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Everything posted by sciaenops22

  1. WOOOOO CHRISTMAS PONY. 8D Her name is Noel, and she is indeed on sale. ^^ If you're interested, check it out! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170712202672
  2. Okay, here's some more ponies (and a not-a-pony) for you guys! As the title states, this is Empathy. She's what you get when I sit down and paint out every single negative emotion I'm feeling at the moment. Aggie is a symbol of my college and all the school spirit it has. She's a pony I picked up at a dollar store mainly for that gorgeous mane. This is not a pony. This is Discord. Yep. I found a dragon model that looked really similar to Discord, so I got it and painted it. I like how it turned out, even if the horns are inaccurate. Bumping up the thread for an annnouncement. I'm going to be selling some custom ponies on eBay here in a bit. Why? Because my college funds are getting low, I've no time for a job this year, and I've got all these custom ponies clogging up my dorm room so why not? So far, I've got a Christmasy pony (Noel) and a draconequus-inspired pony (Chaos) that I'll be selling. I know, what is up with me and all these custom Discords?! xP Anyway, if you're interested, keep an eye on this thread. I'll post pictures of the on-sale ponies as soon as I can. ^^
  3. ...you know, having rewatched Dragonshy...I must say that I now ship Fluttershy/the red dragon (I heard somewhere that his fanon name was Basil, so I'm just going to call him that). I mean, when Fluttershy REALLY started chewing out Basil, he seemed to get really shy and nervous. Yes, that could be because someone was chewing him out. But the way he was talking seemed to imply that he's kind of shy and such (the only reason he attacked the ponies was because he was grumpy...I mean, wouldn't YOU be if a bunch of girls kept waking you up, stealing your crap, and kicking you in the face?). And the fact that Fluttershy backed off from 'screaming mad' to 'gentle but firm statement' to 'aw there there, poor baby' while speaking to Basil screamed 'sympathy and caring.' ...okay, yes, it's a very sketchy ship with no real evidence to back it up. But I think it's adorable, so there. xD
  4. HOLY CRAP. I just drank CLOUDY WATER. I AM GOING TO DIE. D8 /hypochondriac moment

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LyraHeartstrings


      Seme... never mind... Did you accidentally put milk in your water?

    3. faervczxdaghna


      It was probably small air bubbles or something of similar nature.

    4. LyraHeartstrings


      or just REALLY dirty water...

  5. Painting a pony specifically for selling purposes. This'll be an interesting experiment.

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Looking forward to it. You planning to sell it here?

  6. L4D one and two. A little bit of TF2. Some Portal 2. And that's about it.
  7. ...it's already Sunday?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fillyshy


      Good thing I have no school tomorrow. ^_^

    3. Miffy


      Bad thing i have school tommorow :(

    4. Goodra


      Eeyup, and I still have a project to complete, shouldn't be hard tho.

  8. Went shopping. Bought three dollar-store ponies for customizing and a dragon model for Discording.

  9. Going to the SCUBA shop today! 8D

  10. Biology of Marine Mammals is not only my favorite class this semester, but it's the only one that doesn't cause me excrutiating pain and/or boredom. But yeah. Marine Mammals is an awesome class. The professor's really good at teaching the subject matter, the lab TA is really sweet (and works at the same dolphin hospital I do, fancy that), and I'm really interested in the stuff they're teaching. Which is weird, cuz the last time I've been obsessed with dolphins was when I was seven. O_o
  11. http://www.amazon.com/MachoPoni-Prance-Poniworld-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B003DA4B5E/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1318047438&sr=8-2 And if you have a Kindle, this book is free! 8D If you don't have a kindle, I say download the free PC version and give it a whirl. Anyway, it's called Machoponi: A Prance with Death. It's so weird, and so epic. I can't really describe it, honestly. Of course, were this a Friendship is Magic fanfic, it would be rated grimdark. It's got gore and a little bit of shenanigans on the sexual side (not a clopfic, though, thank God). And plus, it's just...weird. So you may or may not like it. At least give it a shot, though. ^^
  12. I think I just discovered the best book ever. It's called "Machoponi: A Prance with Death."

  13. I'd love a pony cake for my birthday. A red velvet cheesecake with ponies on top. That would be heavenly. But I can guarantee you that the only people in my family who'd be okay with it are my two younger nieces. So I'll just look at all the gorgeous pony cake pictures. ^^
  14. All I hope is that the episode is scary. Like, really scary. Not lame-o jump-scares. But like, lots of psychological horror with healthy doses of fridge horrors mixed in. You know, like the season premiere. ^^
  15. Bought a Star Trek book called "I, Q." Only got it cuz it was written by John de Lancie aka Discord. So yeah.

    1. Gummy


      He is Q in TGN. He also appears in Torchwood.

