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Spring Storm

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Posts posted by Spring Storm

  1. I honestly don't see anything wrong with putting homosexual romance in a kids' show. I don't see how people can say it'll have a huge influence on kids, when heterosexuality is pretty much paraded throughout tons of cartoons. It's not like there would be anything explicit in the show. If a homosexual couple was to be shown, it would probably be done similarly to how Mr. and Mrs. Cake are shown: a loving couple, but not offensively so. If it's okay for a show to have a straight couple having a baby and another straight couple getting married, I don't see how it isn't okay to show two female or two male characters who have romantic involvement.


    I'd like to add that sexuality is NOT a choice. I spent over two and a half years trying to date men - I was never that attracted to them, and I would often cry, scream, and feel unhappy with them. My longest relationship with a man lasted for seven months. It was long-distance to boot (though I did date men in person as well), so there was less uncomfortable-ness on my part, and I really, truly loved and cared about him. But as the relationship went on, I grew less and less happy. It got to the point where I was fighting back tears at the mere mention of him. And while he did do some things that made me less happy, I think it was my discomfort with men that really decreased my happiness - it's how I had always felt when I dated men, and it built up even stronger over time. Not long after, I dated a woman online, and for once, I actually felt happy. I was attracted to her and comfortable with her. Never before had I known that a relationship could actually feel good and be stress-free. So I tried for a long time to change, dating a variety of men and having good and bad relationships with them (I even dated a feminine guy and still had the stress!). So, while I technically can choose to date a man, that's choosing who to date, not choosing my sexuality. My brain is hard-wired to only be attracted to and comfortable with women.


    As far as FiM goes, I highly doubt they'll ever outright show a gay couple. Sure, they drop some hints, like putting Lyra and Bon Bon together, and some FlutterDash-ish stuff, but it's easily missable and not a "for certain, these characters are gay" thing. While I do think FiM could handle the topic of homosexuality incredibly well, I doubt they'll risk upsetting the tons of overly-conservative parents out there. If you think Derpygate was bad in terms of parental outrage, this would be way worse. I do hope we see homosexual couples pop up in kids' shows in the future, but with FiM being so parent-reliant, I doubt it'll be the show to do it.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Why do you think he's evil?  Is it the mustache?  Just because somepony has facial hair does mean they are evil.  Now if he makes this "scheming" face:


    Then it would be perfectly reasonable to believe he's evil.


    The scheming face is the reason I think he's evil. Maybe it was difficult to see in my other post, so take a better look at his face: 674298923_tp.jpg


    He's practically making the same face Pinkie was making. I know this doesn't for sure mean he's going to be a villain, but it's fun to speculate. Either way, I hope he appears in the show so that we get some sort of explanation as to why he has such a unique expression.

  3. I just remembered an old OC of mine, Demented Hearts:



    She had a special brand of magic that corrupted the hearts of ponies, even though she was an Earth Pony. So, the writers could probably do something like this, maybe with a magical artifact similar to the Alicorn Amulet or something. It would certainly be difficult to pull off an Earth Pony supervillain, but it's probably possible.

  4. *Cough cough*


    Okay, so he hasn't appeared in the show, but he is an Earth Pony, and I'd imagine he'd be a minor antagonist along the lines of Flim and Flam. So I don't think Earth Pony antagonists are completely off the table.


    As far as major antagonists go, it is difficult to think of ways an Earth Pony could manage to threaten entire nations, so it would make more sense for things such as Unicorns or mythological creatures to threaten them, but eh, anything is possible I suppose.

  5. I highly doubt they'll ever add more elements, because the six seem to work under specific guidelines, but it's an interesting theory nonetheless. As far as Cadence goes, I think she doesn't quite qualify as an element wielder. Love is merely what her type of magic is based on - like how most ponies have a few specific things they can do with their magic. Why was Cadence able to defeat Chrysalis? Well, because she's built her magic up to such a powerful point that it was effective, and possibly because Changelings are love-based as well. Also notable is that the Elements of Harmony have been wielded by Celestia and Luna, but Cadence's powers are hers and hers alone.


    I wouldn't mind seeing more powerful magic like this in the show - Shining Armor having courage-based powers would be fitting, for example - but calling them Elements of Harmony would be a bit of a misnomer.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. -There needs to be more male protagonists.


