(10 internet points for anypony who gets the reference)
Link to Roleplay
When dangers strike, the Elements of harmony will be able to strike any type of danger. Defeating countless foes with Honest, Kindness, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, and of course Magic. However, what happens when the ponies just disappear?
With little to no traces, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity just disappear without any trace. A week has past by, many ponies are tensed that any danger or evil can strike in a moment in Ponyville.
However, rumors are going around that there are ponies that are not only helping the investigation of the disappearance of The Elements of Harmony but, are willing to stop any foes big or small that steps into Ponyville. This said group are called "The Other Ponies"!
Basically, it's an adventure/mystery role-play. Around 6 ponies(more or less) will be helping the investigation of the disappearance of the Mane 6 while also stopping any evil that goes into Ponyville.
1) Nopony can be the Mane 6. However, minor characters and background characters are allowed in the story.
2) No Godmodding/powermodding(controlling anyone's character be it major or minor unless the pony says it's okay.)
3) Good Grammar and Spelling is needed (If you have problems with grammar like I do, proofread your work beforehand)
4) Try to have 2+ sentences with every post (3-5+ preferred).
5) Try to be active in the rp to at least 1-3+ post per day. Failure to notify me of any problems such as work, vacation, etc. in 3 days will lead to a minor write out of the character. In ten days it will to a major write out.
a) When notifying me of leaving, please explain if you want your character to be written out of the story for a bit or you'll have a substitute player for your character.
6) Cussing/swearing is allowed but at a certain point (used for emphasize or anger is fine, but when the characters says in every sentence he/she utters is not allowed)
7) Spamming is not allowed.
8) After a week of role-playing I will enlisted a second in command. If I am unable to do my duties for whatever reason (or I notified said pony beforehand that I will be gone for a set time/forever). That said pony will be in command of the roleplay.
9) Have fun!
NinjaCPU: Carrick Murphy
Mal: Starbolt
Embers1: Embers (On hold)
Bronynonymous (Second in command): Blaze Pheonixtear
Half-Note: Thunder Chaser
Cloud Chaser: Daeva
Dawnpath: Quickly Point
Hypno: Hypno
*= If you are interested in applying for the rp, I am willing to summarize what has been going on so far. (Via private message)