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Posts posted by John

  1. Judaism has a scientific mindset.  It is disprovable.  If no Jews = no Judaism [it's not "just" a religion, it's a people].


    For since its inception Jews have been threatened by greater forces, but for 3,000 years we've been around.  Toynbee called us a fossil, yet we got Israel back which would have him admit that we are a fossil reborn.


    That's some pretty rigorous testing in my opinion.  But Judaism still exists, somehow. 


    You may say that one of the only, if not the only religion which has universal message and individual people lasted this long, survived due to chance. 


    I do not.  I say that it is a theory well tested.  And therefore God has failed to be disproved. 


    Thus the Theory of God is an axiom, along with the rest of Judaism.


    Interesting.  I wish I could source this for discussions XD


    I often like to mention how Hebrew prophecy has also held up fairly well.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I never said it was logically valid, though. I said it's inductive reasoning. I'm not proving that there are multiple universes. I never said for sure that there are, and that's where you're getting stuck in a loop.  Except that I'm not XD I'm not going to point up in the sky and say "Look! There it is! Don't you see?"  No, it's not like that. My point is that I am (very) skeptical that there is only one universe. That's all.  Right, and for a reason that's not founded in traditional logic..


    I do believe space—or whatever is beyond that, more accurately—is finite. But I don't believe we'll ever find its end Why is this relevant?. Based on the data we've gathered, we've observed less than even 0.000001% of the entire universe. The whole universe, everything we've ever seen—yes, that includes even the big bang—is such a small portion of what really is out there. Actually, scientists estimate that an atom to the known universe is the same proportion as the known universe to the entire universe. Think about that.  I call bullshit.  Find me the source for that and I will instantly debunk it.  Actually, you contradicted this later when you said that our line of sight was 13,000,000,000 light years but the "best" estimate for the size of the universe was 93,000,000,000 light years in diameter.  93,000,000,000 / 13,000,000,000  =  7.15...    I think the known universe  is more than 7X larger than an atom XD


    The big bang happened ~13 billion years ago, but the best estimate for the size of the universe is ~93 billion light years in diameter. I'm not making this up. Because the universe is so young (I think you mean old?), we can only see that small portion of it. We can only see 13 billion light years in any given direction. That's our horizon, but it isn't the limit to what's really out there. The galaxies that are that far away from us are moving away from us at speeds faster than the speed of light (because relativity doesn't apply at such long distances, where it is actually space itself expanding).


    By this reasoning, there are some things that exist, but we will never be able to observe.  Don't make another appeal to ignorance.  Just because you can't see it doesn't mean there's a good chance that it's there. That might be other universes, but it might not be.  *Sigh..  False equivilance../ Either way, the point still stands. There is more. More. More! Possibly finite, possibly not,  False equivalence again.  We have evidence for a finite universe.  We don't for an infinite universe.  but definitely more than you could ever possibly imagine.  Ahh yes, the equivocation fallacy.  Your "more" in "There is more" should apply strictly to things bound in our own Universe.  You make it sound like there are more universes.   The original "more" (based on your previous statement) was supposed to apply only to things in this universe, but you make it sound like it applies to other Universe.


    You're trying to make it seem like you have an inductively strong argument for the existence of another universe, but everything you base this off of is just bad reasoning.  Don't make appeals to ignorance.  Just because we inhabit a universe at the moment doesn't mean there are more.


    Not being salty or saying I won but I thought this picture was funny XD


  3. Well, it's a pretty myopic viewpoint to assume that there aren't other other worlds, other universes, other possibilities. You have to recognize that scale is all relative. To the bacteria in your gut, there is no universe beyond that. To the dinosaurs on the prehistoric Earth, there was no universe beyond that. To the fish in the sea, there is nothing beyond that. To the little green men on some planet a million light years away, there is nothing beyond that. To us here, in this universe we all share, we again assume there is nothing beyond what we see.


    But we all know, the universe is BIG. Our entire lives are nothing but a grain of sand compared to all of human history. All of human history is nothing but a grain of sand compared to the universe's history. The entire solar system isn't even a grain of sand compared to the many stars in the galaxy, and the many galaxies in the universe. We're not just talking billions, but trillions. We truly can't even fathom how big everything is.


    So, come on. What are the odds of that we'll ever find the ending point? Really? To say that there is such a point, especially one tangible to us, strikes me as being utterly absurd.



    Well there's this nice theory called "The Big Bang Theory" that I suggest you look into.  All of our evidence (and it's very good evidence) at the moment points to the universe being finite.  Another thing you should consider is that space itself is actually expanding, and (from what we can predict) the Universe will eventually cease to be able to support life.  Not only does the "Big Freeze" look inevitable, but it is likely that eventually nucleons will decay and the very structure of matter as we know it will be forever destroyed.


