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Posts posted by Nanniro

  1. why should i worry~

    why should i care~ (if somebody gets the reference you have earned my respect)


    anyway, i don't find it to be something to worry about, really. i'm content enough in my sexuality after struggling a bit about who i am and what i want that i, eventually, came to a point where i just stopped caring too much about it and just went with what felt good to me. if it makes me feel good, and isn't hurting anyone else, then i just do it. seems to have worked well most of the time. if somebody doesn't agree i'll either fill in on their lack of knowledge about it or just ignore them.


    if people are gonna be hatin' me for being who i am, then fine, let them burn themselves out over it. i don't care. their choice to be nosy about it.


    Yup yup, the grass is gonna grow, the sun is gonna shine, the fish are gonna swim and sister, haters are gonna hate.

    This image comes to mind when dealing with haters:

    Posted Image

    • Brohoof 3
  2. pansexual are awesome!

    and just curiouse, what is your gender (not sex)


    I'm usually finding myself in a middle-ground of sorts. On most days, I lean more towards a feminine nature, but there are days I don't see myself as either gender.

  3. Cats always strike me as aggressive and overly paranoid. They're lone hunters, and if you ever have more than one cat in the house, you can see their fierce nature at work. If you invade their personal space, they'll claw you up good. If you get angry with them, they'll just get angry back. They can be more tame with effort, but it's hard.


    Dogs on the other hand, are more pack animals. When you adopt one, they believe you are a member of the pack. Sure, dogs will compete for dominance over other dogs in the pack, but they usually won't destroy each other or anything. I feel that dogs have a higher chance of getting along with other animals (and humans), as long as the other party isn't violent or aggressive towards the dog or his/her pack.


    On the other hand, Dogs require tons of housebreaking. Cats require tons of maintenance. You have to assert yourself as leader to a dog, but you have to assert yourself as super-powerful to a cat. Both are pretty annoying, but dogs seem to be slightly better.

  4. I once had a really weird comment, but I thought it was nice. There was a group project in my astronomy class, and I teamed up with two girls. As I helped them gather answers for the activity, one remarked towards the end, "See? I knew he was smart." to which the other one replied, "and pretty, too."


    Apparently, I'm pretty even as a guy! Sounds weird, but I like to look a little feminine. I left that class with a stupid grin on my face.

  5. As a person who has doubted even their own gender from time to time, I can easily say I don't see genders as strongly as I used to. I'm Pansexual, meaning anyone that asks for my love and deserves it, may have it.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I do not believe human behavior would allow such a system to exist for long without a clear advantage for the citizens of the anarchist area. Somewhere, someone is gong to think, "Hey, that's such a nice place over there. The people rule themselves....it's about time they learned about a REAL leader!" and up comes an army built through threats, bribes, and favors. These brutes would constantly threaten the community, and could one day overpower the anarchist movement.


    That's not why I think it's unlikely, though. Inside the anarchist community, some people will either feel greed or over-entitlement. They'll think, "Why, these people need X, I'll get them X, and they'll respect me. I'll make them rely on me for X, so I cannot be replaced or overthrown!" or, "I am completely free here, right? So I am free to organize my friends and gather support for "defense", right?" Humans don't do well in an environment where the "fair share" relies on everyone's ability to speak up for themselves and pull their own weight. When any sort of competition is involved, we fight. We fight hard and sometimes we hurt others to make sure we get ahead. Until Humanity conquers it's competitive, selfish nature globally, we can never see a successful anarchist society.


    Oh, I forgot about the "clear advantage" I mentioned. If the citizens of the anarchy had distinct military advantages over outside rulers or wanna-be tyrants, it would have a much higher chance of success. If people had the ability to rise up and destroy anyone trying to claim total ownership of a owner-less society, it would have a higher chance of success. If the citizens are not armed and organized, however, anyone can rise up under the pretense of "defense".

  7. I read a fan fic that makes me want to kill Trixie, its called "The Piano Man". It shows screwed up Trixie by enslaving a human pianist to perform for easy money.


    Oh my. I wouldn't put that below her at all. I mean, she was about to do that to Snips & Snails if they hadn't wanted her to prove herself.


    Imo, she's just a more comical villain than anything. You know, because she's the great and powerful Trixie!

  8. Personally, I didn't tell them. They went into my room to do laundry while I was out, and they saw the pony toys. I got a weird look from my mom, "Son, I know you like cute things, but this...these are little girls' toys. Your sisters used to play with ponies, why are you?" so I just told her I really like the show and they bring a smile to my face. Crisis averted.


    She was just getting happy about me not buying hello kitty stuff anymore too.....Oh well, c'mere, wallet! :P

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