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Casey Pones

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Posts posted by Casey Pones

  1. Pretty mind blowing by TYT standards. This is exactly the sort of thing I wanted for make your mark. An unravelling mystery that world builds and brings up more questions as it goes.

    My prediction: the thing Sunny's mom was looking for was the Earth Pony Crystal and that's how it ended up in the light house. Her dad probably used it in the lantern at a tribute to her. Maybe she's still alive out there? Exited about where this will go, both the story and the show. :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I guess Fifi's the new Derpy.

    I love Zip's expression when she's hearing "Don't give up"

    However it does raise the question of how Zip got so good at flying when she's never had any kind of instruction or practice in her life, nor has any living pegasus.

    I would have like this better if there had been a full length episode on pegasi learning flight for the first time in generations.

  3. I like the Brighthouse but it baffles me that this group of friends would get a chance to design their dream home but didn't give them individual bedrooms.


    Also, though I hate Family Guy, this episode makes me think of this:


  4. I like that the remembered the seaponies from G4, which should really be called hippocamps.

    But is this going to be how they bring back all the other species? Casual introductions rather then a big reunion?

    Also what was that that happened with their cutie marks? I guess Destiny is going to show up again. I imagine she's going to tell her friends in Seaquestria how she meet a unicorn and they say how unicorns are myths, unlike the hippocamps, hippogriffs and griffins they know.

    She said lughter can fix anything. I wonder what pony could have taught her people that?


    1 hour ago, CastletonSnob said:

    This special makes me wish TYT were the only G5 show, and had a 22 minute runtime.

    I think TYT is better then MYM. Somehow the stories seem better even though they're half the length. Better songs and it's on-par 2D animation is less annoying then MYM's sub-par 3D animation.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I always enjoyed episodes about pony holidays, even if each one is basically a human one.

    Would have liked it better if they went into the history about the holiday though. Also if this is about the harvest, and ponykind can now grow anything they want instantly, does this mean the holiday has lost it's meaning? Who would pegasi feel about earth ponies potentially ruining it?

    This is the sort of thing the writers could have used in their statement about creating a show about cultures interacting. As well as dealing with a tradition if it changes.

  6. I never read the journal of the Two Sisters so I'm used to the reality that Alicorns can only be made not born. So I was not pleased when G5 started saying Alicorns are born. Although I have learned since then that is not entirely cannon.

    But I am liking the idea that the New 6 will going out looking for the Alicorn land. It's world building and lore expanding, just like G4 used to do. Also it gives me hope they'll bring back the G4 alicorns.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. I like this episode, not only because it's raising some interesting questions but because it looks like Equestria will be getting back magic fully.

    So far Unicorn magic has just been levitating stuff. But that's just the most basic of unicorn magic. I'm talking about spells that Twilight would cast and Celestia taught at her school. It looks like this sort of thing will be brought back to Equestria.

    Also, anyone else thinking this has something to do with Star Swirl the Bearded?

  8. If you've seen my post on My little pony, Make your mark you'll know I think it's a mess for so many reasons.

    But I have come up with what I believe is a way to fix it. I'm not arrogant enough to say I've come to the rescue of pony fans everywhere or that I know better then anyone else. But I do love G4 and have some skill at writing. Skill which I have put towards developing a possible plotline new season of G5, assuming there is one. 

    It is not clear what is happening with the show. To the best of my knowledge, Make your Mark season one (or whatever the 4 chapters amount to) is over and there are no plans for a second season this year. Tell Your Tale on the other hand is still going and new episodes are planned to be regularly released throughout the year. What this means for G5 is unclear. One possibility is that Tell Your Tale will end this year and so will G5. Or possibly TYT will become the new G5 show with full episodes instead of shorts. Another possibility could be that  G5 will continue under a new name and new 3D show next year while TYT holds the fort and provides new content.

    It seems the show (The 3D one at least) my be on hold. Hopefully they are using this time to reassess the situation, take in the criticism and make the show better. So I'm posting this now, not just because I want to share my ideas but because I'm hoping this will catch the attention of whoever's working on G5, that someone here has a contact in the studio and will show them this. Frankly I have such confidence that what follows is a good idea it should at least be considered by the professionals.

    This is not a perfect fix but short of rebooting Make your Mark, it's the best I can do. One good thing about the inconsistent backstories we've had in MYM is that we could say in the show that the real version has been lost 


    If Hasbro does use this, I would consider what follows spoilers.

