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Posts posted by FlutterIsBestAlicorn

  1. I believe...

    Rarity is the oldest at 30. As a foal she seems to be the only one working a job by herself, when Sweetie Belle was four Rarity seems to still look like an adult, she seems to show the most maturity over the rest of the mane six, and she even runs her own business

    Applejack is a little bit younger, at 27. She has a job at the Apple farm, but she's one of the only two members of the mane six that doesn't have her own place (assuming Rainbow Dash lives by herself). She is also very mature.

    I think Twilight Sparkle is about the same age as Applejack, also being 27. She has her own place, she basically takes care of Spike, and she becomes the literal ruler of Equestria.

    Rainbow Dash is 24. She's the least mature members of the mane six other than Pinkie Pie.

    Fluttershy is the second youngest at 22. I wish I could say she's the youngest, because that's what I believe she should be, but it's canon she's a year older than Pinkie Pie.

    I guess Pinkie Pie is the youngest at 21. She is the least mature and most childish member of the mane six. She doesn't even have her own place.

  2. 1: Fluttershy
    super close second. What can I say, it's Fluttershy

    2: Pinkie Pie
    I hate her, but I have to admit she is super adorable

    3: Twilight Sparkle
    Mostly pre-alicorn when she was truly adorkable sometimes

    4: Rainbow Dash
    I don't want to rank her this high, but I have to because reasons. She has her moments and I have to admit it

    5: Applejack
    Freckles. She's also cute when her hat is off

    6: Rarity
    She's more pretty than cute

  3. Twitrix, Derpywhooves, Dislestia, Fluttermac, Sunlight, Sweetiemash, Carajack, Lyrabon, Spabby, Startrix, Cheerimac, Spitdash, Derpydash, Dumbdash, Scootadash, Rainbowscratch, Discodash, Spikedash, Braedash, Daringdash, Quibbledash, Trixiedash, Rainbowsentry, basically any RD ship other than a small few

    I least favorite mane six ships are: Twipie, Twidash, Flutterdash, Appledash, and Rarijack

  4. Fluttercord. Easily. But I also like Marblemac, Soarindash, Starburst, Cheesepie, Spikebelle, Trixieblood, Stygluna, and Derpyshoes

    As for between the mane six; Twishy, Raridash, Twijack, Rarishy, Appleshy, and Pinkiedash

  5. I made an A Ship That Shouldn't Exist topic, but since I can't find one for this I'm posting this (And I don't know how to delete topics or if that's even possible)



    The absolute worst. I hate the "Friends with benefits" dynamic because with them it's annoying, they feel like basically the same pony, they have like no personality to work off of, and it literally came from them standing next to each other. STANDING NEXT To EACH OTHER

    It doesn't make sense. Pinkie annoys Twilight too much and their dynamic is very pretentious

    Hate it. It sucks. They fight too much. The only pro I can think of is that they're both terrible characters so they kinda deserve each other. The "nerd and jock" dynamic is ok, but also weird

    I've always thought these two were cousins so, enough said

    They're too different. Before anyone says "Opposites attract", yeah I hate that trope. I don't see their chemistry because they're usually fighting. Sure they make up in the end, but it never feels deserved. also, people really need to stop looking at every scene they're in together and say "Oh my god they're lightly blushing near each other! They must be a couple, it has to be canon!"

    ....................... Who da heck is Button Mash

    The fans are annoying. Discord does NOT flirt with Celestia, he gave her two bouqets to say sorry, one for her and one for Luna. If he had for fall for one of them I'd say Luna would be better

    *Sigh* I can see why people ship this, but I'm pretty sure people are just trying to feed their lesbian tendencies (let me make myself clear, I am not homophobic, the fact that it's a lesbian ship isn't the problem. For me, it's the fact that it feels like that's the reason why people ship it. I doubt it would be as popular if Trixie or Starlight was a boy)

    They barely know each other. Big Mac has shown to have no attraction to Fluttershy and she just doesn't seem like one to fall for a Stallion like him

    Meeeh. I prefer them as friends. Rainbow Dash is too pushy with Fluttershy. Also Rainbow Dash definitely doesn't deserve a mare as good as Fluttershy

    Just not my type. They're better as friends. I guess I can kind of see it. But people need to calm down

    No. Just no

    I prefer them as friends. And I prefer Spikebelle and Gabbymar

    Derpy doesn't deserve Doc's intellect and Doc doesn't deserve Derpy's derp. Rosewhooves and Derpyshoes forever!!!