    Aside from that, why are you making assumptions (using the hasty generalization fallacy) about there being "other universes?"  As I've said before, "where there's one, there's more" isn't logically valid.  >.>

  4. The assumption that nothing exists outside of the universe is just that—an assumption.


    You know, back when humanity was in its infancy, people thought the world was flat. Then, we discovered the world is round. Then, we discovered some of the lights in the sky are other planets like our own; Earth is just one of eight around our sun. But that's not all. We discovered the sun is just one of many billions of stars. We discovered we live in a galaxy that is just one of billions.


    So, as we know it, we are in this one universe, in this one galaxy, around this one star, on this one planet. And that's all we know.


    So, who is to say our entire universe, too, is not just one of billions? Who is to say that there is nothing outside of "space?" The idea that it's just this universe and that's it is an assumption, and it's not one I hold in high likelihood.

    ^    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasty_generalization    Hasty generalization bro!!


    Also, saying "there's one, therefore there are many" is not logically valid..

  5. This isn't in the debate pit, so I probably shouldn't be arguing... but...


    The unlikely chance that we came from nothing has nothing to do with whether or not God exists. Consider, for the sake of simplicity, you have to roll a bunch of die, and only one outcome—say, for example, all sixes—leads to the creation of a universe capable of supporting human life. Eventually, if you roll these die an infinite number of times, you will inevitably roll all sixes at least once. Bam! Humans exist in "that universe."   Convergent series XD.   You need to take Calculus 2 my friend!  :3


    We couldn't exist in a universe that is not perfect for us, so the fact that we exist in a universe that is perfect for us says nothing. We don't know what the odds are of a universe capable of supporting life are, but that much is irrelevant. If there are infinitely many universes, or at least a large number, only ones that are capable of supporting life will support life. Therefore, we can only exist here, and it doesn't really mean anything.  We only have evidence of one Universe at the moment.  Assuming there to be more is just as presumptuous as assuming there to be a creator.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasty_generalization


    Another way to think about it would be like this. You exist, right? In order for you to exist right now, as you are now, a bunch of things had to happen in sequence. Your parents had to meet each other. Your parents had to exist. The parents of your parents had to exist, and so on. You could look at this and say that it seems like someone planned this out so that you could exist in the way you do.


    But consider what you could say if any one of those events never happened. You wouldn't exist... and then you wouldn't be here to say that the universe was designed a certain way for you to exist. You can only exist in a universe that will permit you to do so. There are millions, billions, trillions, and infinitely many people who could exist, but don't. That's the other side of the random chance.



    I can tell you're thinking this through fully, but your logic may not be as valid as you think >.>

  6. 1.)  Because of the complexity of biological life on a molecular level.

    2.)  Because of some things which have happened to me in my lifetime which are so improbable that I would consider them to be miraculous.

    3.)  Because I've felt something incredible which is impossible to explain to others, but is worth devoting part of my life to.

    4.)  Because I believe "good" and "evil" to be objective things.

    5.)  Because Christianity is epic XD  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av0OjugpMX8&list=PL_5sxR5OBuTgMtXEbtBFreb_QQt6VXs7K

  7. @@Suukorak


    Okay, okay let's keep this on track.


    To introduce another topic within the thread's purpose, what is one religion you're not apart of but you have a fascination for and a desire to learn about?




    Also, ZOROASTRIANISM!!! :D  I love Zoroastrianism.  Too bad they don't allow converts in the traditional sense;  their population is dwindling... ... thanks to Muslim invaders killing them off :C

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I can see both sides of this one. There are, certainly, more militant atheists online than Christians, but I get the impression that they feel like they're rebelling against the "real world" by expressing this stuff to their peers on the internet.

    And it's true, we've seen a lot more Christians in politics, for example, than atheists. There are, sadly, militant Christians who make a bunch of religious issues into political ones (in the US, we have LGBT stuff, abortion, etc), and the atheists probably feel like they have to fight back.

    Although I'm neutral on the question of religion, I'm usually with the atheists on political issues. 


    I don't think it's right to label Abortion as a strictly religious issue..  I see it as a moral issue, and I've seen it as that even when I've been atheist.

    I could also care less about the LGBT stuff.  I don't care what other people do with their lives;  not my business.


    Kopaka! :P

    • Brohoof 4
  9. I can do that. I didn't think my comments were overly critical or disagreeing, but more as a means of clarification of beliefs. The final set of questions were purely to establish clarity and if I disagreed with that then I would have switched to PMs as per the original request of OP and the mod. So my apologies for apparently over-stepping.