    First thing to be addressed is Spike and the other dragons. As I said in my criticism of MYM, to go as far as to redesign their entire anatomy was a step way too far, so they should go back to being bipedal. How? Well I think the best way to do it would be for the dragons to just show up like that and everyone roll with it. They did it with princess Luna between the way she looked in the pilot and Luna Eclipsed and got away with it. And yes I know they had a brief transition in the comics but I'm not sure if that's cannon

    We might even be able to have a little fun with it. I see the new series beginning like this...



    We open on a pleasant scene in town, seeing the new Mane 6 together when Spike and some other dragons fly in and land in front of them. They are all now bipedal and Spike looks more like the chiselled square-jawed chad he was at the end of G4.


    Spike! Great to see you back on your feet after being in Opaline's power.


    Yes, back on my two feet. The same two feet I've always had, had this whole time and will always have.

    Spike looks directly at the "camera" making a 4th wall break that would have made Pinky proud.


    Happy now?


    Spike goes on to explain why he's in Maretime Bay. As his memory has now fully returned after hibernation (a convenient happening for G5 writers) he needs their help finding a missing dragon he just remembered... His wife, Dragon Lord Ember!

    If they were married it would an explanation as to how Spike became the Dragon Lord. Spike could even say how, once he finally realised Rarity just wanted to be friends, he moved past his boyish crush and opened his mind to other possibilities, like the beautiful, determined and fearless dragoness he already knew. Besides, Applegeek shipped them as soon as he saw them.

    Spike goes on to say how they realised Ember was missing when a census was taken once all the dragons awoke. Or possibly she went of on some mission alone before the hibernation began. Or better possibly Spike doesn't say who it is or their relationship to him for a better reveal later.

    Either way they embark on a quest to find her in some far off part of their world and succeed.


    Then a second plotline begins.

    At some point the new mane six start having the same dream, a pony they know asking to come find them. Believing it's more then a dream they set off in the Marestream, possibly with Spike, and find themselves in the Everfree forest. After exploring they come across a grove made of beautiful crystal trees. At the centre of which they find a giant crystal tree house. A spectral pony appears before them, shifting form between various ponies they knew. It introduces itself as the Tree of Harmony! And the area around them is the Grove of Harmony, the Tree's children and grandchildren. The tree then explains the new main six are the new elements of harmony.

    Misty - Loyalty

    Izzy - Laughter

    Pip - Generosity

    Zip - Honesty

    Hitch - Kindness

    Sunny - Magic

    (Zip and honesty aren't the best match but the best I could do to get the set)

    And as such they have inherited the mantel of the 6 along with Twilight's castle and the map inside. Thus they begin going on friendship quests all over Equestria.

    Also the tree gives us the origin of the hope lantern. In TYT we see Izzy put a magical rock inside. We could say that rock came off the Tree of Harmony, giving it it's powers. It was the powers of harmony that created the Marestream, leaving an empty seat for whoever became the missing element of harmony.


    As of this writing, recent events in Tell your Tale indicate that they're going on a quest to find Skyros, the land of the Alicorns. Here's what should happen, after an epic quest to find the place they are greeted by Celestia, Luna, Cadence and a grown-up Flurry Heart! They explain they've all been living here since the bubble when up over Equestria. At one point they introduce the six to some characters off screen.


    Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Pip, Zip and Misty stare agape directly into the camera in front of them, minds boggled at what they are seeing, none more then Sunny who is to amazed to speak.


    Y... yyy... you! You, you, you and you... don't look like what I though you would.


    Oh you must be thinking of how we used to look. I'd say now we're at least...

    The camera swings around revealing the mystery crowd. 


    ...20% cooler.

    It's Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinky Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack and they're all ALICORNS! Pinky looks at the audience.


    Say it with me now... Alicorn Party!



    So at some point after the end of season 9 the rest of the original Mane Six became alicorns. And why not? Haven't they done as much and been as exceptional as Twilight? Besides this is something a lot of us fans have wanted and it would be enough fan service for us to forgive a LOT! Speaking of fan service, Fluttershy is in Skyros with Discord... her husband! I know this doen't fit with the comics but I'm not sure they're cannon. Also they'll all be Celestia-sized, and since they're grown alicorns we could potentially use new voice actresses and say their voices matured.

