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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by TechnoZ

  1. Banned for assuming, im a changeling! Q_Q
  2. So, no more Accessories for me? Yeee, KIRIN FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
  3. [Whisperwind] "Ohh... this sounds Easy! I wanna try!" *he looked for a free spot and found one* "There." *he closed his eyes, tought strong at that place and poof, he teleported there*
  4. [Whisperwind] "Oh yes Please. I wanna learn :3" *Vinyl can see the excitement on Whispy's face*
  5. [GS] *he heard the door slamming, looked up and wondered* "Hm, guess someone left..." *looks back down into the book* [Whisperwind] "So... Teleport is good but.. not doing it all the time, got it. Also i love Walking around."
  6. [GS] *he sighed, since he cant find Monsoon anywhere* "Oh well..." *walks into the Library and picks out some books and starts reading them* [Whisperwind] "Teleportation?... Also, if you say it... it sounds Scary and Dangerous... is it really Safe?"
  7. Banned for thinking i assume without Facts
  8. [GS] *he walked the Hallway along and sighed* "Im glad i could talk with my Uncle..." *he smiled and went to the Throne room* "I wonder where Monsoon is... hmm..." [Whisperwind] "Is there... more i could learn? I wanna learn more :3"
  9. [???] "Master... i feel a Presence in this Room, we are being Watched..." *after he said that, the Lights flickered* "Nevermind... It left." "Hmm... i guess i need to find the one about this and cause it to be Silent..." *gs looked up and smiled* "I need to go. Thank you again Condus." *he turned around and walked out* "Take Care, Master... I will be here." *GS then walked up the Stairs, til he was out again, closed the Secret door, went out of the Room and closed the Door of that Room* oO(Atleast that is settled... now i need to find the one who spy'd on me.... That means Death...) [Whisperwind] *he brought all the Stuff back to their Original Place and grin* "And i trained all that the whole Night~ Thank you for Teaching me :3"
  10. [GS] *After Walking all the Stairs, he entered a Huge Cave with Demonic Altar, Statues of Demons with Lit Candles in their Hand* "I hate you bringing out... but i needed you." *he placed the Stone on the Altar and bowed down* "I am sorry." [???] *A voice appeared in the Cave, Speaking to GS* "You dont need to be Sorry... I forgive you. I am bound to Serve you, Master, as i always did to your Family. Even, it is Tragic, im cased into this Stone, but i know why i am Here. Yet, i have to sit out my Penalty i caused, which are over Thousand Years..." [GS] "When your Penalty is over... i will Free you but you need to Promise me one Thing. Dont do the Same mistake again and Help me, if i need it... That is the only Thing i ask." [???] "Yes, Master... I will Promise this. I will Help you, whenever you need it, thats what i can only do." [Whisperwind] "Okay!" *with excitement, his Horn glew up and lets many Things in the Room levitate, even flying around*
  11. [GS] *after he went into the room, opened a Secret Wall, opened it and went down a very long and dark Spiral Staircase* [Whisperwind] "Can i show you, what i Learned the Night? I trained alot and i'd love to show you."
  12. [GS] "I'll see you later." *he went inside, followed the Hallway to the Last room, opens the Door and went inside* [Whisperwind] *hugged Vinyl and smiled* "Also i didnt knew, hugging feels so good~"
  13. Banned for making fun of me. Prob because im kirin
  14. [GS] "Thank you Monsoon... if you excuse me, i need to bring... this Stone back to the Underground where it belongs." [Whisperwind] *Sighs in relief and stood up* "Im glad we are Safe now. Thank you for Comforting me, it helped at lot"
  15. [GS] "Cya Rich. Take care." *looked at Chryssi and the Others* "I believe you are going too? If so, take care y'all." *turns around and lets the Black-Red Metallic Stone, which still sparks with Red Electro levitate beside him* oO(You get back into the Underground... I need to Protect you, you are too dangerous...) [Whisperwind] *He calmed down completely and smiled* "Im.. glad its over now... i think, we are fine now. Right?"
  16. [GS] "Yea, sure." *he looked at Slipstream and smiled* "Dont Worry. Thank you for your Help." [Whisperwind] *Still afraid* "Are... you sure? Q-Q" *snuggles a bit with vinyl and calms down a bit*
  17. [GS] "I guess its over now..." *lets the Cannons disapear and sighed* "Crap that quite exhausted me... Oh well..." oO(Since everything is over, i can go now...) [Whisperwind] *Still sitting in the Corner, shivering* Q-Q
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