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Posts posted by pondus30

  1. im lvl 81 Nord with full Daedric, and i just killed alduin Yay


    I prefer Heavy armor, and bow, im also an Assasin


    Fav Wep is Daedric bow and Daedric Arrows


    Stormcloak ALL THE WAY!

  2. ill do it... MAKE ALL THE TUMBLERS


    one thing that sucks is that I cant draw though... hmmm


    guess I have to do a diffrent one, all the names are taken and they are active http://askderpyhooves.tumblr.com/


    I decided to make my own derpy one


    http://askderp.tumblr.com/, all I need to do is figure this shit out




    I I dont even know how to do anything, have you had a tumbler in the past?


    wow you have to edit everything through HTML????!??!?!


    screw this I have no idea what I am doing :(


    Yeah, i got no idea how TUMBLR works but Ice does, ask him

  3. Also, the differencies in time zones might cause a big problem for the planing of these events. As LRP said: Would be way to many people talking at once.


    I do like the idea though.



    The timezones will be a problem, So will the noise in the voice chat, but i guess we can find a solution for that too

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