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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by discorded

  1. Jacob went to get Deathdealer when he came back he said "Princess Abyss you really should tell your sister to respect me more after all it was because of my strategie that we were able to win the battle at Appleloosa. Come on Whitewind we have much work to do."
  2. Jacob walked up to Pricess Abyss and said "I've looked over the map and there's a small tribe of opposition, I suggest that we attack the Stronghearts tribe at once." Twilight walked up to give a speech "As you know the forces of Tatarus are moving forward we must stop them at all cost."
  3. Jacob said "Surge you said that once I accept my death I can leave this place, Where will I go once I accept that I died. After I let go of my natural body what will happen."
  4. Jacob was quite shocked how no one got punished. Jacob thought to himself that this was probably the best end result possible. Neither Jacob or Clocks got punished. Jacob sat down and wanted to rest, he got hit in the stomach by Clocks and hit in the knee caps by Usaf. He was in pain.
  5. Jacob went to K-bar and stood in attention. He told K-bar what happend "I was speaking to recruit Clocks when he attacked me. I fought back for a while. I didnt mean to offend him, and after I apologized he still wanted to fight me so I decided to walk away. As I was walking away, recruit Usaf came and attacked both me and Clocks. I then left to go finish eating. If you dont believe me Ma'am ask anypony who saw the fight. And I understand this behavior is unacepptable and I am prepared for any punishment you deem necessary." Jacob was hoping he wouldn't get in trouble but was expecting that he would. He was hoping Clocks would take the fall.
  6. Jacob fell on his knees and yelled "You dumbass, I was just walking away from the fight that he started." After getting hit Jacob got really pissed off. His plan was starting to fall apart when Usaf came. Jacob planned to make Clocks get in trouble with K-bar for starting a fight with him. He knew that Clocks and K-bar wernt on good termes and he planned to take advantage of that when K-bar showed up but Usaf ruined that plan by getting in the way. He took a deep breath to calme down and looked around as he got back up he said "It looks like things have gotten out of hoof. Im going to finish eating." as he walked to a table and started to eat.
  7. Jacob looked to Lucas and laughted. He thought to himself that it was funny that he was called an idiot, If his plan worked out the only pony who would get screwed would be Clocks. He told Lucas "He's the one who threw the first punch, and im trying to end this fight." He turned to Clocks lowered his fists and sayed "You said I could backdown." he walked away. He didnt attack Clocks. Waiting to see what Clocks would do.
  8. Jacob took the hit and fell down. He looked at the crowed and came up with a new strategy that would put the odds in his favor in the end . As he got up he told Clocks "This is your last chance back down or else you'll regreat it, I dont want to fight you."
  9. Ponies started to go around Jacob and Clocks and started to yell "fight fight" Jacob dodged the attack and sayed "Firstly, I never underatimate anybody, I just didnt expect you to be bold enought to hit me. Secondly, Im sorry if I offended you I didnt mean any disrespect and you attacked me first." Jacob was keeping his distance waiting to see what Clocks would do. Not sure if he would walk away or still try to beat him up.
  10. After getting hit in the stomach Jacob fell to the floor. As he got back up in pain he began to laught uncontrollably. When he wanted to be stopped by Clocks he didnt expect to get hit. As he stopped to laught he said " I thought you would be so predictable but you caught me off guard." He followed by punching him in the face. Jacob knew that he couldnt beat Clocks in a normal fight, he stood a chance because Clocks was still injured from fighting K-bar.
  11. Jacob said to Clocks "Well thats fine, I mean what I had in mind was going to be quite hard to pull off and if your scared I understand." He said trying to get a reaction out of Clocks. Jacob began to leave hoping Clocks would try to stop him.
  12. Jacob made sure no other ponies were lisening in. Then he told Clocks "Im sure your mad at K-Bar for beating you yesterday,what if I told you I could help you get revenge. If you say yes there are a couple of conditions you will need to follow."
  13. After seeing a few ponies fall Jacob decided to quit, he dropped. Glad that he wasnt the first pony to give up, but he was now very exausted, while going to get breakfast he saw Clocks and wanted to speak to him."Hey Clocks I want to talk to you about something."
  14. Jacob began to do the position he was exausted but the last thing he wanted to do was be the first pony to drop from the position. He was forcing himself as hard as he could refusing to be the first to drop.
  15. Jacob started doing pushups, he was doing quite well at first but as the exercise went on he bagan to slow down. He began to force himself to try to keep up but he couldnt keep up to K-Bar's speed. He was disapointed in himself.
  16. Jacob woke up and went in the front of the bunkhouse standing in line. He was determined to make a good imprestion and try to get as many promotions as he could, after a good nights sleep he was pumped with energy.
  17. Jacob relized that the only way to get out of the world was to play Surge's game. Jacob yelled out to Surge" I am ready to leave this place tell me what I must do to get out of here." Jacob egerly awaited Surge's response.
  18. Jacob told Linus "I have no clue if were the only ponies here but if we want to get out of here well need to work together. Do u have any idea were we should start." Jacob was rather confused with the visions he was getting and he wanted to get out of this world as soon as possible.
  19. Jacob headed to his bunker and was quite pleased with the information he gathered. Jacob wants to get as many promotions as possible but for now he decided to call it a night. He got in his bed and went to sleep.
  20. Jacob's freaking out a little "Im dead, why dont I remember dying. Thats imposible I cant be dead... " he said refusing to believe that he died. Calming down a bit he said "If i am dead, there must be a way to get back to the world of the living. I cant accept to be stuck in this overly happy and colorful hell for ever... Surge tell me how to escape."
  21. Jacob was enjoying the fight very much. He learned alot. He noticed how easily K-Bar was reacting to Clocks insults, he also took note of Clocks skill and personality and planned to use them to his advantage in the future.
  22. Zombies were heading for Herlin, while Fossilfinder was looking in pile after pile of books. He was searching for a diary writen by Tondrak himself to see if they're are any cluess to beat him inside.
  23. Jacob thought to himself that this could get very interesting. It was the perfect chance to see his fellow recruits skills and talents. He was exited to see how this played out. He wanted to see if he could learn anything important from the fight.
  24. Fossilfinder ran with his new ally into his house. He had piles of books and notes in his house. He said "This might take a while." As he said that a loud moan came from outside. The zombies began to enter the town. It was chaos as ponies ran away. Fossilfinder looked out of his window and said "You need to hold them of until I find the book im looking for."
  25. Jacob woke up finding that he had a massive headache. "Whats going on where am I?" He saw a figure that he couldnt make out because his eyes were blurry. As he tried to make it out, he saw a pony who he decided to approach. It was Linus. "Who are you and where am I?"
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