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Posts posted by DeiStar

  1. Surely you must realize, the only people that actually like the Beatles are dads, and kids who think "I was born in the wrong generation. I listen to Zepplin, classic rock, the list could go on really..."


    I hate LE WRONG GENERASHION idiots just as much as the next guy, but that claim is so awfully wrong that it gives me a headache.


    So what, only because people like dadrock does that mean they're dads or 'rebelious' 12 years old?


    Or are you the kind of guy who is too cool to listen to mainstream stuff like Beatles and Queen and prefers his superior indie bands and looks down upon people who like popular stuff?

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations


    The final case, in which Godot's visor explodes, causing his wound to bleed, and then he addressing to Maya and saying this:



  3. It would take me ages to list all the fanon stuff I don't like, so I'll just say one that bothers me the most.


    That Dinky is Derpy's daughter because LOL SAME COLORS!!


    And while talking about Derpy, I hate the hypocrisy in this fandom. They say 'Derpy's not a retard or mentally challenged! She's not offensive' yet look at the massive amount of comics, animations, etc. in which she acts like a total imbecile.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. Just like the guy above, my favorite double album is The Beatles.


    It showed their improvement from Sgt. Pepper's and Magical Mystery Tour, and you could tell each Beatle was getting their own musical style. It has a wide variation of genres, going from a hard rock 'Back in the U.S.S.R.' to folk like 'Blackbird and 'Rocky Raccoon'

    • Brohoof 1
  5. What about a time travel theme? Where Mario has to travel to different time periods to get whatever objects he needs and such to stop the villain, which is probably Bowser.


    Time travel theme has already been used in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time for the DS.


    In fact, the whole game revolves around time travel.

  6. You guys better not overhype or advertise this a lot, unless your team wants to end up like Fighting is Magic.


    Music themes are good enough. Not impressive, but fits.


    Based on gameplay videos, your team still have a lot of stuff to do.


    Giving each character a unique moveset is a real drag, so I hope you guys have the motivation to continue this.

  7. Spike is a dog most likely because he seen in the show as that.


    The helper, the loyal friend, the sidekick.


    He's not Twilight's pet, but they sure make it look like it.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I think he just some generic dude Twilight runs into. I wouldn't be surprised if they make him Twilight's love interest the way they portray him in the movie. Then again the trailer was pretty vague: he could be the antagonist for all we know.


    Pretty much this.


    He's most likely to be just a generic high school dreamy boy, which will be Twilight's love interest. Though I don't think they'll take it so far as for them to kiss, but whatever.


    Here's a picture to give you an idea of what kind of character he might be, in my opinion:



    • Brohoof 1
  9. I'm feeling in a particularly unfortunate mood at the moment. And this isn't aimed directly at you, don't worry.




    It's a lifestyle change. He's changed his lifestyle and feels honestly better for it. Now, he can't understand why we don't want to change ours, and is continually frustrated by people like us who simply won't change because meat tastes too good.


    You have differing lifestyle opinions - fine! He chooses to eat spinach leaves and we choose to eat bacon - fine! Yes, the first post is preachy. He's up on a soapbox. Boo hoo. Skip it.


    He's not forcing you to change your lifestyle. He can't reach through your computer screen and choke you and say, "If you eat another chicken nugget again, I'll kill you!" He's giving you reasons why you should switch to his healthier lifestyle.


    Here's the reality folks: Things you read on the internet can't make you change your way of thinking. Text is a fluctuating, liquid thing that can be twisted as many ways as it's typed. It can't slap you on the cheek and go, "EAT VEGGIES OR DIE!" It's text. And it can be as harmful or as harmless as we interpret it.


    Instead of looking at the words typed, look at the person behind the words. He's a grown man who's made life changing decisions that were probably difficult for him to make. You love eating meat - I love eating meat! Imagine giving up that meat because you fear for your health or the well-being of other animals. That would be a hugely difficult thing to do, and he did it. Now he's gotten his reward - he's healthier, he feels better about himself, and maybe he'll live longer. Who knows. And he's thinking, "Wow, if I can feel this good, maybe other people can!"* So he goes to an online forum board and posts this. Six bulletpoints running down why people should stop eating meat.


    Why are we getting our panties (or briefs) in such a twist? The first post I made on this thread was completely for laughs, and that's still my opinion. We have opposing lifestyles, and opposing worldviews. Why does it matter?


    He knows now that he can't convert people to his way of thinking because the idea of giving up something that's a staple of our lives and something we love so very much is abhorrent to us. But he's going to keep it up here because maybe someone will look at it and go, "You know, I have been eating a lot of meat lately. Maybe I should start cutting down."


    Ugh. I'm sorry for ranting, I've visited some very upsetting websites today and been having a rather unpleasant afternoon. Nothing against you personally.


    I'm not trying to change his mind or criticizing him for being a vegetarian.


    I'm only bothered because of the arrogant way in which he expressed his opinions.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. The word 'autistic' and 'autism' is used as a 4chan slang to describe social awkwardness situations (spaghetti) and people who do 'weird' stuff.


    Commonly related to the people in this fandom who go spouting their 'love and tolerance' '20% cooler! xDD' 'brohoof!! /)' crap.


    It's not used as an actual insult, but rather as a word to define a certain kind of people, at least in 4chan's vision. Just like the word 'hipster' or 'edgy'.


