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Posts posted by ParsoOfEquestria

  1. "Oh really now what made you fall for me?" Draco asked as he rubbed her mid back. He smiled as he pulled out some oils. Gently rubbing it into her skin. His method was slow rubbing it into her skin slowly. He smiled at her as he felt her relaxing. He rolled his shoulders.

    "your charm is what I picked up first and you know exactly how to treat a lady. you're very talented in almost anything you do"

    Hunter laid down on her front so Draco could fully rub her back. she closed her eyes and let all the tense in her body drift away 

  2. Draco kissed her back gently. "My my are you blushing?" Draco asked jokingly after the kiss. He held her close. "The scars are apart of me and apart of my past my dear," Draco said as he nuzzled her gently. He smiled as he rubbed her shoulders gently. "Heh still can't believe you fell for me,"

    Hunter sat, enjoying the feeling of her shoulders being rubbed

    "lets not forget how hard you made it not to"

    giggling before leaning over so Draco could work on her back. she was always a sucker for backrubs, they always made her feel relaxed and at peace

  3. "Not at all," Draco said as he winced from the tender spot. "and bye boss," Draco said as he was dragged away. He smiled at her gently. "Heh well what do you think?" Draco asked as he sighed "Look my dear I was a child soldier so that's why I don't want to move in just yet I am afraid I might hurt you,"

    "just try not to get anymore scars"

    she was running her fingers across one of his scars

    "I know you, Draco. you couldn't hurt me no matter how war stressed you are"

    putting the cloth back into the water, turning a slight tinge of red. she reached back up to kiss him passionately  

  4. Draco looked at Hunter smiling. "Hey babe," Draco said as he kissed her. "Anyhow this armor I have here is called dragon skin," Draco said taking off the damaged yet still functional armor. "Believe me it stood up to a fifty caliber bullet remember?" Draco asked.


    Parso looked over the vest

    "you mind if R&D borrows this?"

    Hunter hugged Draco in a very tender spot from recent injury

    "oh, sorry. come on, I'll help that"

    she led him to her old room she was currently staying in and gathered a bowl of warm water and a cloth. she sat him on the bed, took off his shirt and began to clean up any bruises and wounds

  5. "Aye," Draco said then sighed "I also killed most of them as revenge," Draco simply said "I mean think about it if tyou had a weapon would you care for it properly to ensure it's able or leave it to rust and treat it poorly?" Draco asked as he drank down his whiskey. He opened his bullet proof vest which was dragoin skin his own design. "Also maybe we can open up a division for bullet proof vests you know,"

    "we do, they just aren't ordered frequently enough though. next time you walk by R&D, have a look at the new EOD armors we're looking into producing for bomb disposal teams or heavy riot squads"

    he finished his drink before putting the glass down

    "but enough about work, we're here to celebr-"


    Hunter ran in wearing long sleeve pajamas. hugging her father and kissing her boyfriend

  6. "yes," Draco said as he sighed. "I was in a program called Project Children of Fallout. They were taking children from loving homes. Then basically raising them to be child soldiers then sent off to war. Remember the recent war with the griffins? Yeah I was there with a squad. We were black ops,"

    "I heard of that, thing was funded by some high syndicate and once they all got arrested the program shut down. just remember though, the war is over, the peace treaty is signed, not much reason to fight anymore. yet again, I'm just an old man whose only experience was a few CT missions"

    he picked up one of the glasses and drank down the fiery liquid

  7. Draco shook his head. "You saw what happened Parso. I literally shoved a grenade up his arse," Draco said slightly. "I thought I put that behind me all those years ago. Not wanting to o that," Draco said when the two were alone. "I mean he deserved it make no mistake but you saw how insane I was,"

    "yeah, I saw. it looked like PTSD have you been near war-like situations before?"

