*After Walking all the Stairs, he entered a Huge Cave with Demonic Altar, Statues of Demons with Lit Candles in their Hand*
"I hate you bringing out... but i needed you."
*he placed the Stone on the Altar and bowed down*
"I am sorry."
*A voice appeared in the Cave, Speaking to GS*
"You dont need to be Sorry... I forgive you. I am bound to Serve you, Master, as i always did to your Family. Even, it is Tragic, im cased into this Stone, but i know why i am Here. Yet, i have to sit out my Penalty i caused, which are over Thousand Years..."
"When your Penalty is over... i will Free you but you need to Promise me one Thing. Dont do the Same mistake again and Help me, if i need it... That is the only Thing i ask."
"Yes, Master... I will Promise this. I will Help you, whenever you need it, thats what i can only do."
*with excitement, his Horn glew up and lets many Things in the Room levitate, even flying around*