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Everything posted by NinjaCPU

  1. Carrick gave a sigh, he walk over to the cabin and grabbed a metal pole, ripping from it's wall. "Seems like my mission will never happen." Carrick said more to himself than Thunder. "I apologize, mademoiselle that we didn't know each other. Do you have any last words?" The detective knew what had to be done. He didn't know her at all, it was probably for the best. Emotions might blind ponies and make them regret killing her, but the detective knew. If she doesn't die, it's all over.
  2. Well that's what I meant. After everypony is dead (which is probably going to happen) we can start another one.
  3. Carrick gave a sigh, "He's going to die for being this rash." Carrick turns to Thunder "You have something to cut the hind leg? Or do we have to take out the brain?" Carrick asked. He didn't know Grand all too well to care for her death. She knew what going out there was. All he could do is at least not make her into one of them.
  4. I am sure am grateful that I never came out of this train. One pony confirmed dead and one pony just got bitten by one of them. It was only a matter of time before they overwhelm us all. Carrick ran over to Thunder. "We need to cut this before you get more infected! Anypony can a blade?"
  5. Carrick continue to mess around with the train. Seeing how everything was working. He took in notes to see what everything does. Better not turn on the horn. The detective actions were turned when he saw a dark storm all around the Forest. He saw it surrounding the whole forest as then just disappear into a small dust cloud . The sounds of trotters started to come close as well. Aw, crap. Carrick started to turn on the engine. Hopefully they'll come soon, or he'll have to go without them. He needed to worry about himself before theirs.
  6. That's probably for the better, then. We probably will be going nonstop from here...I think. (Can't tell.)
  7. I'll admit I was a bit surprised you'd be taking the plunged into death. I must congratulate you on that. Hopefully you will come back with a new character. If not, guess we'll be seeing you on the OOC.
  8. Carrick went to investigate the train itself. They were able to own a train? This group does have some luck on their hooves. Carrick took himself to the engine of the room. Seeing the only system used in Equestria. The coal system. They certain have enough for Canterlot, but how much reserves will be left? Carrick looked at the controls, as he took in some time to learn the basics of it.
  9. Funny Snout...? If you're talking about Zeta, he said he was going to be out for a few days.
  10. Carrick wasn't all to sure to just jump into a suicide mission with this group. Their last plan only got him to become Trotter's meat. He felt a bit more safe to stay on the train than to go out there. Even if he made the plan himself. "I'll hold the fort down on the train." Carrick said, "You ponies go on ahead."
  11. No I personally agree with you on that. Most of them see him more as just a detective than a friend. Though, from the looks of it, it might take a while. He's a cold pony. Usually going on objectiveness than subjectiveness. Will take the others to adjust to him, I'd assume. CAPS IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR FUN. There's no need to get all angry about it. It should happen. This isn't a kiddy roleplay about zombies, because it shouldn't' be. It'd get boring if we continuous keep striving and winning our goals. We already have enough water and food to survive. Everypony doesn't have any complete injuries. It will get boring. I've been doing for this for a long time. I should know.
  12. If this is meant to be one of those zombie apocalypse roleplay. There should be a few main characters dying. Carrick is willing to die, but nopony really knows him. So it wouldn't make much of a impact to the roleplay. (Unless someone thinks otherwise.)
  13. Talks of the Doomsday Clock. Also talks of killing somepony if we ever reach a horde of trotters. It's for the better.(However that was in sign-up not in the roleplay)
  14. Yeah, I'm going to put my two cents on this one. From the looks of it, we're not going to finish this story. The story will end in three possible scenarios. A) All characters have die from the outbreak. BAD END. B ) Finding some type of cure. Good End, but a boring ending. Of course if there was some type of stipulation to the cure, such as injection only or only when a pony is turning into a zombie. It might work. C) Some/or all chracter stay alive, but are always in a state of panic. No matter they killed, they will always come. Trying to break kill each and every one of them. Losing all hope that things will ever change and finally adjust to their new life in post-apocalypse. Normal End. I also want to say something. When there was that zombie attack in Manehattan. One of us should've of died. Obviously, you can't change the past, but when something that massive is attacking you. There should of been some causality or at least injuries. The reason why is that even in a state of panic if everypony is still alive, it gets boring. It means that the whole group is invincible and the threat of trotters are of no need. Why do you think that People from The Walking Dead are terrified of walkers? Because they know what they can actually do. Just my two cents.
  15. Carrick gave a 'heh'. "So you think we can continue to have a luck streak? Heh, Lady Luck only shined for so long before it will finally breaks it's grasp on us. Eventually all of us are going to die from the outbreak. One by one. We're not going to see it, either. This group will slowly dwindle into only one or two of us stay alive...." "I honestly don't care if I die today. From all I've seen, I've had a good life. There's really only one thing I want to do before I turn over and when we reach Canterlot. I'll be able to do it."
  16. "Debbie Downer? I have you know, that I am a realist. Not an optimistic." Carrick took his canteen and took a few sips of it. She words of optimism made Carrick wonder. "So you think the clock will never reach anytime soon because of Trottingham? Well you better hope the undead can finally rest in peace then, because I would say that the trotters beat us two to one, if not more." "Either we find some type of cure or we find a place that will never have trotters. Even in Trottingham they still have trotters, just right outside of the wall. I should know, I almost got killed by one."