    Parso asked as he took a bottle of scotch from the shelf and poured it into two glasses

    "but for now, I'd not let the past cloud your judgement. you literally have the world by your feet, you don't want to lose it. I say that as your boss and your girlfriend's father"

  8. "Hmph not against the opponant who has military hardware in his posession," Draco said as he held his girl in his arms.  It was time to hunt. The fool dared to come for his lover well now he had an experienced soldier after him. He kissed her gently. "I'll be fine,"


    Parso sat in a pickup truck beside Draco out the front of Parso's house

    "hey, thanks for helping my baby girl. come inside, we can reward our vigilantism with a drink"

    he walked inside and spoke to the senior police officer

    "okay, its done, thanks for her protection"

  9. Draco growled as he looked at Parso his eyes were hardened to the point of being a trained killer. "Boss take her to your house now," Draco commanded as he walked to his lover "I'm going to be away for awhile my dear I want you to stay strong," Draco said as he thought to himself "Time for Draco the Ripper to be let loose,"


    Parso stopped Draco

    "go down to the company, you get anything that will help. I'm coming with you"

    "daddy, Draco. no!"

    "shhh honey be calm, I'll take you home where you'll be safe. besides, the police will protect you for a few days, we should be back before then" 

  10. Draco saw the message as his eyes went completely dead. He knew the hand writing. "So you've shown your face hmm?" Draco whispered as his knuckles were white from his fists that was clenching. He rolled his shoulders he thought he eliminated the subjects of the particular program.

    Hunter was sat onto a couch, a paramedic giving her occasional sips of water to calm her from shock. soon Parso ran through the door and hugged his daughter

    "its only mild shock, sir, she will eventually calm down"

    "thank you"

    he noticed Draco still staring at the wall

    "what sick bastard would do this?!"

  11. "Hmm that was nice wasn't it milady?" Draco asked as he started to drive towards her home. He smiled at her gently as he drove. It was peaceful. "Hmm?" Draco noticed something was off as they neared her home. He didn't like this at all. cops at the apartment complex.

    Hunter gasped and ran out of the car to one of the cops

    "what's going on?"

    "we've had a break-in ma'am, apartment 20"

    "Thats mine!"

    "I will escort you up there, ma'am. if you wish to see for yourself"

    "let my boyfriend in, too"

    riding the elevator up to the top floor. the door to her apartment looked like it was busted in, looking around there was broken things thrown all over the floor

    "could you possibly look to see if anything was stolen, ma'am"

    Hunter nodded and walked into the bedroom, there was a sight that brought absolute fear to her, she screamed, alerting the cops into the room. scratched into the wall was written

    "YOU'RE NEXT!"

  12. Draco smiled as he kissed her back passionately. He couldn't help but let his guard down as he smiled at her gently. "Shall we go my dear lady?" Draco asked as he picked her up bridal style and walked to his new car. "Hmm intimidation works well don't you think babe?"

    "very well"

    she giggled as she felt herself get lowered into the passenger seat of Draco's car. waiting for Draco to climb in beside her

    "ever...you know...in a car before? might be a good way to test the shocks"

    she leaned over and kissed him passionately again


    Hunter sat in the passenger seat and clicked up her belt before hearing the growl of the car starting. a smile on her face

  13. "Oh what did she say?" Draco asked as he was curious. He looked at her gently into her red eyes with his silver ones. He was curious about what his sister had said. Time and time again he was now curious about what things were said about him. He sighed slightly.

    "she said you were honest, caring and compassionate. doing all you can to make sure that she recovers fine. you are a good brother, she even said that to me"

    she kissed him passionately to lock in what she just said, still snuggling into his body to keep warm

  14. Draco said into her ear "I can keep you warm," He smiled at her gently as he pulled her closer to him their bodies touching fully. He was indeed warmer then her. Maybe that was just his body built like that or something else. But he heard of a recently released criminal that fit Hunter's story.

    "hmm I bet you could"

    she giggled, feeling warm again from the arriving night's cool air. she snuggled into him more to try and stay warm

    "your sister was right, you are a nice guy. sorry, maybe I should have told you, I went to see your sister in hospital today while you were at work"

  15. "What was his name?" Draco asked as he looked at her gently. He held her close to him. He pinched her arse playfully. He thought to himself "A man may drink and not be drunk

    A man may fight and not be slain

    A man may court a pretty girl

    And perhaps be welcomed back again,"

    "I can't remember, it was a long time ago"

    Hunter let out a yelp when she felt the pinch, it brought back her spirits a little. she watched the rest of the sun go down and began to feel cold

    "brrr its chilly, maybe we should go inside. I heard it was going to be a cold night"

  16. "Beautiful song," Draco said as he looked at Hunter. "What does the song mean to you?" Draco asked as he looked at Hunter gently. He held Hunter close to him. He wanted to be held. He wasn't feeling like himself so he needed support right now. He felt worthless.