    4chan will call you autistic if you do stuff like wearing pony shirts in public, or claiming that you love a pony in real life, or photoshopping yourself with ponies, etc.


    And no, they're not jealous of actual autistics. That's a really stupid reason.

  11. Oh boy. An edgy vegetarian!


    Look at our teeth. We're meant to be omnivores. Eating both meat and vegetables. If we were supposed to only eat vegetables, we wouldn't have four fangs.


    You don't know how much meat helps the system, especially the protein. Please refrain to make stupid and baseless facts as your 'points' to prove that meat is bad.




    5) Eating meat causes death to other animals, obviously. And, despite attempts to make slaughter "humane", whether it be "kosher", "halal" or otherwise, it quite probably, or even certainly, causes stress and pain as well.


    Boy, you just went full PETA here.




    Oh, boo-freaking-hoo. What do you want? People to kill cows with hugs and kisses? Kill chickens while snuggling them? Are lions nice to deers when they're hunting them? No.


    Why don't you complain that eating vegetables kills plants, huh? Because plants don't feel or show emotions? Double standards!

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Probably the FRIENDS show finale.


    I love the sitcom, and I enjoyed it a lot when I first watched it.


    The finale was sad, looking back at all the misadventures and fun that took place in Monica's apartment.


    Then the six friends leaving their keys on the counter of the empty apartment, and a final shot to the door frame. It was pretty sad for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Though I do agree that this has put her dangerously close to Mary Sue territory we still don't know whether Twilight as a character really is one yet or not. Luna is a princess but is one of the most popular characters in the show because it shows that though she is an alicorn princess she is far from perfect, if they do this right and I really hope they do the same could still hold true for Twilight even if this transformation was way too soon.

    Luna is liked because of the people who go "OMG Luna so cute!!" and the whole fanon stuff that people have given to her. From S1 Luna being a shy pony and Woona, to S2 Luna and the whole Gamer Luna crap. She's a background princess with two or three lines in the whole season, and suddenly she's incredibly popular.


    The fact that the brony census showed that she's more liked than Rarity and Applejack, two main ponies with a lot more of characterization and charisma, makes me really upset.

  14. You know why some people hate Twilicorn? Because some people who liked Twilight could identify with her: A bookworm, socially awkward, struggling to make friends. And now what is she? A princess, loved by everyone, friends with everyone and with no flaws. How can you identify with that? Are you a princess? Are you royalty? Are you loved and friends with absolutely everyone?


    Twilight might not be a Mary Sue, but she sure is showing some traits of being one.


    Accept it, Season 1 and Lauren's Twilight is dead, and she won't come back.


    Mind you, I couldn't care less about the wings. I'm upset about the character and princess title that they gave her out of nowhere in the finale.

    • Brohoof 2
  15. See, this is the thing. People say "omg, you just spend a lot of time in the Internet. You need some contact with the real world bla blah you're wasting your time by staring at the monitor"


    The reason why people use the Internet, or play videogames is because we want to forget about the real life and escape into another world.


    I'd surely get bored as hell if all my life was about talking to people and friends and family and spending time together and social crap. Yes, it's important, but I don't feel like doing that 24/7.


    I use the Internet to have some fun and stop caring about the problems in real life. Not to be reminded how much life sucks.

    • Brohoof 3
  16. I don't mind old bands, in fact, I like a lot of dadrock and 60s to 90s bands.


    However, I don't like the people who go around thinking they're superior or better because they listen to older music. That kind of people who say 'LOL I WAS BORN IN THE WRONG GENERATION!' and 'I'M 13 AND SORRY 4 WHAT MY GEN DID TO MUSIC'


    I just hate that kind of obnoxious people.

    • Brohoof 2
  17. Ace Attorney games tend to have a very solid storyline. They're one of the few games in which story and music matters more than gameplay or visuals.


    Fire Emblem games also have great stories.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. Based on the first 'leaked' half I saw, I'll say the episode is decent enough for being fan-made.


    It really is trying too hard to be like the show, though, and that leads to:


    -Awkward dialogue

    -Terrible pacing

    -Out of character


    Animation is very good, but with terrible writing. It's just below a Merriwether-tier episode.


    Also, the use of le epic memes and fandom overused jokes is a cheap way of forced comedy. The episode title might as well be called "Brony Memes: The Episode"



    The dialogue between Twilight and Rainbow in the first 8 or so minutes feels awkward and out of character. Then you've got the Derpy pandering and the overused Scootachicken joke just for the sake of cheap comedy.



    In short, I think this is pretty well-done for a fan-animation, but it's nowhere near the show quality--not even near to Mare Do Well episode. Granted, this is better than the OCfest Dawn's Dusk, and the cheap forced feels Snowdrop, but those two didn't try to be like the show, unlike Double Rainboom.

    • Brohoof 2
  19. Songs:


    Let It Be (Let It Be, 1970) - The Beatles

    Ticket to Ride (Help!, 1965) - The Beatles

    I Want You (She's So Heavy) [Abbey Road, 1969] - The Beatles

    Drive My Car (Rubber Soul, 1965) - The Beatles

    Rain (Paperback Writer/Rain Single, 1966) - The Beatles




    Abbey Road, 1969

    Rubber Soul, 1965

    The Beatles (White Album), 1968

    Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967



    It's obvious I don't like Beatles


    • Brohoof 2
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