    Agreed! Specifically, I want to see a male Pegasus who is a recurring character. We have Big Macintosh for Earth Pony and Shining Armor for Unicorn. Not to mention, Doctor Hooves, Meadow Song, Noteworthy, Barber Groomsby (hasn't been in an episode yet, but his blind bag toy is really villain-looking), all Earth Ponies. Fancy Pants, Snips and Snails, Flim and Flam, heck even Prince Blueblood, all Unicorns. This is probably only an unpopular opinion of mine because people don't really think of it, but we need more male Pegasi!

    • Brohoof 2
  7. Instead of any of the options, I want to see David Tennant as Doctor Whooves in some crazy Doctor Who parody episode (like that will ever happen though)

     I second this notion. This would be the greatest thing ever and would likely automatically become my favorite episode. David Tennant for the win!

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Here in Southern California, our weather is like this:


    Winter - Kinda cold, but not much. A bit of rain.


    Spring - Perfect temperatures. Some rain.


    Summer - Perfect temperatures until August when it starts to get hot.




    But yeah, SoCal is pretty much spring and summer all the time.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I like them both alright. They're not my favorite ponies by any means, but they're okay as comic relief and I hope we get some actual characterization for them at some point.


    But I'm not a fan of Snips' huge eyebrows, his color scheme, or his mane. So definitely, Snails.

  10. My dream partner would have freckles, be a fellow brony, love cats and Pokemon, and she would smell good and be really pretty. The chances of meeting a woman who has all these traits and is lesbian/bi/pan are extremely slim, which is why I have been dating the person who meets this criteria for a year and eight months now :)

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Another one:


    I don't hate Twist or Snips and Snails. Twist never did anything bad and was a great friend to Apple Bloom, and I honestly find it a little odd that we haven't seen her more. I know most don't like her, but I don't think a line or two from Twist would be a bad thing. Snips and Snails are fine as far as comic relief goes in my opinion, and I wouldn't mind seeing some character development from them.

  12. Oh, don't worry, I know what you meant. I have my own thoughts about what the relationship between Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon is like but I've seen this particular view plenty of times. I just don't like to see the scapegoating going too far at DT's expense is all. She's a little angel; just look at her

    attachicon.gifdiamond tiara good mini.png


    Diamond Tiara is incredibly adorable ^-^ I have her little blind bag figure, and she's definitely among the cutest of them (Apple Bloom really takes the cake on blind bag figure cuteness, though img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png )

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I've lost track of how much I've spent. I've stopped collecting brushables, though, because I'm not that great at taking care of hair. Focusing on blind bags, which are more show-accurate anyway :P I got my first blind bag set from Toys R Us in early 2012, and have been collecting them ever since.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I think it's a tie between the Smooze and Chrysalis for me, judging on pure scariness alone and not on how successful each villain was in conquering the ponies. A movie monster known as The Blob scared the ever-loving pants off of me as a child, for one reason: liquid-like creatures can get into nearly anything. You try to get away from the creature that's terrorizing you? Most of the time, a door or a grenade or something can stop them, or at least slow them down. But that's not the case with liquids. Being fairly simplistic, the G1 movie doesn't quite touch on how terrifying that is, which is why it would certainly be creepy if the Smooze were included in G4. "Nothing can stop the Smooze" is certainly a lie, as it is eventually stopped, but "not much can stop the Smooze" is certainly true.


    As for Chrysalis, she's kind of the black widow spider of the pony world in my opinion: beautiful, a bit mysterious, creepy, and a little grotesque all at once. Her design alone is pretty scary, but I think the creepiest aspect about her is that she can copy the body of another pony, and hide the original. Shining Armor nearly married her without realizing she wasn't actually Cadence. A creature inhabiting the body of a loved one is certainly a chilling thought.

  15. I used to think that if they had a baby, it could be an Alicorn, but that was before "Magical Mystery Cure" and The Crystal Heart Spell book, where we learned that ponies become Alicorns through transformation, not genetics. So, no, it won't be an Alicorn.


    There's no guarantee that Shining Armor and Cadence will have a baby, but I think it could work well and be interesting. Twilight and Cadence could face the difficulties of being princesses and having to take care of a baby at the same time (assuming Twilight would be their baby's foalsitter).

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