    In the next episode they go on to explain how they became alicorns, the full story of how Opeline tried to take over, how and why Twilight created the Crystals and the Dragon stone, why the dragons went into hibernation and how they ended up in Skyros after Twilight's bubble locked them out of Equestria. That Twilight had the cyrstal stored in Maretime Bay's lighthouse. And moons later went off on a mission to defeat Opaline but never returned. Missing for many moons ago despite everyone's attempts to find her. The original mane six are distressed to learn that Equestria fell apart while it was inside the bubble. The plan was to keep Equestria safe from Opaline and it's magic away from her while they tried to find a way to take her down. But they knew the unity magic created by ponykind would eventually cause a surge that would break the bubble. Hence Twilight's message in the crystals.

    So they all go on a quest to find Twilight and over the course of the season they make an incredible discovery... It was Twilight who brought down Equestria! She tried to defeat Opaline but she was so powerful that the Twilight gave up. She knew the bubble would be broken when pony magic grew strong enough. So in desperation Twilight somehow got inside the bubble, separated the unity crystals and used a Memory Stone to make all of pony kind forget they were friends. Thus splitting them all up to make sure the magic couldn't grow any more. Twilight teleported each ponykind to the towns of Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood, leaving the rest of the kingdom abandoned.

    They find Twilight and restore her hope. When they ask why she's Celestia sized in person but normal in the message, she says "Legal reasons" and glances at the camera and smirks for another 4th wall joke.

    Then they all visit the ruins of Ponyville with Spike. It's a very emotional moment, seeing their old homes, Twilight's castle and the School of Friendship in ruins... It's a painful reminder that everything the worked and fought for, Equestria and friendship is gone. Then Sunny says something inspiring  and the original mane six, who have now repaired their friendship the decide to use their powerful Alicorn magic to restore the town like Twilight once restored that dam, recolonise it, restore the School of Friendship and re-educate ponykind on friendship.

    In season 3 we work in reintroducing the other sentient species, reclaiming the rest of the lost towns and cities, possibly reuniting the city states into a new Equestria. I expect Opaline will return anyway as the TYT remake of the battle indicated that. And there's still the possibility Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozyglow could still be released from their petrified prison. And even reconnecting to the human realm, it would have to be very futuristic now as it's clear Equestria's time isn't like Narnia.


    So that's my idea to repair the damage done by MYM and put G5 on track to being a worthy sucsessor. I know it seems like I'm trying to rebuild G4 but if so, why not? Sunny did say they could regain all that was lost. What do you think? Do any of you know a way we could get this to Hasbro?

    Oh and we need some explanation as to why everyone was freaked out when Flurryheart was born an Alicorn when it's cannon now. And yes I know the Journal of the 2 sisters said that but I consider the show to trump the other material.

  9. Death before Dishonour

    "People need stories more then bread itself. they tell us how to live and why." - From a miniseries based on Arabian Nights.

    "Artists use lies to tell the truth" - V for Vendetta

    "For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth." - Bo Bennett

    "Let justice be done, though the world perish" - Latin phrase and motto of Ferdinand I.

    "The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against its existence, rather, a condition of it." - Nietzsche

    "A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Roald Dahl

    "Better to write for yourself and have no public than to write for the public and have no self." - Cyril Connolly

    "A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind." - Robert Oxton Bolt

    "No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one." - Elbert Hubbard

    "The past is our definition. We may strive with good reason to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it. But we will escape it only by adding something better to it." - Wendell Berry

    "Who hindered you from following the truth, whatever persuasion he used, it did not come from God. I am confident you will not take the wrong view but the man who is unsettling your mind, whoever he may be, must bear God's judgement." - Quantum Leap.

    "It was not impossible to build Rapture at the bottom of the sea. It was impossible to build it anywhere else." - Bioshock

    "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

    "Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are." — Arthur Golden

    "The truth doesn't care about our needs or wants. It doesn't care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions." - Chernobyl, episode 5.

    "The most important thing a parent can give their child is a good example of how to live their life. Anything else the child can get for themself. But if they have no example they have nothing." - Due South

    "People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds. It is something one creates." — Thomas Szasz

    "You'd best start believing in ghost stories miss turner, you're in one!" - Pirates of the Caribbean

    "Scars remind us where we've been, they don't tell us where we're going" - Criminal Minds.

