so, if I make any grammar errors, you can fix them? GREAT! welcome aboard! ... I do want to write for sonic team and I will but you guys will have to wait awhile... between me procrastinating and me having to worry about my mom's cancer and my fanfics... you're going to have to wait till I declare it... aka, start writing it...
I take this rant of yours and raise you these 2 videos:
dude... you're saying we're not aloud to get offended by these kinda people? the first video I can accept because he looks like he has a form of autism but... the second video...
I hate when people say that they masturbate to ponies in public and are so proud of it.
they're ALOT of fans, some like the show, some really like the show, some really REALLY like the show, some get obsessed with the show....
so... what kinda people are you not fond of in this fandom? me? cosplayers.... excpecially bad cosplayers...
post all of the music that you find related to mlp here! the music has to be fanmade.
this might get taken down because a thread like this may have already been made...
see, I'd like to know why people like to talk about masterbaiting to the public in gereral is okay. I mean, why would anyone want to know what people do in their free time? why do people feel the need to talk about something that should be private and talk about it? it just doesn't make sense to me. I don't hate people for having hormones but, keep it private!
the way I see it, it should have atleast 6 seasons because, more than that.... let's just say that we don't want it to overstay it's welcome like the simpsons or spongebob... of course, if it stays in the right hands... it may become as sucessful as southpark and have alot of GOOD seasons but, I doubt that...
I'm sorry, I don't read hate fictions... expecially of my favorite character. this guy could be a troll for all we know... the guy who wrote this.... the fic... not you...