    "I had a friend, best friend. she was the world to me as I was to her. well, when we were young, I was only sixteen at the time. we were invited to a party, but mom wouldn't let me go, she went by herself...and...didn't come back"

    tears started to run down her face

    "I'm just glad the bastard that did this is rotting in the pen! he did very unspeakable things to her"

    her voice starting to fill with rage

  17. Draco chuckled slightly as he drove his new car to his home. He stopped the car at a cliff. He got out as the sun started to set. He had called ahead to a friend of his to have Hunter's car delivered home. He sat at the railing as he looked out to the setting sun.  He began to sing the whole song with his Irish accent going through.

    Hunter climbed out of the car and joined Draco by the railing, listening to his song whilst gazing out to the horizon. she waited for Draco to finish his song before singing her own, a voice as soft as silk, eyes closed to focus on her voice over anything else around her

  18. "Just remembering my friends," Draco said as he pulled out a locket and handed it to her. When it open it showed Draco, Hunter and his various other friends. But now though only two of the four friends were still around. He sighed to himself as he pulled into the drive way and payed for the car.

    Hunter looked at the locket until one man stood out

    "t-thats uncle 'Mitri!"

    looking at it closer

    "my dad's best friend from Ponyville, Dimitri. I've known him ever since I was born. I remember when I could just talk and he used to sit me on his knee and I thought he was santa"

    she laughed a little at her memory

  19. With that they zoomed off. Around the block under the speed limit of course. "Hmm drives nicely what do you think darling?" Draco asked as he smiled slightly to her. He began to hum a sad song to himself as he drove "Of all the Comrades that he're I had," Draco sang softly.

    "hmmm very good. I like this one a lot"

    smiling as she sat in the car, feeling the speed and power of it. then then began to listen to Draco's little song

    "aw that one's not as cheery as all the others. is something the matter?"

    she looked to him, more focused on him rather than the car

  20. Draco got into the car slowly. He smiled at the woman next to him. He drove off with the woman with a gentle smile on his face. He looked at his reflection. "Hmm," Draco said as checked his false left eye. It looked quite real unless you knew what to look for. "Heh,"

    Hunter giggled as she felt the power of the car when he started it up, the V12 engine growling with each push on the gas

    "well it starts up well"

    she giggled whilst judging if the car performed good enough to actually purchase. the car rolled onto the road, possibly the first time its been driven

    "let the fun begin"

  21. "How about it hmm?" Draco asked as he looked at Hunter gently as he walked over to her. He held her hand gently. He whispered into her ear "I'll always protect you," Draco looked sincere when he said that to her as he then layed upon her a most soul searingly passionate kiss.

    the salesman left and came back with the keys

    "take it around the block a few times"

    "alrighty then"

    Hunter climbed into the passenger seat, enjoying the new car smell as she waited for Draco to join her and test it out on the streets of Canterlot

    "this is going to be fun!"

  22. to me, Postal 3 sounded so good in the promos to what it actually was. the game was said to have a large open world (the game is linear af) co-op (only singleplayer) and Rick Hunter was supposedly to do the dude voice like all the other postals (voiced by Cory Cruise) even Running With Scissors calls it Akella's postal spin-off because of how bad it turned out. I believe RWS shouldn't have licensed development to Akella in the first place for Postal 3, it might have been better made by its original company 

    • Brohoof 1
  23. "Good boy," Draco said as he looked at the car. "Everything original under the hood?" Draco asked as he looked under the hood of the car. HE smiled slightly as he saw it. "Hmm not bad original parts but the engine isn't original," Draco said as he looked at the sales man.

    "believe me, I told you the Cars were imported from factory, any changes to the vehicle were not by this dealership"

    Hunter sat up from the seat

    "really? how about a test-drive, then. hmmm?"

    she also wanted to test the dealer to make sure he wasn't selling anything shoddy

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