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About Vido

  • Birthday 1994-01-30

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  1. As a pony who plays guitar, I have to say this is very impressive. Being that you played the high and low notes at the same time at least is seemingly great (I am unaware at what notes are actually being played, so it's hard to tell) Regardless, very well done sir.
  2. I am one that occasionally will look at clop, but I don't get arroused by it. I stumbled upon 'The Scootaloo Diaries', which isan extremely long clopfic. I got hooked reading it and stayed up until 5am reading it. Some clopfics are just really well written. (I only like to look at clop because it is interesting, I am not a clopper, I promise)
  3. Scootaloo and Cheerilee Yes I know there is a fanfic of that, and yes, I have read it. ("Scootaloo Diaries" for those wondering, warning: contains clop in like first half, but the story was good enough to keep me reading for 7 hours straight until I finished it)
  4. I really like chickens, so I'm going to have to pick the chicken... Here is an example of chickens I like... You're welcome
  5. I don't know >.< Fluttershy is best pony, but I think her shyness combined with my shyness would just be awkward. I'd probably say Rainbow Dash because she'd be fun to just hang out with
  6. One of my family's cats was like a best friend to me. Whenever I was sad, she'd always seem to know and cuddle with me. She eventually got cancer at age 8 and saying goodbye to her was probably the saddest things I've ever had to do.
  7. I'm really liking the chicken banner

  8. =D no, we get them in our house a lot in the summer. They get trapped in my light fixture and die all the time.I'm actually kinda arachnophobic to be honest >.< I I understand that if one cannot identify with the situation in this particular fanfic, it may not have the same affect on them.
  9. Don't shove it down his throat. If anything, tell him to skip the intro song. Show him fan made stuff, and hope for the best.
  10. We clearly have different taste in fanfics then :3 "It's a fan gushing over a pet pony" In the beginning yes, which many bronies such as myself daydream of. Of course you're going to act like it's fucking awesome until the realization hits that it's actually real, and then comes in the responsibility part which I feel was represented well and many bronies could see themselves (in a fantasy of course) in the same situation and haing to decide what's best for something the whole world can not see. This is basically why I loved it,and maybe others love it for the same reason, I can't say for sure. Anyway, there is a wolf spider on my light figure that needs attending to. Auf wiedersehen!
  11. Vido

    mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Me tired as fuq. For anypony wondering, my gauge is a size 0 (Not allowed to go any bigger at my place of employment, otherwise I would) Sorry for crappy verizon free phone picture quality, but gotta make do with what I have >.<
  12. Not going to lie, I shed a tear or two. One of the best fanfics out there in my opinion. I was kinda skeptical at first being that the main character is a human. But it's actually really great! Did you not read the entire thing? A great father-daughter bond is developed later on, and it especially shows during the end. And honestly, if you found a cartoon character in a box, wouldn't you react the same? After all, it was a young, non-speaking pony that acted like any ANIMAL would, therefor the main character's actions are justified. You clearly didn't read the whole thing or read the rest of it with the mindset of he treated her like a prized possession and were too stubborn to get off of that. He tried his best to protect her by not telling her the truth because he knew it would hurt her, just like a parent doesn't tell their child that the world is actually a place where you grow up having to work your ass off to survive. The story represents bonding moments i.e. failing at baking but still having fun. I'm sorry, but I think if you read the whole thing, you failed to see the connection everyone is raving about, and I don't see how you could.
  13. Considering I have no bad experiences with any higher ranking ponies on this forum, no. In fact, they seem to be extremely nice. I never was and never will be intimidated by the higher ranking ponies on this forum.
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