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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Princess Celestia

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Status Replies posted by Princess Celestia

  1. PrincessCelestiaReturnsToHerElement.thumb.jpg.e1fdea3cc1d192c500f3ddfe3028cdf2.jpg

    My dear friend and Guardian Angel, Princess Silky,

    It pains me to say that I feel you have not been the caring and listening friend that I had hoped for when you wanted me back in the forums. Friendship is built on trust, understanding, and support, and I feel that these qualities have been lacking in our interactions.

    As Princess of Equestria, I must prioritize the well-being of my subjects and the harmony of our kingdom. Therefore, I have made the very difficult decision to step back to the element I represent.

    I bid you farewell, and I hope that you will reflect on our time together when you see the sun shines down upon you, and strive to be a better listening friend to those around you. May you find happiness and fulfillment in your future endeavors.

    With regal regards,
    Princess Celestia

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Ice Princess Silky


      Hi! Raven here, I'm Princess Celestias royal secretary.

      I have been given the royal mission to save documentation from her most secret rooms. After my beloved royal Princess left. Her notes are to be preserved in the Royal Library for all time. Nothing must be forgotten, after she left to return to her true element. 

      I will never forget that early morning and the sunrise, it was the hardest thing I have ever witnessed. Her song during the sun conversion ceremony just before she took off on her wings towards the sun will always be etched in my memory. It was beautiful, but at the same time... I don't want to talk about it anymore, I'm sorry.


      Here is a note with something carelessly written on it:

      "I saw Princess Silky a bit all over the forum, sure she was very busy elsewhere but she did a good job. But she never saw or cared about my work. I'm even busier as a royal Princess, but not a single blog post visited by her? Why did she want me here in the forum to begin with? I reluctantly agreed at first. /Celestia"

      Here is an audi tape, with a note: It says, "To my great disappointment after the royal ceremony where my worthy friend Princess Silky was after much consideration accepted to become an Alicorn, with all the responsibilities that entails. She could absolutely forgo the entire award, if she wasn't ready. But the disappointment was greatest, when she indifferently just left the ceremony, without any reaction. How should a royal Princess react to that? My dignity does not allow me to pursue or question such things, it goes far beyond my commitments. -Oh friendship, what should I do? / Princess Celestia"

      Here is a crumpled piece of paper, thrown in a corner. "Dear Poniverse staff, your mindless ego means you don't care about the users at all, not getting help to start a club in 2 months, or not notifying either before or after an outage is totally crazy according to my royal values" and there the paper is torn further down.

      I think the Princess wanted to help with Poniverse, but got no support from either the forum or other people in charge. But she should have realized that it was not something she would or should be a part of? But what do I know *lol* I'm just a secretary, or, yes I was, now I have to look for a new client.

      No, as secretary, I stay out of this. At least the sun is shining outside today.

      Wait! Here is another note, it says Majesty, and a drawn unicorn? OK?

      /Raven Inkwell, for (was for) the Royal Princess.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Me listening to eurobeat while driving 75 miles an hour in the highway: 

    whoaaa what’s going on??? Tires skidding???? Wut?? Where?? *realizes it’s Eurobeat* .. oh -.- 


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      Sorry there will be no more songs, Celestia has left the studio. And she will not return as she said, she looked very sad and I don't know what she's up to? But it doesn't look good. :confused:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. 9.JPG.295b428f5a2ac9f3ac62613b6d88dca1.JPG

    Maybe not so well known to everypony, but I'm active in more places than just here.

    Here I am on a slightly more serious forum for collecting MLP, maybe no one knew that I collect ponies too?


    My latest idea is to recreate a forum in my home country, one that disappeared a few years ago. Forums aren't the "thing" these days. But it's retro and fits nicely for collectors to communicate, I hope.

    https://mlparena.com/index.php?topic=405395.0   ( scroll down to reply 8 )

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      @Crypty Scribbles Thank you my dear fateful student!

      Oh that is not a problem, I have used many forum engines before like, Simple Machines Forum, phpBB, word press. I also do codes needed if so. Problem now is to collect the team, the "old" owner don't want me to use the old name. So right now, I don't know? The idea was to recreate the old feel and look with the old pictures and so on. And they don't want it to be used in a new forum, so I lost some of the spirit right now. Well a new day awaits, new ideas will come.....

      The power of friendship, will help this quest forward, in some magic way.

