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Status Updates posted by mistrene

  1. Got an important appointment for my college internship today! Managed to pique the interest of a pretty prestigious organisation, I'm so lucky!!

    Wish me good luck everypony! :mlp_pinkie:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snow


      Eyyyy! congratulations! :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    3. Starlight Serenade

      Starlight Serenade

      Congratulations on catching their interest! Best of luck with your appointment today, you're going to do great! :D

    4. Astralshy


      good luck :>

  2. Working on the start of a (possible!) series where I make a kind of guidebook for spells of different elemental magic. I'm tryyyying to kind of create the logic behind it using chemistry and physics, but take it with a grain of salt of course, we're talking magical horses ponies here. :please: It has the structure of beginner, intermediate, advanced and master spells, as well as short introductions to different topics such as the laws of thermodynamics and the atomic theory. Of course thought of safety measures as well! What's the logic of summoning fire but magically being resistant to it, or somehow not coughing like silly from fumes and ash? Illustrations will be added later down the line.

    Anyway, I'm excited to post it soon! Got to work tomorrow first though, blegh. :crackle: I'm very open to suggestions and ideas somepony might want to see. Goodnight everypony!

  3. Who do we feel like drawing today? Any cute background ponies that deserve some love? :arethosehands:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow


      Drizzle or Cloud Kicker perhaps :oh_golly:

      I did not know that about ice either :dash: what with my name I feel like maybe I should

    3. Snow


      You work fast! absolutely lovely work!! :eager:

    4. ThatPinkPone


      Archer Bodkin or Orange Swirl would be a treat to see!

  4. Finished rewatching season 3 yesterday! Not gonna lie, got a couple feels out of me. :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mistrene


      @Snow first rewatch since the show ended! got distracted with a couple other shows since. celestia's ballad doesn't get tired at all for me, i'm so glad they fleshed her out more as time progressed :sunbutt:

    3. Tacodidra


      It's been ages since I saw it... :awed: I kind of agree with @Finding_Marty – I don't hate season 3, but it was my least favorite season due to only having half the episodes of the others (the finale should have been a two-parter). :adorkable:

    4. Finding_Marty


      Ok! I guess I used a wrong word :Pip-giggle: I wanted to say that it was very sad that it only had 13 episodes and we had to wait another year (?) for the next season. And true, those two-episode adventures were always the best :(

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