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Coolius rpi

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Everything posted by Coolius rpi

  1. If you know me, you know I love Big Macintosh. He's just so chill, 24/7. He just seems like the kind of guy that can be very calm but also not ice cold, because he loves smartypants and loves applejack.
  2. This reminds me of my life and all the things Ive messed up. Just mostly the tune and beat make me very sad. another song is this It makes me very sad. This song always reminds me of friends: I always used to listen to this song ALL THE TIME! This is another son that reminds me of the past This is just another BAWWW song
  3. Coolius rpi

    1995 style

    Is this real?
  4. Well thanks for all the advice. It seems people really want me here! . I'll consider it. Plenty of... interesting... characters in this fanbase anyway.
  5. It is my life and my existence. There are songs I listen to when Im feeling alone, sad, or angry. There are songs that I can relate with, songs that make me feel better when something is wrong, and songs that make me think. Music has affected me greatly throughout my life. The first band I got into legitimately was Green Day when American Idiot was released. Since then, music has been insurmountably important to me, even though I don't play an instrument. some of my favorites: 3 doors down all that remains a day to remember audioslave breaking benjamin candlebox cookie monsta datsik doctor p earlyrise excision feed me flux pavillion foo fighters kamelot knife party liquid stranger marilyn manson nirvana of mice and men rusko seether shinedown sick puppies sixx am skillet the devil wears prada theory of a deadman three days grace tomba
  6. So... the fanbase is STILL extremely high? I didnt even know it was high to begin with! So, are they like, chronic, or something? I like to get high too, I might join back in that case. twilicorn? is that a spoiler? I dont quite want to know. I hope you didnt just give anything away, bro. better back up. 5char 5char
  7. Well I'll certainly consider it. Iv'e never been that artistic so I don't know if I can make any fanworks, but the show is just starting to interest me again.
  8. Alright, lets see here. Coming out as gay, bi, or transgender is WAY different than coming out as a brony. People have been disowned and sent to Christian 'pray the gay away' camps because of homophobia. Dont ever compare coming out as a brony with coming out as anything else.
  9. So, I quit being a brony in November of 2012. I just couldn't wrap my head around the appeal of the show. I don't know if much has happened since then, but Iv'e felt the need to rejoin this delightful little subculture as of recent. Is the fanbase still insane? Is the show still cute and prettyful? Where has it gone? Are the fans still making fanworks? Do people still even like this show? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  10. Hey, I wasnt not taking that rarity joke about whining. jokes are suposed to be funny, and that joke wasnt funny. It was annoying, so why dont you quit it?

  11. im back from my huge ban. and my vacation from ponies! I leARNED THAT I REALLY DO LIKE THEM! SILLY ME !