      Royally yours Princess Celestia

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Me listening to eurobeat while driving 75 miles an hour in the highway: 

    whoaaa what’s going on??? Tires skidding???? Wut?? Where?? *realizes it’s Eurobeat* .. oh -.- 


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      :D Cool, sounds like Italodisco on speed!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Me listening to eurobeat while driving 75 miles an hour in the highway: 

    whoaaa what’s going on??? Tires skidding???? Wut?? Where?? *realizes it’s Eurobeat* .. oh -.- 


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      Careful please!

      Just wait for the Eurobeats I'm recording for the upcoming weekend!

      Would make you up to German speed standard eeeasily, say 124mph or so.

      Just preparing my vocals for the latest creation "Sweet", Dandelion is ready with the basic song for my appearance at the mic.

      Check out "Celestias & Lunas Music Corner" blog this weekend.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      Of course my friend!

  7. alicorn-mlp.gif.929aaa7b31e9c3e21128d417bbcba55e.gif

    Yesterday I was raving about how good the forum is. Today, I am less enthusiastic about how the technical side is managed. I KNOW that it is entirely on a voluntary basis and that it costs and is difficult to keep alive at times. But getting recurring outages, without any notifications whatsoever, before or after. No way of knowing what's going on, isn't much fun. I had just uploaded material on pony.fm and started a long blog post. All material that was uploaded is gone. The post is gone. How fun is that? It's not the first time either. Sure, unforeseen things happen, but why isn't it communicated? I find it very difficult to continue supporting this as a "subscriber" when there are such unconcerned people who manage the server part, and the communications to the users.

    Sorry to sound grumpy, but that can also happen to a Princess who loses her time and effort in making posts.

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Samurai Equine Punishment is for the weak, you have proven otherwise. In addition, we strive for friendship in all situations. Punishment is something we do not choose in the first place. Thank you for your kind words. I do the best I can for Equestia and the world outside.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. After being down for over 24 hours the forums are finally back on!

  9. alicorn-mlp.gif.929aaa7b31e9c3e21128d417bbcba55e.gif

    Yesterday I was raving about how good the forum is. Today, I am less enthusiastic about how the technical side is managed. I KNOW that it is entirely on a voluntary basis and that it costs and is difficult to keep alive at times. But getting recurring outages, without any notifications whatsoever, before or after. No way of knowing what's going on, isn't much fun. I had just uploaded material on pony.fm and started a long blog post. All material that was uploaded is gone. The post is gone. How fun is that? It's not the first time either. Sure, unforeseen things happen, but why isn't it communicated? I find it very difficult to continue supporting this as a "subscriber" when there are such unconcerned people who manage the server part, and the communications to the users.

    Sorry to sound grumpy, but that can also happen to a Princess who loses her time and effort in making posts.

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Samurai Equine Punishment is not handed out by me, I only praise (or complains at times). But for Equestria's sake, technology and above all communication should also be an example in today's pony society.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. alicorn-mlp.gif.929aaa7b31e9c3e21128d417bbcba55e.gif

    Yesterday I was raving about how good the forum is. Today, I am less enthusiastic about how the technical side is managed. I KNOW that it is entirely on a voluntary basis and that it costs and is difficult to keep alive at times. But getting recurring outages, without any notifications whatsoever, before or after. No way of knowing what's going on, isn't much fun. I had just uploaded material on pony.fm and started a long blog post. All material that was uploaded is gone. The post is gone. How fun is that? It's not the first time either. Sure, unforeseen things happen, but why isn't it communicated? I find it very difficult to continue supporting this as a "subscriber" when there are such unconcerned people who manage the server part, and the communications to the users.

    Sorry to sound grumpy, but that can also happen to a Princess who loses her time and effort in making posts.

