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Lord Pretty Pie

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Posts posted by Lord Pretty Pie

  1. My exact fear of MLP! When a show get's a feature length film they tend to lose something afterwards...


    But to reply to your statement that I bolded. I know of a way to this that might come across as not creepy.


    I was think of what if we turned the Fan Fic My Little Dashie into a movie. (For those who don't know MLD is basically the story of a man who finds a filly Rainbow Dash and raises it. It is famous for being probably the saddest fan fic out there, it is probably the only story that has moved me to tears)

    Now to keep the creepiness down I think it would be best if the Ponies stay as 2D animations.




    I think it would make for a very adorable movie! Though I highly doubt it would ever happen... well unless a team of dedicated fans make it themselves!


    Other than that for an actual MLPFIM movie I'd like it to end off the series. I have the series down as lasting 5 seasons with the fandom starting to slowly diminish around the end of season 3. I feel a feature length film should act as some grand finale! As for plot it would be the ultimate test of strength for each character. I'd see them going the route of having a huge overwhelming concept which I think is fine for a finale but they really need to stick to the characters, the characters are everything! I'd see them trying to do too much to please the fans and make the characters act lackluster.


    That's just my view on what probably would happen.


    I don't know if anyone else said this, because there are four pages, and I don't want to read them all to find out, but there is a group of dedicated fans working on a My Little Dashie Movie. http://mylittledashie.weebly.com/index.html
  2. True, though a lot of authors do have titles that are based off fairly small events. Maybe STAR could work?


    Event of the STAR

    Falling STARs

    STAR Wars (enemy copyright laws inbound)

    STARtar Sauce

    Hub STAR


    Yes. All of them, just... Yes.
  3. Prior to discovering the show, I had never even heard of a 'brony', and I had no idea of it's massive following. One day, I was bored on Netflix, looking for something to watch, and for whatever reason, I came across My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. When I started on the first episode, I did not at all expect to like it. In fact, the only reason I watched it is so I could go on Facebook and say "Ohh hoo hoo, I just watched My Little Pony, haha, I'm so silly" Or something along those lines. Instead what I wrote was, "I just watched My Little Pony... Surprisingly not bad.." From then on, my posts became more and more pro-pony. It eventually led me here, and I have never been happier.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Name... Name.... What's a good name... "Equestrian Rift at the New England STAR"? Or maybe something less specific... How about... "Ponies and Stuff"? That might be a little too... Unspecific... Or You could call it, "Old Men, Ponies, Portals, and Malls". Take your pick.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I want more BM. There's so little of him and I really do like him <3 :wub: If he starred in an epi...oh how happy I'd be <3


    I think It would be best if you avoided using that abbreviation in the future. And I agree. He should have an episode or two mainly about him. I also think the show needs more male characters, but it's too late to add any more I think.
    • Brohoof 1
  6. While I'm not sure if this is the correct category for it, I could not find a more reasonable location. I just wanted to know how, in the show, they would go about using the term "In Person". "In Pony" Doesn't sound right, and they cant just not change it, because what the hay is a person? So... Yeah.

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