    "...if this long island story of ours is to end at last then let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground!" - Darkest Hour

    "The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had." - Eric Schmidt

    "Without heroes, we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go." - Bernard Malamud

    “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” - Ambrose Redmoon

    "Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible." - Thomas Kemp

    "What really raises one's indignation against suffering is not suffering intrinsically, but the senselessness of suffering." - Friedrich Nietzsche

    "Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition of today." — Author James T. McCay

    "There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy." — Dante

    "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

    "Show me your garden and I shall tell you who you are." - Alfred Austin

    "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." - Audrey Hepburn

    "The world is an inferno of evil and there are only two ways of dealing with it. The first is easy and wrong, you accept it and become part of it. The second is hard and right, you fight it, you find those who aren't evil and you help them."- From a miniseries based on Arabian Nights.

    "Every nation gets the government it deserves." - Joseph de Maistre

    "I don't think I'm that special at all, just like everyone else I wanna feel safe at night, that's what Blankman stands for. Every man who looks out his window, sees something wrong and decides to do something about it." - Blankman

    “There are some upon this earth of yours who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name; who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.”
    ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

    "Strange to think that when we're gone, well be preserved forever on a little strip of film, a little bit of who we were and what we did and we'll be remembered when we have gone." - Oh Mr toad! Final episode.

    "The artist, entertainer and leisure worker are the most dispensable yet essential of professions. All other professions provide for our lives. It is the artist, entertainer and leisure worker who make that life worth living." - Ashley Miller

    I know this is a lot but this is what happens when you ask this question to a fan of Criminal Minds. 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. The bagpipes. One of my favourite childhood films was Bedknobs and broomsticks. I always loved the scene where the bagpipes were being played on the cliffs over the army ready for battle. I always found it inspiring.

    Harmonica. I used to have some Railroad Tycoon games with these wonderful harmonica tunes. I can't help but associate the instrument with the American trains I love. But I couldn't find a harmonica that made the right sound.

  11. G4. But I think I was around when G1 was airing. I saw an episode of G1 once while at Centre Parks, had things been different I might have been a fan since then.

    I think I first got into G4 not long after the first Equestria Girls film came out. As I recall I was browsing Youtube and came across a short film made by some pony fans, crossing FIM with Poke'mon. It might have also been a clip from CollegeHumour, making fun of bronies.

    I had heard of the show in a very vague way, it popping up rarely in other media I frequented and I didn't think much of it. But out of curiosity I looked it up on Youtube and saw the barn building song. At first it seemed to me to me to be a show for little kids, teaching them how to count. But something compelled me to start watching the show from the beginning. Although at first it seemed a typical and predicable kid's show, something about it spoke to me. 

    The scathing way bronies were portrayed by CollegeHumour disgusted me so much I was worried what people would think of me if they found out. But I rose above it and I've been a proud brony ever since.

  12. I think it happened shortly after the first Equestria Girls film came out. As I recall I was browsing Youtube and came across a short film made by some pony fans, crossing FIM with Poke'mon. It might have also been a clip from CollegeHumour, making fun of bronies.

    I had heard of the show in a very vague way, it popping up rarely in other media I frequented and I didn't think much of it. But out of curiosity I looked it up on Youtube and saw the barn building song. At first it seemed to me to me to be a show for little kids, teaching them how to count. But something compelled me to start watching the show from the beginning. Although at first it seemed a typical and predicable kid's show, something about it spoke to me. 

    The scathing way bronies were portrayed by CollegeHumour disgusted me so much I was worried what people would think of me if they found out. But I rose above it and I've been a proud brony ever since.

  13. Originally I had a different name here, one that I use on several other sites. When I started to think about filling out my profile I remembered the image I used for my Ticket to Ride account. I put it up and decided to take on a new pony-centric handle. After thinking it over and nothing striking me, I suddenly thought... Casey Pones, obviously!

    It's a pun on John Luther "Casey" Jones, the real life American railroad engineer who on April 30, 1900 died preventing an otherwise far worse train crash. Since then he's been associated with the look of an American train driver.

    I first got into steam trains watching Thomas the Tank Engine, but I fell in love with 1800s American trains thanks to one of my very favourite childhood films, Buster Keaton's The General. Please do not take my love of this film as a sign I support the Confederacy or it's values.

    Why did I pick this picture? Same reason I used it for my Ticket to Ride profile. It represents two of my loves, American steam trains and My Little Pony.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. On 2024-03-25 at 3:35 PM, Axiom Crash said:


    Hope I didn't drive you off the site. I just talk as I think, sorry.

    No you didn't. I sometimes feel I've offended or driven people off too.


