regular work. It's not a matter of hiding my interest in MLP, but I am building a portfolio in the hopes of gaining commissions and professional work.

    I'm also trying to decide which name to use for signing my MLP work: ponysona name or my regular name?

    How do other MLP artists approach this?

  7. Pardon me for performing necromancy on this thread. :lie:

    Autumn Ink is studying the art of Equestria. Her studies take her around the land, so she packs lightly. She likes to make her own inks and paints from natural ingredients. She's even made her own ink out of coffee and tea. She prefers to make art during the autumn months when she feels more inspired by the changing colors and do her research and supplies gathering during the other seasons.


    • Brohoof 2
  8. 18 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

    So, have you seen G5 yet? If so, what's your opinion on it?

    Nope, I haven't yet. I do want to check it out after I've caught up a bit with G4.

    I've seen a lot of... interesting discussions about it, particularly with fans who were twisting themselves into knots over it. I guess some folks just get really attached to one incarnation.

  9. 1 hour ago, -Buttercup- said:

    Welcome to the forums! I was never into G1, G4 was always my favorite.

    When I was growin' up, we liked our G1 just fine! And we had to cross barren fields and hills to get to our toy stores! :P

    But in all seriousness, G1 was kind of revolutionary for us kids who wanted girls to be involved in adventures. A lot of cartoons back in those days had female characters mostly in roles like damsel in distress, den mother, or caretaker, and very little to no character development. There's a place in my heart for it, but in regards to storytelling, G4 definitely tops it.

    1 hour ago, Astral Soul said:

    Hello @Autumn Ink,

    We are welcome you and your inner Pony with open hooves

    The fandom is far from dead, actually :> I hope you have a great time here

    I'm a tea addicted pony from outa space

    and Rarity is happy to see :>

      Reveal hidden contents


    May the fandom last forever like the Star Wars and Star Trek fandoms.

    Also, Rarity-eee! :please:

    10 minutes ago, Splashee said:

    Welcome @Autumn Ink to MLP Forums! :fluttershy:


    I also grew up with G1, mostly My Little Pony Tales (Still being G1. Generations are linked to the toy line, and G2 look completely different) which was big here where I live.

    I am also a collector of G1 toys. Feel free to check out the Classic Generation section of the forums!

    I remember My Little Pony Tales! Well, kind of. The memory isn't quite what it used to be, but a few YouTube videos could jog it. I'll have to do a search later.

    I may not be as enamored with the cartoons, but I do love the designs and colors of G1 toys. I remember being so happy to get Firefly along with the Rescue from Midnight Castle VHS.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony

    How did you find MLP Forums?

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony

    Hello, everypony! After years of denying it, I thought it was time to give in and indulge my inner pony.

    I grew up with the original G1 toys and cartoons in the 80s, kind of liked the G2 incarnation, didn't bother with G3. When G4 came around, I was interested but not to the point where I wanted to join the fandom. (Didn't stop me from watching a few episodes and posting a few pony pics in forums, though.)

    Now I think it's time to stop denying it and dive back in. I don't care if the fandom isn't buzzing like it was back at FiM's peak. It's time to admit that I do like these candy-colored ponies, that I'm enthralled with the worldbuilding, and that I want to study the art and contribute something to the fandom.

    I'm a pegasister and I'm happy to finally accept it!

    • Brohoof 7
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