  17. That sounds like a BAD END in some type of RPG. Well, wasn't the plan to go into the Everfree Forest from the backdoor?
  18. Carrick was already wide awake before everyone. He got his needed eight hours of rest and woke straight up. A habit he's gained sing the Apocalypse. The longer you sleep, the more chance of being in a ambush. Ponies started to wake up one by one as they started to converse about their own lives. How they got their cutie marks. Questions are being asked. Carrick felt like it was time to ask his. "So," Carrick injected as he walked towards the group," when do you ponies think the doomsday clock will reach zero?"
  19. Wings pulled him Quickly into a passionate kiss. He knew what he wanted. He stared into the peagsus's red eyes. There was no need for words, just a connection. A physically release to show how much he cared for this stallion. Doing it over and over. Not caring for anything in the world, but him. Time continues to move forward. Unknowing of when to stop. Not a care for the world, they both got what they wanted.... (That's it for now. G'night. Real sleepy.)
  20. Link to Roleplay is here The Other Ponies was made on July 6th, 2012, with over 3900+ posts in a duration of 13 months, the first book has come to an end. Leaving behind some questions open. The second book, The Canterlot Collapse will now be open for new roleplayers. Chaos has reigned over Equestria. However, it isn't the lovable Discord who would relish this so much. It was a small group, willing to create a utopia not only for the country of Equestria, but the whole universe. With their goal at hoof, they destroyed two major cities, with thousands of ponies. Captured Princess Celestia, disguising Queen Chrysalis to be Celestia. Even the wearers of the Elements of Harmony were foalnapped. Though their plan was spoiled by another group calling themselves "The Other Ponies." It had not given them hope. Most details were never disclose. Nopony knew who any of these ponies were. With Queen Chrysalis disappearing right when group disbanded. Nopony knew where Princess Celestia is. The only thing they knew was that Ice Star was to take the blame. Doubt started to come across the streets. Ponies whispered that Luna had become Nightmare Moon. Saying that all of this was a ruse to smoke her own sister out. That there never was "The Other Ponies." Just some type of coup d'etat. Those rumors were changed, when Twilight Sparkle had become an Alicorn. It started to make more sense to them. As if they find the missing piece to the puzzle. Who would be more envious of Celestia's staus, than her own student? Turmoil started to rise in the higher ranks of Equestria. Talks of a rebellion were rising. To add more fires to the flame, the intentional affair was in a downhill spiral. Seeing how Equestria has become weaken with all the whole incident. All the other kingdom would see is a chance to finally take over Equestria and end the superpower once and for all. Canterlot is at it's breaking point. Ponies were hiding in their houses. A number of murders were being done on a consist basis. The police, unable to do business as they were doing there best to keep the citizen from creating a riot. Has problems finding the culprit. Princess Luna knew full well that a certain group has been able to find out what has been going on in the city of Canterlot. "The Other Ponies." ----------------------- The story is action/adventure/mystery. Rules: 1) Nobody can be the Mane 6. Background Ponies are allowed. 2) No Godmodding/powermodding(controlling anyone's character be it major or minor unless the pony says it's okay.) 3) Good Grammar and Spelling is needed (If you have problems with grammar like I do, proofread your work beforehand) 4) Alicorn aren't allowed. a) This excludes characters that were already in the roleplay b ) Alicorn characters can be used ONLY if they are changed into a Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus. 5) Try to be active in the rp to at least 1-3+ post per day. Failure to notify me of any problems such as work, vacation, etc. in 3 days will lead to a minor write out of the character. In ten days it will to a major write out. a) When notifying me of leaving, please explain if you want your character to be written out of the story for a bit or you'll have a substitute player for your character. 6) Cussing/swearing is allowed but at a certain point (used for emphasize or anger is fine, but when the characters says in every sentence he/she utters is not allowed) 7) Spamming is not allowed. 8) After two week of role-playing I will enlisted a second in command. If I am unable to do my duties for whatever reason (or I notified said roleplayer beforehand that I will be gone for a set time/forever). That said roleplayers will be in command of the roleplay. 9) Recurring roleplayers will post their character for new roleplayers. There will be three slots open for new roleplayers. The roleplay will be made by August 3rd or if all the slots are taken. Edit: Two Slots are Remaining. Recurring Members: 1.) NinjaCPU - Carrick Murphy 2.) Hypno - Hypno and Lazarus 3.) Mal - Sapphire Shine 4.) Dawnpath - Quickly 5.) Bronyonymous - Phoenix Flare 6.) Azura - Azura New Members: (At this point of the roleplay, there is no way to conveniently place a character. Until further notice, there will be no slots available.)
  21. "Well aren't you a naughty pony" Wings gives Quick a nice slap of his butt. "I think it's time we had enough of talking and use our bodies to tell us how we truly feel." Wings takes his right hoof and walks him into the bedroom. Knowing full well that it was going to be a while before we'd get out. (As much fun as writing more of it could happen. I'm sure I'd get in trouble if we actually roleplay gay stallion sex. Best we keep it clean as possible.)
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