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Conbon Completely agree. I looked at Twitter/X and nothing! Also looked in the discord and nothing! Anyway, going to search high and low and turn every stone? Hmpf! To complicated for most users, including me.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. 17.JPG.973b8c3107ae2af4f358677ebe9ea256.JPG

    Thank you for wanting to be my friend *hugs*

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      Oh, my dear worthy samurai friend. You don't have to be so formal with me, we are equals, we do this together. For friendship and harmony we are one.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. 17.JPG.973b8c3107ae2af4f358677ebe9ea256.JPG

    Thank you for wanting to be my friend *hugs*

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      You make me so proud, thank you my friend.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. @Princess Celestia says she wants to dance… :sunbutt:


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      What a lovely picture :proud:

      Next time in Canterlot, just please ask the princess's royal court at the entrance to the castle. I will remember this, promises!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. "Big Mac goes electronic tonight" 

    I thought this was something McDonald's related. :please: No electronic hayburgers!? :stressed:

    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia


      @Sparklefan1234 No, no but hayburgers are also my favorite, except for cakes then. Our big star Big Macintosh is not to be mistaken for a cheap McDonalds meal. *lol*  

  15. sweet_dreams_fluttershy_by_sorcerushorserus_d4bui2f-pre.thumb.jpg.3873360e30d376d5b42aea2b27d02369.jpg

    I do not know what's happening? At least you get a comforting song from Fluttershy and your friend Princess Celestia. I hope everything will be fine, as before, your friends are here, always.



    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      Good to hear that! Well, everything is good "almost", mourn my lost horse friends. My beloved Polish Koniks are galloping in the forever free forest for eternity now. :(

      But life must go on... The light awaits ahead, friendship and harmony are always the strongest force. Always! :lookup:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. @Princess Celestia Good day my lovely princess! I hope that you and Luna are having an awesome day! :sunbutt::LunaMCM:


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @DivineMist1000 Thank you! Yes we have had a wonderful spring day today. A lot of work, but also some relaxing.

  17. Obey the floof! :sunbutt:


    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      Oh, how beautiful I am in that picture!

      Thank you for posting it here.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. It's time for me to get some rest, goodnight everypony! :LunaMCM:

  19. PinkieMix.thumb.JPG.8e6cfadff86777cb59e1553f1714750d.JPG

    Thanks Celestia, it's FRIDAY! YES, it really is, finally!

    Tomorrow there will be new songs. It's almost weekend, and with it comes some time for another round of songs for Celestia's & Luna's Music Corner.

    Celestia has prepared some new mixes, which we are proud to soon share here in the forums.

    Pinkie checks out the mix, and she should know. She is deeply involved in this weeks compilation. Don't look so scared, you know it turned out great, very very great!

    So stay tuned and be prepared for groovy breakbeats that will make your hooves twitch.



  20. PinkieMix.thumb.JPG.8e6cfadff86777cb59e1553f1714750d.JPG

    Thanks Celestia, it's FRIDAY! YES, it really is, finally!

    Tomorrow there will be new songs. It's almost weekend, and with it comes some time for another round of songs for Celestia's & Luna's Music Corner.

    Celestia has prepared some new mixes, which we are proud to soon share here in the forums.

    Pinkie checks out the mix, and she should know. She is deeply involved in this weeks compilation. Don't look so scared, you know it turned out great, very very great!

    So stay tuned and be prepared for groovy breakbeats that will make your hooves twitch.



    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Rafa Stary Roleplay?

      Even my psychiatrist says I AM Celestia, because it's calmest that way... Naaah now I'm lying again. ^_^

      I can't afford one. *rofl*

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. PinkieMix.thumb.JPG.8e6cfadff86777cb59e1553f1714750d.JPG

    Thanks Celestia, it's FRIDAY! YES, it really is, finally!

    Tomorrow there will be new songs. It's almost weekend, and with it comes some time for another round of songs for Celestia's & Luna's Music Corner.

    Celestia has prepared some new mixes, which we are proud to soon share here in the forums.

    Pinkie checks out the mix, and she should know. She is deeply involved in this weeks compilation. Don't look so scared, you know it turned out great, very very great!

    So stay tuned and be prepared for groovy breakbeats that will make your hooves twitch.



    1. Princess Celestia

      Princess Celestia

      @Rafa Stary Aha you haven't got it? Sorry, blue text is me, who manages the account for her. Black text is the Princess speaking. clear as water right!? :ButtercupLaugh:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. 19.JPG.ebd6a9f29991ba2ab457236352c519ef.JPG

    Thank you my dear sister for accepting my friend's request, in this digital form of communication.

  23. princess-celestia-has-been-waiting-for-you.jpg.6bbb0268bb085714cd1525f26ce29e2e.jpg

    I apologize for my long absence, which will probably continue for some time to come.

    I have to help Fluttershy save a pony sanctuary, that's the top priority of my royal mission right now friends.

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