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Posts posted by pondus30

  1. hmm, I wouldn't be surprised if you could cut out at least 1GB of data by scaling them to at most your native screen resolution, and then converting them all to 85% quality ratio'd JPEGs.


    got no problem with space, my pony harddrive is 3tb, my ssd is 120gb my backup is 465gb

  2. Damn dude, even 2.6GB is huge! But, it sounds like it's worth it if you in exchange get an incredibly cool, huge set of wallpapers. Just curious, on average, what are the common types of image files for the wallpapers, and what's their general resolution (And if applicable with something like JPG and PNG, what's the compression ratio)?


    Gonna take a look, will edit this post when i find out



    Most of the pictures are actually 1920*1080


    and and im not sure what you mean by the compression ratio


    alot of them are also up in 2560*1600


    most of the pics are PNG

  3. 2300 pictures? Damn, that must take up a lot of your HDD -- I hope you're using JPG and having them scaled up at render time! :P


    that folder with the pictures is.. lets see 274 gb oh wait, never mind wrong folder, its only 2,6 gb :P silly me chose the steam folder instead


    the folder is mostly filled with Png,s and jpg's yes

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 1. Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled ’ Gentlemen Only..Ladies Forbidden’..and thus the word GOLF entered into the English Language.

    2. The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV was Fred and Wilma Flintstone.



    3. Everyday more money is printed for Monopoly than the US Treasury.



    4. Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.



    5. The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28% (now get this…)

    6. The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%

    • Unavoidable one hit KOs
    • Endless combos
    • Obviously unbalanced characters
    • Short gameplay
    • Poorly written dialogue
    • Pointless unskippable cutscenes that you can't skip
    • Having to visit the same place more than twice
    • Boring bring me _______ of _______ quests
    • Boring kill _______ number of _______ quests
    • Unfixed game breaking bugs in console games
    • Bugs that cause blue screen of death on windows
    • Linear storylines with no sidequests
    • DLC that should have been included in the game
    • Plot twists that make no sense
    • Requiring some other game to unlock something
    • A single soundtrack that loops forever
    • Not having a pause button
    • Not having dedicated servers
    • Not including fullscreen mode
    • Stupid copy protection that won't let me play a game I paid for
    • No car damage in racing games (I just hit a wall at 100 mph, why is my car still shiny?)
    • Poorly done cell shading
    I guess i can quote this too since its actually what i hate..
    • Brohoof 1
  5. I usually use two screens but my 42" is off now so this is my main screen, i got 2300 pictures changing at a speed of 1 min, i don't quite remember where i got them from, or who made them, but yeah, thats my screen. (and ofcourse all the 2300 pics are all pony related.)

    for anyone who wants to know the reason i use the standard windows 2000 lookling win 7 is because its a gaming desktop, nothing else, and its all for reducing lags/etc when im ingamePosted Image

    • Brohoof 1
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