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Status Updates posted by Spatsi

  1. I feel like I just watched 2 episodes in one. Too fast.

  2. I feel like I just watched 2 episodes in one. To fast.

  3. Spendin' new year's eve with my best friend - THE INTERNET!

  4. too many pinkies, full episode -

    1. Riclo




      Dayum. TY for link.

  5. I can't believe it's actually tommorow :)

  6. Daylight Saving time just ended :(

    1. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      I thought it wasn't until November 3....


    2. Spatsi



      In Europe we change time on the last Sunday of October. I don't know how it works in other parts of the world.

    3. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      Well that's interesting. For where I live with PST we don't change clocks until November 3, 2:00am.

  7. just ran 18 kilometers. Tired but satisfied :)

    1. ProjectRKA


      18 ? Nice one ! :D

  8. My guinea pig just died. I'm so depressed :(

    1. lardbobobo


      I'm sure Salty might have some good advice for ya, actually. You should go talk with him.

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