  16. Just put up flyers all over campus for the brony party I'm hosting. I hope people actually attend.!

  17. Just put up flyers all over campus for the brony party I'm hosting. I hope people actually attend!

  18. The first one is weird as buck. Barely ten seconds in, and the voice acting makes me want to claw out my eyes with rusty nails. The second one? Huh, wonder what it is. *opens video* OH DEAR CELESTIA NOOOOOO TAKE IT AWAY! D8 I didn't get into ponies until I got caught in the middle of a pony vs mechas war. It was epic, and it piqued my curiosity (they didn't really talk about the show itself, but the designs of the ponies they used in thier avatars caught my eye). The fanbase and all of its memes were just a nice addition to me. ^^ That aside, I found some episodes of Tales on YouTube....for the sake of research!...*goes to watch while holding her Twilight sparkle plushie, bracing for impact* *EDIT* Watched an episode. Voice acting wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. Pacing was waaay off, though. They condensed twenty sentences into a millisecond. In every scene. Every single scene, lines were rushed and rushed and rushed. It got annoying. FAST. And the animation was bad. So yeah, Tales is not one of my faves. :-/
  19. Three dogs, three cats, and one fish. The dogs are Ellie, Tobias, and Marlene. Ellie and Marlene are mutts, and Tobias is a pit bull/labrador mix. Tobias and Marlene were rescued by us straight out of a bad home. Marlene is pretty much my dog, through and through. All the dogs love me, yes. But Marlene seems to love me the most. ^^ The cats are Hubert, Starburst, and Cuddles. They're all spoiled brats that sleep in my room with me. I can't tell you how many times I've woken up with fat-cat Hubert lying on my face or baby girl Cuddles scratching up my feet or wild child Starburst farting in my general direction. The fish is a betta named Caylis. She doesn't do much except stare at you when she's hungry.
  20. ^ That reminds me, CR (from That Guy with the Glasses...you know, the place that does Nostalgia Critic...) made a crash-course video on the past series of ponies (and on FiM, but we already know what's up with that). For a quick intro (that explains the old stuff better than I can), check it out here. Also, I still hold to the idea that everyone should at least try to watch Escape from Catrina. The full, unedited version is on YouTube. It may or may not be worth your time, I dunno. It's a YMMV thing, really. ^^
  21. *votes* *sees that she's in the gender minority* *lulz ensues* It still makes me smile that guys watch this show. ^^ Shows just how mature yall are. *brohoofs all around* WE CAN TELL STORIES HERE?! 8D Okay, auntie Sci will tell you about her childhood pony. I was seven when the G2 line came out, and I got three of the first five ponies released. Morning Glory was my favorite. In my headcanon, she was a SCUBA diver who was very shy. I thought my grandma had thrown them all away, but last time I was talking to my mom she implied that she may have found them all. Won't know til later, but still tis exciting. ^^ But i remember sending away for the mail-order pony, Seabreeze. I had planned for her to be to my ponies what Celestia is to the mane six. Twelve years later, and I never got that pony. :-/ Never really watched the show as a kid, though. I was a Power Rangers girl, myself. Also, people would make fun of me for watching girly shows. Even though I was a girl. My neck of the woods is a strange batch. :-/ Anyway, that's my story. *clams up*
  22. Sooooo...we all know that MLP's been around for awhile. And the previous series can REALLY get people angry. But I'm curious to know the general mindset of the former series and/or movies amongst you bronies here. A quick recap, for the unintiated: G1 You got your original ponies, with two tv specials and a series. Probably the most famous or infamous part of these series is the villain of the first special, Tirec. He was like Nightmare oon in that he wanted to bring about enternal night. He was nothing like Nightmare Moon in that he was a frightneing minotaur/cenotaur demon that turned ponies into dragons. Yeesh. Another good thing to note about the original series is that they were the inspiration for the ponies we know and love today. Firefly is now Rainbow Dash, Posey is now Fluttershy, etc etc. And from what bits I've seen, you can really see the family resemblance. I personally liked 'Escape from Catrina,' the second tv special. You've got a villain who's basically a drug-addict and her shape-shifting boyfriend who wants to see her be on the side of good again. And the aforementioned Posey is in it. Yes, the ending sucks. Yes, the songs are kinda dumb (though I liked the villain song). But it's rather charming in it's...meh-ness. I gotta admit, I'm liking the old-school ponies. They're no where near as awesome as FiM ponies, but they're not super-girly like everyone thinks. Though they come dangerously close sometimes. G2 To be technical, the G2 toy line didn't have a tv series. This one, My Little Pony Tales, is actually part of G1. Kinda. But it's easier to say G2. So basically, the fantasy/adventure aspect is completely gone. The ponies are all now boy-crazy teens who do human things instead of pony things. It's...a weird one. Ponies all walking around on two legs, using hooves as hands, singing about the boys who look just like the girls...its HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL WITH PONIES. D8 I can't really say much about this series, cuz I haven't watched it beyond a few clips. I will give it credit for introducing Bon-Bon to the world. G3 ....ahem....excuse me one moments.... ....*shaky breath*...okay. All I can say about G3 is that it sure broke a lot of stuff. This is the girliest crap I've ever seen. At least it gave us Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, but even then...dear Celestia. I remember sitting down and watching a G3 movie with my nieces. I only remember one song from it (it was about not wanting to take responsibility in life, and it was actually pretty catchy). And that I was writhing in agony the whole time. This is the girl who survived Manos. AND I COULDN'T HANDLE A PONY MOVIE. So anyway, yeah. Terrible voice-acting, terrible characterization, terrible animation...and to be honest, I think THIS is the reason ponies are looked down upon so much. It is painful to watch something that was custom-designed to be this girly. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON G3.5. For one thing, the ponies look like they're eternally in pain. They're even more shallow and toy-promoting than ever before. Then there's the newborns... ...ANYWAY. Yeah, that's my personal view on the past generations of ponies. None of it can hold a candle to FiM (well, duh , of course not ^^), but the original series is...nice...in its own way. No opinion on Tales. Wish to burn G3 to the ground. What do yall think? (if my essay was tl;dr, I apologize. ^^
  23. Equestria Online looks like it'll be amazing. I, personally, can't wait until Silent Ponyville comes out. That and the Portal 2 pony mod who's name escapes me. ^^; And a part of me wonders what an officially-made FiM game would be like. Would they make it only for kids? Or, knowing darn well about the periphery demographic, try and make it for everyone? My guess would be for the former. :-/
  24. It's awesome not having to go to that one class anymore. *is relaxed*

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