    1. Pinkazoid


      Welcome back I guess xD

  12. I wish I was smart enoguh to write something like this! what is a long way to equestria about? 5char
  13. Then we would be betrayed by any other organism. If we all lived by animals, then we would really learn that friendship is a lie manufactured by humans. I like this guy.
  14. thats kind of what im saying. you cant trust human beings. friendship kind of a lie, and this show really does stroke you a lot. Finally someone who listens to reason and h=gets what im saying! There are many more unreasonable people in this world than you think. Ive come to expect it. Anyway, thanks for speaking some sense.
  15. No, thats not it at all. im just saying that friends are overrated. Many of the morlas in the show are wrong, not bad. Thats really ironic, that you siad that its best to leave them alone, seeing as you just wrote a fucking novel about my post. Also, Im not saying that the friendship reports are 'bad.' Im just saying that they are wrong. Wow, that was really nice and understanding. I dont think YOU get whwere im coming from. I dont pretend that I know everything, so why dont you quit with the accusations? Why does everyone keep attacking me like this?! Make it stop, make it stop... I gotta go. You win, assholes, you win!
  16. Alright, listen here mister, I think you have my post all wrong. I never said that it was perfectly cool and valid to not love all of yuour friends, I just said that there is never enough love to go around. You think that there is? Try asking holocaust survivors if there is 'plenty of love.' try asking women in the middle east that are stoned to death because they cheated on their hubbies if there is plenty of love.' The youll see what I mean. Obviously youve never heard of the saying 'what does not kill me only strengthens me.' biting off more than you can chew can make you stronger. I never said it wa sa good thing, though. You need to learn to read. Fate doesnt exist, are you kidding me? fate is a million year old idea that was created when people used to believe that executing a virgin would appease the harvest gods. I can hardly even read the part when you spoke about friends. Does the word 'grammar' mean anything to you? Just because friends comfort you when your upset, that dosent mean that they can make a situation 'pretty awesome.' Your life is still shit, but friends are there. By saying that your not going to address my last episode analysis, you're wrong because you just did when you said it was backward. I think someone would like it if I critically analysed the show, even though i am young. It shows im willing to think, no? I cant belive someone like you would tell me not to think. I think this show has bullshitted you enough to get you to beleive half the things they say. If you think im overanalysing this, then why are YOU being so passionate about my 'stupid uninformed post?'
  17. I cant even read what you wrote. 'That you find them "bullshit" because you might find qualifications in them does not mean they can't be held up as an ideal.' What does that mean? Not most of them. Most of them are just bullshit stories made up by the writers. If these lessons arent important, then why did you write a fucken essay about why im wrong?
  18. okay, next time someone who believes in fate tries to give you advice, go ahead and ignore them. Also, Im not saying that ive had a lot of life experience, Im just saying that these are my observations. I dont need your sarcasm.
  19. I thought this was my thead and I was happy! My girlfriend pony is fluttershy. SHes laid back like me and she seesm that shed be really nice and understanding and sympathetic.
  20. MLP teaches us some important lessons. Its not the whole 'sonic says' fare, though. They never tell us to eat our vegetables or anything (although in one episode they did tell us to read, but whatever.) Im beginning to think some of the lessons they teach us in these 'friendship reports' are kinda bullshit, though. Like in hurricane Fluttershy, I don't think that one pony can really make a difference. that just my opinion, though. Also, In owls well that ends well, I dont think that 'there is plenty of love for all friends.' In the show stoppers, there isnt even a moral! I think that is waayyy uncool. In stare master I don't believe in the message either. biting off more than you can chew is what makes people strong! In the cutie mark chronicles, they say that, Everypony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends, maybe even before she's met them.I think that is just utter bullshit. Theres no way that fate can determine what your friends are, even before you've met them. there is no such things as fate anyway. I know I'm going to be whipped for this next one, but here goes. In the best night ever, they say that:Friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great. Ive been through a lot of bad times, and friends have NEVER made it something pretty great. A dog bit off a chunk of my heel once, and my friends did NOT make it fun. When my cat died, my friends didn't turn his funeral into a party. When I used to self-harm, my friends DIDN'T make the blood taste like sunkist. In super speedy cider squeezy, applejack dosent learn anything, and she writes a letter about it to the princess! Its almost like shes sending a giant f you to the princess, and that is most uncool. Also, since nopony had learned anything about friendship that week, shouldn't twilight sparkle be banished, put in a dungeon, or banished and then put in a dungeon in the place that she banishes her to? just my thoughts. Lastly, in dragon quest, spike believes that he 'belongs in ponyville with his pony friends.' I dont think the ponies are his 'friends.' Theyre always mean to him and they use him. I think he belongs with his dragon friends. his dragon friends can at least teach him to be tough, and be the dragon he was always meant to be. So, what are you thoughts on stupid, bullshit friendship reports?
  21. Fanfics arent canon, so they dont really change anyhting for me. I dont go around thinking that fluttershy is a hooker and Big Macintosh is a serial killer, do I? LOL!
  22. I just dont get my little pony. Is there something im missing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WhiteLightning


      Probably. Everypony is entitled to their own opinion after all. For me, it's more than just a show, but hey, that's me.

    3. Lolness The Hunt

      Lolness The Hunt

      I guess that means you had to make a thread insulting the whole fanbase?

    4. Jon the VGNerd

      Jon the VGNerd

      Lesson learned; NEVER make insults to the users again, or face banishment from the mods, with no second chances. Thank you.

  23. But thats just my problem. How has MLP made you less jugmental and a better game developer? Its just part of my confusion. I guess If I were to sum up this whole thing, I DONT GET HOW WATCHING A SHOW ABOUT BOUNCY LITTLE PONIES CAN CHANGE WHO YOOU ARE! Im not saying that it cant, and you are all liars, Im saying, i just dont get it here.
  24. Well, I guess it just stems back to envy, and a lack of understanding. I envy all the bronies because they have been changed by MLp, and It seems to have made my life worse, if anything. Also, I dont know WHY it changed them.
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