Well we all seem to do the same things, for example labelling without even having all the evidence at times.
Bronies are not puppy dogs we can be just as vial, irritating and hateful as anti-bronies if someone goes against what we think, however only a small amount are like this now days and the rest are awesome, I think, since brony is only a small piece of a over all individual.
Anti-Bronies - Are..... old vacuum cleaners, Its kinda sucks, and they have all this crap in them when it revolves around bronies and the fact that they are against this community and even the show and it can kinda help if you show some kindness to it and try and get the dust and crap out of it. But again its just a small piece of a individual.
I've met Bronies and Anti-Bronies (who can't stand the community) who are just great guys and gals to be around once you actual talk on equal footing. not a singe racist or homophobic bone in them.
And I've met Bronies and Anti-Bronies who are absolute Douche-bags and I'll leave it at that because this will become a colossal rant if I don't.
Its just a small piece, and if they are racist, homophobic and all around d**ks then say this person is a racist, homophobic, d**k who's a anti-brony.
And now I will never write a post while playing BF4 ever again.