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Everything posted by PonyEcho

  1. This is mine but sometime I switch it with Thresh's laugh.
  2. PonyEcho

    movies/tv Yuri Anime

    I thinks the same as a do anime about Yaoi, Its good when done the right way and not make creepy with things like incest like in Candy Boy or almost forced like in Love Stage. I don't think Yuri work when its the key element in a show, I don't want to watch a show of "these girls really love each other" being all the show is about with little to no development like Sakura Trick kinda does. Now as for a good Yuri show to recommend....Revolutionary Girl Utena
  3. It depends highly on the point of view. Of course Anit-Bronies are bad, If you are a Brony because you look at a Anit-Brony as someone who is against you and we naturaly see people who are against us as bad. Out side that point of view I have seen Anti-Bronies who are just awesome people, and I have seen Bronys who are not so awesome to put it as nice as I can.
  4. Are you all ready to have your minds blown?!

    1. Thunderchild


      No, not really. Thanks all the same.

  5. To add to what I said earlier I also think the time Bronies will be accepted, is the time when everybody just stops giving a damn about all this. Bronies are just apart of the internet culture along with Otaku and other fanatics, and the creepy part of the fan base will still be there and creepy and still be kinda wrong. Nothings will change whether you cry out for acceptance or not you'll still be watching MLP. So stop caring about the "they don't like us because were different from the norm, when will they accept the fact I love mlp" because you're only troubling yourself with that train of thought.
  6. When there are not enough bad apples to make the entire batch look rotten.
  7. Death Note's "EVEN THE LITTLE THINGS MUST LOOK SO DRAMATIC" thing There is also a scene with a afro replay
  8. I keep hearing that SAO 2 has gotten "interesting". So I'm guessing either sexist BS or Kirito being Gary Stu BS... Or both

  9. Nah, I live in the UK and I blew all my money on Comic Con. There's also a personal vendetta I have with B-con so I don't see much hype in going.
  10. Well I think we've seen Spitfire do a sonic boom and it's likely that any other pony in the wonderbolts can do one to. To answer your question, Pinkie Pie is all knowing!
  11. They taste outrageous, truly truly truly outrageous.
  12. Oh my, have we gone back in time to 2012? (checks calender) Ok its present day that's good. Its been 2 years now, we already no the out come of the Derpy fiasco by now and I honestly welcomed the changes and how she was then kept as the where's Waldo of mlp. @, Yeah Snips and Snails would be more offensive, if they weren't suppose to be young boys. "snips and snails and puppy dogs tails, that's what boys are made of"
  13. Just for today I've watched. Tokyo Ghoul -I re watched the first episode Aldnoah.Zero- Gen Urobuchi being Gen Urobuchi animated by A1 Pictures with a scene that rivals the first episodes of AoT in my opinion. Psycho Pass- I'm watching first series again, good action sci-fi from Gen Urobuchi. Haikyuu!!- I good sports anime about volleyball. Baby Step- Good Tennis anime. Thats just for today,
  14. -_- I always feel like RT show way to much story wise in there trailers, leave a little to the imagination. Show one scene with the giant mech not 4. I'm still hyped..... but mainly for the soundtrack .
  15. PonyEcho

    mega thread Anime Discussion Thread

    http://anichart.net/summer I think this summer is going to be so slim for good anime. Aldnoah.Zero- has such pedigree behind it. created by Gen Urobuch , Katsuhiko Takayama, Hiroyuki Sawano doing the music and A1 pictures doing there first mecha show. To me that's the only new good original anime that's coming out this summer that isn't a continuation like Free! or just a re-airing like what Psycho Pass is doing.
  16. Ghost in the Shell : S.A.C Outlaw Star Trigun Digimon Tamers Spice and Wolf ^^ Its definitely one of those five, I'm just not sure which one.
  17. Yeah I did asked for the thread to be closed/locked a long time back but Swoops declined it. So our only hope is that the thread dies again.
  18. -_- Yeah...... I know the drill. Hits the thread with a shovel. Now stay dead like my love for the Madoka magica movies.
  19. Well I see it a someone who is Oppose to or against Bronies because using it as a negative label is bastardising the word "anti". Don't dislike someone for them being an Anti-Brony, dislike them for being racist homophobic, butt hurt or a twat. Hmmmm how about Dave its a good name I think, now Dave run for your life before you are swallowed whole by this Otaku like thing. (couldn't help myself sorry)
  20. Well we all seem to do the same things, for example labelling without even having all the evidence at times. Bronies are not puppy dogs we can be just as vial, irritating and hateful as anti-bronies if someone goes against what we think, however only a small amount are like this now days and the rest are awesome, I think, since brony is only a small piece of a over all individual. Anti-Bronies - Are..... old vacuum cleaners, Its kinda sucks, and they have all this crap in them when it revolves around bronies and the fact that they are against this community and even the show and it can kinda help if you show some kindness to it and try and get the dust and crap out of it. But again its just a small piece of a individual. I've met Bronies and Anti-Bronies (who can't stand the community) who are just great guys and gals to be around once you actual talk on equal footing. not a singe racist or homophobic bone in them. And I've met Bronies and Anti-Bronies who are absolute Douche-bags and I'll leave it at that because this will become a colossal rant if I don't. Its just a small piece, and if they are racist, homophobic and all around d**ks then say this person is a racist, homophobic, d**k who's a anti-brony. And now I will never write a post while playing BF4 ever again.
  21. erm how about D-bag..... yeah I think that works. Bronies- are people Non-Bronies- are people Anti-Bronies- are people We are no different from one another.
  22. Yes, Yes, Yes! Oh wait..... I don't have Hooves, D: (Cries)
  23. Sonic can only travel at light speed when he's in chaos mode which requires all the chaos gems and doesn't just apply when he uses them. < not so horrendous writing. But Sonic doesn't need a few seconds to move a the speed of sound while RD needs a good 10 seconds. So if they were to have a race Sonic would win after having the faster start and RD would not be able to make up for it.
  24. I've seen it and I love it for the fact that it did what needed to be done for X-men to be put anywhere near the same level as the Marvel cinematic universe is. It cleaned up the mess it made with X-men 3 where they killed so many characters off that they could not continue and removed X-men origins which was just a bad film. Movies wise, X-men isn't owned by Marvel at the moment the rights belong to Fox so Marvel can't use any of the X-men or the word "mutants" in there movies.... aside from Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Its so same deal with Spider-man who is owned by Sony
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