    On 2024-03-23 at 9:04 AM, Axiom Crash said:

    How'd you find out about this project in the first place?

    I don't quite remember. I think one of their shorts showcasing locos showed up when I was browsing Youtube.


    On 2024-03-23 at 7:13 AM, Axiom Crash said:

    I've never heard of Snowpiercer before. But a quick look at the wikipedia page tells me it is indeed relevant. But it's not a point in their favor if they're heavily leaning on another property like that.

    Snowpiercer is a TV show that's based on a weird movie that's based on a much weirder graphic novel series. The show thinks it does a great job talking about the nuances of class and exposing it's injustice. But all it really says is "A class system is bad" and "Rich people are evil." And it's too full of dumb stuff to be taken a serious piece while being way too dark, gritty and extreme to work a a surreal piece.

    Personally I wouldn't recommend anything from the franchise but that's partly out of my personal taste.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. 11 hours ago, Axiom Crash said:

    The concept of an NFT has been around forever. The idea is just an idea, but the culture that's sprung up around them is something truly vile.

    1. In short, it's another business cult, exactly like Amway. It boils down to a pump-and-dump scam where the 0.1% are bilking the 1%, just with enough internet-era abstract concepts built in that the dinosaurs that run our country can't see through it.
    2. The technology its built on is deeply flawed and shockingly inefficient. Minting an NFT costs over $100 because it's using that much actual, real electricity because of the sheer amount of calculations required, because it has to build its own contract subsystem on top of the existing smart contract system. Every NFT has to recreate all the functionality from scratch. It's an absolute bizarro world, but because cryptocurrency's security is fundamentally based on the fact that it will never, ever change, this ludicrous cost for what should be a few hundred bit flips is just accepted as the cost of doing business.
    3. Just look up "going to the moon" and that's pretty much all you need. They just keep people to keep buying in because it raises the price, and thus everyone's valuation goes up. It seems like magic to the ones who get scammed, but they simply ... just ... don't realize that to actually turn that back into money, someone has to be willing to buy all of it. Then when all the gullible buyers are used up, it's not the savvy ones who are left holding these stocks, or NFTs, it's either overconfident 1%ers who have the money to throw away, or much more often, just regular people who got misled into investing their life savings, and then are left destitute after the fact.

    That doesn't make it any clearer to me but you clearly show a lot of knowledge.

    11 hours ago, Axiom Crash said:

    I mean poor communication between devs and customers. I mean videos and demos and infrequent updates. It's just more common now for companies to put up walls between themselves and the community they depend on. It's just necessary in a world where tiny things can blow up in hours. It's just best to say nothing at all unless it's been meticulously poured over for anything that could offend someone. When employees started getting in trouble for things they said off the clock, that's when I realized we'd entered a horrific new world where we're expected to represent out company 100% of the time, and that's so fucked up.

    People are so tense about any kind of offense these days. People should just take a moment to recognise what is hateful or bigoted and what just has some racial or gender content. Or just have a sense of humour about it.

    The people behind this game keep using Snowpiercer as a reference. Are you into that? Personally I hate it, the film and tv show. 

    Also, please don't use the F word, it's very possible there are children on this site.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Axiom Crash said:

    Now ... wait ... are they actually selling NFTs? Oof. I would stay the hell away from that. Mostly because it means they're willing to expose their customers to a crypto environment where it's very easy to get robbed or scammed. You heard about the tokens that can be sent to your eterium wallet, that you can't get rid of, and if you ever interact with them in any way, the scripts attached to them will transfer every asset in your wallet to some other wallet. Literally, they're willing to expose their customers to that environment. I would stay the hell away from this because they're either clueless, extremely callous, or don't care about their long-term.

    Honestly I don't know anything about NFTs other then South Park said to stay way from them.


    7 minutes ago, Axiom Crash said:

    This just seems like the way all projects are run these days. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that this team doesn't have a proven track record, otherwise they'd be running this a little differently. But I think the internet itself is responsible for why ever group of new devs seems to take this same path in terms of how they market themselves. Just an interesting observation.

    You mean like starting hype and selling merchandise before you've even developed a demo?

    I've actually seen worse. About a decade ago there was a guy developing a franchise about wars fought with steam-powered Pacific Rim-like robots. Had all this concept art, merchandise, even a list of terms and slang the crew would use. But last time I checked, he gave no indication he knew what medium it was even going to be.