    I can edit my post to remove what I would feel would come off as the most disagreeing and keep the clarification section where I only ask for definition of terms. I feel that would be more agreeable, assumably. Whichever it is, it is never my intent to instill a fight of passive aggressive comments, but to impart a dialogue of collective understanding and tolerance, hopefully.


    I sense a needlessly cynical tone, though you make a clear effort in trying to state that this isn't your intent.


    Definition of militant:   "combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods."

    I'm talking about the atheists who actively seek to demean, judge and harass people of faith;  the ones that seek to "kill religion" as a concept entirely, and are militant in their approach of doing so.  To be honest, I see more people parading the internet in the spirit of militant atheism than I see people parading the internet for militant Christian purposes.

  10. Sooooo. I think people, mainly Christians, need to be a lot more tolerant of people who believe in evolution (catch-all term there) and atheism. Seriously. I don't blame the atheists for acting a bit hostile towards Christians, given some "christians" attitude towards them. Not that I'm grating on anybody in particular.




    So if a subset of "Christians" are being rude towards atheists, and atheists retort in a hostile way back at Christianity in general, atheists are being hostile towards every Christian denomination.  This is what I don't understand about atheists;  it seems like I see more militant atheism than I do militant Christianity on the internet, yet the militant atheists always claim how Christians are negatively effecting their lives or the lives of others.


    Here's something to consider if you're a proponent of killing off religion:

    1.)  I'm a hard science student and I believe wholly and completely in evolution.

    2.)  I'm also a Catholic, and Catholics also believe in evolution..  "Today, the Church supports theistic evolution(ism), also known as evolutionary creation,[2]"  -Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_and_evolution

    3.)  These beliefs are not conflicting, because Catholics (The original church actually started by Jesus) are not biblical literalists.  (Here's a video I like to link a lot on forums XD   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htxOjJHB5-8  )

    Every passage in the bible was written by a different author for different reasons with different levels of symbolism under different types of genre.  I don't think it would be correct to take the whole book literally (although I still respect your beliefs if you do).  Even saint Thomas Aquinas (from the 11th century) did not take the bible in it's entirety literally!



    At the end of the day, if you hate religion for whatever reason (if its a silly reason or a reasonable reason), that's fine by me.  I would love to have a deeply intellectual philosophical conversation with you to enrich my own world-views, just don't label me as something I'm not (a biblical literalist).  I think we could benefit more from each other by discussing our beliefs and understanding what exactly it is that each other believe instead of writing off each others' beliefs as silly because of some assumptions we've made.  <-- Sorry about the long sentence!

    • Brohoof 2
  11. How about:


    1.)Make EQG.

    2.)Order a cease and desist for Fighting is Magic.

    3.)Promote Twilight to Alicorn for no reason other than to market a toy.

    4.)Make more EQG related material.



    ^ all reasons for me getting ready to depart.


    That being said, I have s4 and (maybe) s5 to catch up on.  Have they ended it?  I've been out of the loop since Twilicorn..  Someone please inform me!  No S4 spoilers tho.  Has the show gone to shit?  :'c



    -Selling the rights to MLP to Microsoft




    made me lol

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Case:  Corsair Graphite 730T Full Tower.                      (I like big strong full towers with lots of room for expansion and large heat sinks.  Got the 730T over the 760T                                                                                               because I don't like to brag about hardware and cuz black.)

    Motherboard:  MSI Gaming 7      Z97 Chipset LGA1150 Socket XMP Compatible.

    RAM: 8 Gb of Gskill Ripjaws DDR3 dual channel XMP compatible.

    CPU: Intel Core I5 4670                                                   (Gives me all the power I need for gaming and more.  K series sold out.)

    Thermal paste:  Arctic silver ofc ;)

    CPU Fan:  Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO w/ 120mm fan.

    Video Card:  EVGA GTX780 superclocked with 3gb GDDR5 and ACX cooler.

    Wireless Card:  Amped Wireless High Powered Wi-Fi PCIE Adapter (AC1200)

    PSU: Corsair CX series 750 Watt Bronze rated PSU (NOT-modular.)                                 (The modular ones were sold out :'c)

    SSD: Kingston SSD-Now v300 120 GB      +     Backup 120 GB SSD from PNY.

    SSHD:  One of Seagate's 1 TB SSHDs.  Forget the model.

    Monitor: 1080p IPS LED 24" ACER..  Too lazy to search model.

    Keyboard:  Razer Blackwidow ultimate 2014 edition (clicky)

    Mouse:  The alienware TactXmouse at 5000 DPI.

    And yes I do have an optical drive..




    • Brohoof 4
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