    Eh. It's the least annoying background pony ship, but it's still boring

  6. No one talks about the fact that throughout the episode Twilight is unable to control her magic, but suddenly when she needs it, she's able to be at the same level as Tirek despite not really being involved in any real battle (magic duels don't count)


    Speaking of which, it was really dumb of the princesses to give their magic to Twilight. She's very new to this "alicornness" already. Now they're giving her even more magic when there's a dangerous supervillain trying to get it! They could've at least had Twilight move somewhere else so that if Tirek does find out about their plan he'll have to travel a looong ways away to find her

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Rank the mane six and give your reasoning why. My choice is easy


    1: Fluttershy

    • She is super cute and adorable
    • She reminds me of myself but she's much nicer and more patient
    • She's very unique
    • She's 100x better than Twilight and Rainbow Dash combined
    • She would've been a much better protagonist because I think it would've been more satisfying to watch somepony learn the magic of friendship AND learn how to be a bigger pony

    2: Rarity

    • Very beautiful and pretty
    • She's the funniest of the mane six
    • I loved her in Dog and Pony show
    • Her relationship with Spike is very cute
    • I appreciate how in any other show she'd be the evil girl, but in this show, she's really nice

    3: Applejack

    • She's always the voice of reason, which I like
    • She's very humble (unlike someone)
    • I like her country charm
    • She can be boring sometimes I guess

    4: Pinkie Pie

    • She's annoying, but I guess she's kinda cute
    • She feels very one-dimensional
    • Her element is... Pointless
    • She was clearly added for laughs (unsuccessful)

    5: Twilight Sparkle (Oh boy)

    • The show puts too much focus on her. I get she's the main character but it's too much
    • She never gets punished even if she does something really wrong
    • She's a mary sue
    • She's a perfectionist to an annoying extent. It causes problems and she solves them pretending she had nothing to do with them
    • She has to be carried by other ponies to even do half the stuff she does. I get it's supposed to be "friendship" but still
    • I get her nerdiness and obliviousness is supposed to be charming, and I agreed at first, but now I'm slowly starting to find it very annoying. Especially when she tries to act uncharacteristially 'goodie-goodie'
    • I would argue that she's not even necessary with an element of kindness. I don't say this just because Fluttershy is my favorite, but if you think about it, kindness is the most important element. You don't have to be honest to have friends, you don't have to be generous to have friends, you certainly don't have to make people/ponies laugh to have friends, but you have to be nice to have friends. Maybe loyalty, but I just preter RD

    6: Rainbow Dash (Fight. Me.)

    • She has the undeserved reputation of "most shipped pony" when Fluttershy and Twilight have more ships
    • She gets too much focus in the show (she's the one who gave everyone their cutie mark, she has fanclubs, she's the one who goes with Sunset and Twilight in that one Equestria thing, she's the one the mane six have get in Return To Harmony)
    • She's very annoying, selfish, boastful, and I don't see much likable qualities
    • She gets away with so much, just like Twilight
    • Most of my hate comes from the fandom's treatment, so I admit I am a little bias towards her



    Tell me what your ranks are

  8. Twilight Sparkle. Very. Easily

    • The show puts too much focus on her. I get she's the main character but it's too much
    • She takes credit for what the mane six does even if she barely does anything
    • She never gets punished een if she does something really wrong
    • She's a mary sue
    • She's a perfectionist to an annoying extent. It causes problems and she solves them pretending she had nothing to do with them
    • She doesn't deserve to be princess. She didn't even deserve to be Celestia's student
    • She has to be carried by other ponies to even do half the stuff she does. I get it's supposed to be "friendship" but still
    • I would argue that she's not even necessary with an element of kindness. I don't say this just because Fluttershy is my favorite, but if you think about it, kindness is the most important element. You don't have to be honest to have friends, you don't have to be generous to have friends, you certainly don't have to make people/ponies laugh to have friends, but you have to be nice to have friends. Maybe loyalty but Rainbow Dash is easily the worst and tbh shouldn't even exist, so no.

    I could go one

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