    13 minutes ago, Axiom Crash said:

    Yeah, the concept sounds like they have very limited investment in the idea, as well. If you're gonna this big, these trains should be able to build their own rails, blast through rock, tunnel, and bridge terrain on their own, at a resource cost, of course. Built out your own rail network, stations, outposts, mines, harvest resources to build more, take rock from one place and drop it as fill somewhere else. Drive piles into soft terrain, have trains of varying weights that need better engineered bridges.

    ... and it seems like a relatively easy thing to do, honestly. Take some cues from Total Annihilation for how to treat a big central command unit.

    The question still needs to be answered though: "Why trains? Why not big sandcrawlers?" And for that, I'd say, make speed the issue. Add a threat big enough that even these trains can't withstand it, only outrun it. Make it show up at night, maybe, so you have to retreat to shelter at the end of the day. Could be a flood, could be giant worms, could be any of a number of things, but a combination of threats during different phases of exploration that make sense of "big, heavy and fast", and building out rails so you can move your big nuclear city on wheels at high speed makes a ton of sense.

    ... oh yeah, I had this idea a long time ago, come to think of it. The trains just weren't as big. Hm.


    They say you can build your own tracks which seems dumb to me.

    As to "why trains" I told them that was a question they should also ask themselves but they only seem to want to make a game where you command trains like they're warships.

    I love trains, I like the idea of a game where you command a giant train. But I also want it to be believable.

    I too had an idea about a world where trains were commanded like ships and taken on adventures to unknown regions. But I realised the nature of their necessary infrastructure didn't lend to that.

    If you haven't take a look at their other videos about game features. There's one where they do a Harry Potter parody.


  17. 2 hours ago, Axiom Crash said:

    Man. I'm not accusing these devs of anything, I'm just realizing how AI art and other AI assets is going to make scamming people on Kickstarter so much easier and cheaper.

    Absolutely love the concept of gigantic trains. Also think it's absolutely brain-dead, since trains are so dependent on rails, but a lot of really cool things ask you to shut off little parts of your brain for a while.

    I think the idea of a giant rainbow nuclear train sounds absolutely badass.

    There are things about this game that, when you look at them, I want to go like Pinky Pie and say "Supiscious!" 

    It's been up on Youtube for so long, has so many videos, yet only one with any footage. And even that is about a minute of one 3D locomotive.

    Every time someone (including me) makes a decent comment or suggestion on their video, they give them likes and hearts and long replies dripping with so much positivity even Pinky would think it was a bit much.

    I can't help but think it's a scam to get donations and sell their NFTs. I actually called them out about that and even then they gave me a positive reply.


    The really dumb part is they keep saying how much exploration it going to be a part of this game. I know what you're thinking "How can you explore with trains when they can't go anywhere without rails?" Well apparently this game's world is filled with ancient rails that go to forgotten places left behind by "the ancients." Seriously, they couldn't think of something better to call them? That's 3 instances of dumb in that one paragraph. 

    • Brohoof 1
  18. This is one of my favourite episodes of Tell Your Tale.

    I love how...

    • It explores how the return of magic is changing pony society.
    • How Izzy applies her unicycling to someone who feel like they're useless junk. Something perhaps to be used in real life for people who feel obsolete or can't do what they were once so good at.
    • Rufus, a lover of stage magic, gets to do the real thing.

    Personally though I would have written another scene between saving Glory and the Mane Melody show...

    Ext Maretime Bay, Day.

    Rufus is experimenting with his new powers, joyfully watching as plants of all kinds sprout from the ground at the stomp of his hooves and making vines move like tentacles.

    Rufus: Ha ha! I always loved doing magic tricks but real magic is really better!

    Seashell, Glory and Peach Fizz look on with wonder while Izzy is so happy for her friend.

    Izzy: Now we'll find a job for you no problem!

    Rufus' happiness turns to melancholy

    Izzy: What's wrong? Aren't you glad you got your growy growy planty magic?

    Rufus: Of course I am but... Izzy you've been wonderful trying to help me out. But even if I had gotten one of those jobs, I still wouldn't have been happy. Putting on shows was more then my job, it was a part of who I am. Making ponies smile, seeing their spirts lift, putting a little wonder in their day. That's why I loved show business and I don't think I'll be happy until I can be part of it again, even in some small way.


    And this would have led nicely into Rufus becoming Pip's new special effects pony.


    And there's one other thing I particularly noticed. I'm British, and that part where Rufus makes all those teas appear? It reminds me of famous British magician, Tommy Cooper.



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