Really nice for a first try!
My first try... oh god let's not talk about that shit.
The head is too large, the ear is too small, the neck is a bit long (I think? Dunno, I'm not so good at drawing things).
But, again, good job! Keep drawing and you'll be better and better.
Fluttershy and applejack toys.
I thought about just buy fluttershy but then i realized that my applebloom toy need a big sis who could take care of her. Saw pinkie and rarity in the store too, but they are not really my favorite ponies and I already got rarity with wings. And pinkie was with a train so that was too expensive for me. Wanted twilight but they doesn't had her. And RD had I already so yeah.
Love derpy in the first pic, but she has no tail.
Fluttershy's dress is really nice.
Twilights eye and tail should may be a bit bigger.
Nice job!
What stands your cutiemark for?